3.2.19 (Media Mark) 0261eb09ab798acea6f6e8f756ba666f34aab4b6 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI" shared:ET;[:@template0: @linei: @options{:@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"f/* Specify the shorthand `columns` property. * * Example: * * @include columns(20em 2) */; T: @type: silent;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI" columns; T: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I"width-and-count; T:@underscored_nameI"width_and_count; T; @ 0: @splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I"experimental; T;[ o:Sass::Script::String ;I" columns; T;:identifier; i; @ o; ;I"width-and-count; T;I"width_and_count; T; i; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i; @ o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i; @ :@operator:not; i; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i; @ :@keywords{;0;[; i; @ ; i :@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I"(/* Specify the number of columns */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"column-count; T;[[o;;I" count; T;I" count; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-count; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" count; T;I" count; T; i; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i; @ ;;; i; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i; @ ;{;0;[; i; @ ; i; T; @ o; ;[I"6/* Specify the gap between columns e.g. `20px` */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"column-gap; T;[[o;;I" width; T;I" width; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-gap; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" width; T;I" width; T; i; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i; @ ;;; i; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i; @ ;{;0;[; i; @ ; i; T; @ o; ;[I"4/* Specify the width of columns e.g. `100px` */; T;;;[; i!; @ o; ;I"column-width; T;[[o;;I" width; T;I" width; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-width; T;;; i#; @ o; ;I" width; T;I" width; T; i#; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i$; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i$; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i$; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i$; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i$; @ ;;; i$; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i$; @ ;{;0;[; i%; @ ; i"; T; @ o; ;[I"b/* Specify how many columns an element should span across. * * * legal values are 1, all */; T;;;[; i(; @ o; ;I"column-span; T;[[o;;I" columns; T;I" columns; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-span; T;;; i,; @ o; ;I" columns; T;I" columns; T; i,; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i-; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i-; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i-; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i-; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i-; @ ;;; i-; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i-; @ ;{;0;[; i.; @ ; i+; T; @ o; ;[I"C/* Specify the width of the rule between columns e.g. `1px` */; T;;;[; i1; @ o; ;I"column-rule-width; T;[[o;;I" width; T;I" width; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-rule-width; T;;; i3; @ o; ;I" width; T;I" width; T; i3; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i4; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i4; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i4; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i4; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i4; @ ;;; i4; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i4; @ ;{;0;[; i5; @ ; i2; T; @ o; ;[I"h/* Specify the style of the rule between columns e.g. `dotted`. * This works like border-style. */; T;;;[; i8; @ o; ;I"column-rule-style; T;[[o;;I" style; T;I" style; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-rule-style; T;;; i;; @ o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I" unquote; T;[o; ;I" style; T;I" style; T; i;; @ ;{;0; i;; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i<; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i<; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; i<; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i<; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i<; @ ;;; i<; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i<; @ ;{;0;[; i=; @ ; i:; T; @ o; ;[I"f/* Specify the color of the rule between columns e.g. `blue`. * This works like border-color. */; T;;;[; i@; @ o; ;I"column-rule-color; T;[[o;;I" color; T;I" color; T; @ 0;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-rule-color; T;;; iC; @ o; ;I" color; T;I" color; T; iC; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; iD; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; iD; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; iD; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; iD; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; iD; @ ;;; iD; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; iD; @ ;{;0;[; iE; @ ; iB; T; @ o; ;[I"Ï/* Mixin encompassing all column rule properties * For example: * * @include column-rule(1px, solid, #c00) * * Or the values can be space separated: * * @include column-rule(1px solid #c00) */; T;;;[; iH; @ o; ;I"column-rule; T;[[o;;I" width; T;I" width; T; @ 0[o;;I" style; T;I" style; T; @ o:Sass::Script::Bool;F; iP; @ [o;;I" color; T;I" color; T; @ o;";F; iP; @ ;0;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" full; T: @expro;! ;I"-compass-space-list; T;[o;! ;I" compact; T;[o; ;I" width; T;I" width; T; iQ; @ o; ;I" style; T;I" style; T; iQ; @ o; ;I" color; T;I" color; T; iQ; @ ;{;0; iQ; @ ;{;0; iQ; @ : @guarded0;[; iQ; @ o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-rule; T;;; iR; @ o; ;I" full; T;I" full; T; iR; @ o; ;I" -moz; T;;; iS; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; iS; @ o; ;I"-o; T;;; iS; @ o; ;I"-ms; T;;; iS; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; iS; @ ;;; iS; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; iS; @ ;{;0;[; iT; @ ; iP; T; @ o; ;[I"U/* Mixin for setting column-break-before * * * legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column * * Example: * h2.before {@include column-break-before(always);} * * Which generates: * * h2.before { * -webkit-column-break-before: always; * column-break-before: always;} */; T;;;[; iW; @ o; ;I"column-break-before; T;[[o;;I" value; T;I" value; T; @ o; ;I" auto; T;;; ic; @ ;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-break-before; T;;; id; @ o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; id; @ o; ;o; ;I" -moz; T;;; id; @ ;;; id; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; id; @ o; ;o; ;I"-o; T;;; id; @ ;;; id; @ o; ;o; ;I"-ms; T;;; id; @ ;;; id; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; id; @ ;;; id; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; id; @ ;{;0;[; id; @ ; ic; T; @ o; ;[I"M/* Mixin for setting column-break-after * * * legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column * * Example: * h2.after {@include column-break-after(always); } * * Which generates: * * h2.after { * -webkit-column-break-after: always; * column-break-after: always; } */; T;;;[; ig; @ o; ;I"column-break-after; T;[[o;;I" value; T;I" value; T; @ o; ;I" auto; T;;; is; @ ;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-break-after; T;;; it; @ o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; it; @ o; ;o; ;I" -moz; T;;; it; @ ;;; it; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; it; @ o; ;o; ;I"-o; T;;; it; @ ;;; it; @ o; ;o; ;I"-ms; T;;; it; @ ;;; it; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; it; @ ;;; it; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; it; @ ;{;0;[; it; @ ; is; T; @ o; ;[I"#/* Mixin for setting column-break-inside * * * legal values are auto, avoid, avoid-page, avoid-column * * Example: * h2.inside {@include column-break-inside();} * Which generates: * * h2.inside { * -webkit-column-break-inside: auto; * column-break-inside: auto;} */; T;;;[; iw; @ o; ;I"column-break-inside; T;[[o;;I" value; T;I" value; T; @ o; ;I" auto; T;;; i}; @ ;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o; ;I"column-break-inside; T;;; i~; @ o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; i~; @ o; ;o; ;I" -moz; T;;; i~; @ ;;; i~; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; i~; @ o; ;o; ;I"-o; T;;; i~; @ ;;; i~; @ o; ;o; ;I"-ms; T;;; i~; @ ;;; i~; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; i~; @ ;;; i~; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; i~; @ ;{;0;[; i~; @ ; i}; T; @ o; ;[I"Ô/* All-purpose mixin for setting column breaks. * * * legal values for $type : before, after, inside * * legal values for '$value' are dependent on $type * * when $type = before, legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column * * when $type = after, legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column * * when $type = inside, legal values are auto, avoid, avoid-page, avoid-column * * Examples: * h2.before {@include column-break(before, always);} * h2.after {@include column-break(after, always); } * h2.inside {@include column-break(inside); } * * Which generates: * h2.before { * -webkit-column-break-before: always; * column-break-before: always;} * * h2.after { * -webkit-column-break-after: always; * column-break-after: always; } * * h2.inside { * -webkit-column-break-inside: auto; * column-break-inside: auto;} */; T;;;[; i; @ o; ;I"column-break; T;[[o;;I" type; T;I" type; T; @ o; ;I" before; T;;; i›; @ [o;;I" value; T;I" value; T; @ o; ;I" auto; T;;; i›; @ ;0;[o; ;I"experimental; T;[ o:&Sass::Script::StringInterpolation : @beforeo; ;I"column-break-; T;: string; iœ; @ : @mido; ;I" type; T;I" type; T; iœ; @ : @aftero; ;I"; T;;(; iœ; @ ; iœ; @ o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; iœ; @ o; ;o; ;I" -moz; T;;; iœ; @ ;;; iœ; @ o; ;I" -webkit; T;;; iœ; @ o; ;o; ;I"-o; T;;; iœ; @ ;;; iœ; @ o; ;o; ;I"-ms; T;;; iœ; @ ;;; iœ; @ o; ;o; ;I" -khtml; T;;; iœ; @ ;;; iœ; @ o; ;I" official; T;;; iœ; @ ;{;0;[; iœ; @ ; i›; T; @ ; I"]@import "shared"; // Specify the shorthand `columns` property. // // Example: // // @include columns(20em 2) @mixin columns($width-and-count) { @include experimental(columns, $width-and-count, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the number of columns @mixin column-count($count) { @include experimental(column-count, $count, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the gap between columns e.g. `20px` @mixin column-gap($width) { @include experimental(column-gap, $width, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the width of columns e.g. `100px` @mixin column-width($width) { @include experimental(column-width, $width, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify how many columns an element should span across. // // * legal values are 1, all @mixin column-span($columns) { @include experimental(column-span, $columns, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the width of the rule between columns e.g. `1px` @mixin column-rule-width($width) { @include experimental(column-rule-width, $width, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the style of the rule between columns e.g. `dotted`. // This works like border-style. @mixin column-rule-style($style) { @include experimental(column-rule-style, unquote($style), -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Specify the color of the rule between columns e.g. `blue`. // This works like border-color. @mixin column-rule-color($color) { @include experimental(column-rule-color, $color, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Mixin encompassing all column rule properties // For example: // // @include column-rule(1px, solid, #c00) // // Or the values can be space separated: // // @include column-rule(1px solid #c00) @mixin column-rule($width, $style: false, $color: false) { $full : -compass-space-list(compact($width, $style, $color)); @include experimental(column-rule, $full, -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Mixin for setting column-break-before // // * legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column // // Example: // h2.before {@include column-break-before(always);} // // Which generates: // // h2.before { // -webkit-column-break-before: always; // column-break-before: always;} @mixin column-break-before($value: auto){ @include experimental(column-break-before, $value, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Mixin for setting column-break-after // // * legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column // // Example: // h2.after {@include column-break-after(always); } // // Which generates: // // h2.after { // -webkit-column-break-after: always; // column-break-after: always; } @mixin column-break-after($value: auto){ @include experimental(column-break-after, $value, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // Mixin for setting column-break-inside // // * legal values are auto, avoid, avoid-page, avoid-column // // Example: // h2.inside {@include column-break-inside();} // Which generates: // // h2.inside { // -webkit-column-break-inside: auto; // column-break-inside: auto;} @mixin column-break-inside($value: auto){ @include experimental(column-break-inside, $value, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official ); } // All-purpose mixin for setting column breaks. // // * legal values for $type : before, after, inside // * legal values for '$value' are dependent on $type // * when $type = before, legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column // * when $type = after, legal values are auto, always, avoid, left, right, page, column, avoid-page, avoid-column // * when $type = inside, legal values are auto, avoid, avoid-page, avoid-column // // Examples: // h2.before {@include column-break(before, always);} // h2.after {@include column-break(after, always); } // h2.inside {@include column-break(inside); } // // Which generates: // h2.before { // -webkit-column-break-before: always; // column-break-before: always;} // // h2.after { // -webkit-column-break-after: always; // column-break-after: always; } // // h2.inside { // -webkit-column-break-inside: auto; // column-break-inside: auto;} @mixin column-break($type: before, $value: auto){ @include experimental("column-break-#{$type}", $value, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official ); }; T; i; T; @