define("dojox/html/ellipsis",["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/Color", "dojo/colors"], function(d){ /*===== return { // summary: // offers cross-browser support for text-overflow: ellipsis // description: // Add "dojoxEllipsis" on any node that you want to ellipsis-ize. In order to function properly, // the node with the dojoxEllipsis class set on it should be a child of a node with a defined width. // It should also be a block-level element (i.e. `
`) - it will not work on td elements. // NOTE: When using the dojoxEllipsis class within tables, the table needs to have the table-layout: fixed style }; =====*/ if(d.isFF < 7){ //TODO: feature detect text-overflow in computed style? // The delay (in ms) to wait so that we don't keep querying when many // changes happen at once - set config "dojoxFFEllipsisDelay" if you // want a different value var delay = 1; if("dojoxFFEllipsisDelay" in d.config){ delay = Number(d.config.dojoxFFEllipsisDelay); if(isNaN(delay)){ delay = 1; } } try{ var createXULEllipsis = (function(){ // Create our stub XUL elements for cloning later // NOTE: this no longer works as of FF 4.0: // var sNS = ''; var xml = document.createElementNS(sNS, 'window'); var label = document.createElementNS(sNS, 'description'); label.setAttribute('crop', 'end'); xml.appendChild(label); return function(/* Node */ n){ // Summary: // Given a node, it creates the XUL and sets its // content so that it will have an ellipsis var x = xml.cloneNode(true); x.firstChild.setAttribute('value', n.textContent); n.innerHTML = ''; n.appendChild(x); }; })(); }catch(e){} // Create our iframe elements for cloning later var create = d.create; var dd = d.doc; var dp =; var iFrame = create("iframe", {className: "dojoxEllipsisIFrame", src: "javascript:''", style: {display: "none"}}); var rollRange = function(/* W3C Range */ r, /* int? */ cnt){ // summary: // Rolls the given range back one character from the end // r: W3C Range // The range to roll back // cnt: int? // An optional number of times to roll back (defaults 1) if(r.collapsed){ // Do nothing - we are already collapsed return; } if(cnt > 0){ do{ rollRange(r); cnt--; }while(cnt); return; } if(r.endContainer.nodeType == 3 && r.endOffset > 0){ r.setEnd(r.endContainer, r.endOffset - 1); }else if(r.endContainer.nodeType == 3){ r.setEndBefore(r.endContainer); rollRange(r); return; }else if(r.endOffset && r.endContainer.childNodes.length >= r.endOffset){ var nCont = r.endContainer.childNodes[r.endOffset - 1]; if(nCont.nodeType == 3){ r.setEnd(nCont, nCont.length - 1); }else if(nCont.childNodes.length){ r.setEnd(nCont, nCont.childNodes.length); rollRange(r); return; }else{ r.setEndBefore(nCont); rollRange(r); return; } }else{ r.setEndBefore(r.endContainer); rollRange(r); return; } }; var createIFrameEllipsis = function(/* Node */ n){ // summary: // Given a node, it creates an iframe and and ellipsis div and // sets up the connections so that they will work correctly. // This function is used when createXULEllipsis is not able // to be used (because there is markup within the node) - it's // a bit slower, but does the trick var c = create("div", {className: "dojoxEllipsisContainer"}); var e = create("div", {className: "dojoxEllipsisShown", style: {display: "none"}}); n.parentNode.replaceChild(c, n); c.appendChild(n); c.appendChild(e); var i = iFrame.cloneNode(true); var ns =; var es =; var ranges; var resizeNode = function(){ ns.display = ""; es.display = "none"; if(n.scrollWidth <= n.offsetWidth){ return; } var r = dd.createRange(); r.selectNodeContents(n); ns.display = "none"; es.display = ""; var done = false; do{ var numRolls = 1; dp(r.cloneContents(), e, "only"); var sw = e.scrollWidth, ow = e.offsetWidth; done = (sw <= ow); var pct = (1 - ((ow * 1) / sw)); if(pct > 0){ numRolls = Math.max(Math.round(e.textContent.length * pct) - 1, 1); } rollRange(r, numRolls); }while(!r.collapsed && !done); }; i.onload = function(){ i.contentWindow.onresize = resizeNode; resizeNode(); }; c.appendChild(i); }; // Function for updating the ellipsis var hc = d.hasClass; var doc = d.doc; var s, fn, opt; if(doc.querySelectorAll){ s = doc; fn = "querySelectorAll"; opt = ".dojoxEllipsis"; }else if(doc.getElementsByClassName){ s = doc; fn = "getElementsByClassName"; opt = "dojoxEllipsis"; }else{ s = d; fn = "query"; opt = ".dojoxEllipsis"; } fx = function(){ d.forEach(s[fn].apply(s, [opt]), function(n){ if(!n || n._djx_ellipsis_done){ return; } n._djx_ellipsis_done = true; if(createXULEllipsis && n.textContent == n.innerHTML && !hc(n, "dojoxEllipsisSelectable")){ // We can do the faster XUL version, instead of calculating createXULEllipsis(n); }else{ createIFrameEllipsis(n); } }); }; d.addOnLoad(function(){ // Apply our initial stuff var t = null; var c = null; var connFx = function(){ if(c){ // disconnect us - so we don't fire anymore d.disconnect(c); c = null; } if(t){ clearTimeout(t); } t = setTimeout(function(){ t = null; fx(); // Connect to the modified function so that we can catch // our next change c = d.connect(d.body(), "DOMSubtreeModified", connFx); }, delay); }; connFx(); }); } });