require 'open-uri' require 'logger' require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'rack' require 'resque/server' # only used with `bin/resque-web` # module Resque WINDOWS = !!(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(mingw|bccwin|wince|mswin32)/i) JRUBY = !!(RbConfig::CONFIG["RUBY_INSTALL_NAME"] =~ /^jruby/i) class WebRunner attr_reader :app, :app_name, :filesystem_friendly_app_name, :rack_handler, :port, :options, :args PORT = 5678 HOST = WINDOWS ? 'localhost' : '' def initialize(*runtime_args) @options = runtime_args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? runtime_args.pop : {} self.class.logger.level = options[:debug] ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO @app = Resque::Server @app_name = 'resque-web' @filesystem_friendly_app_name = @app_name.gsub(/\W+/, "_") @args = load_options(runtime_args) @rack_handler = (s = options[:rack_handler]) ? Rack::Handler.get(s) : setup_rack_handler case option_parser.command when :help puts option_parser when :kill kill! when :status status when :version puts "resque #{Resque::VERSION}" puts "rack #{Rack::VERSION.join('.')}" puts "sinatra #{Sinatra::VERSION}" if defined?(Sinatra) else before_run start unless options[:start] == false end end def launch_path if options[:launch_path].respond_to?(:call) options[:launch_path].call(self) else options[:launch_path] end end def app_dir if !options[:app_dir] && !ENV['HOME'] raise"nor --app-dir neither ENV['HOME'] defined") end options[:app_dir] || File.join(ENV['HOME'], filesystem_friendly_app_name) end def pid_file options[:pid_file] || File.join(app_dir, "#{filesystem_friendly_app_name}.pid") end def url_file options[:url_file] || File.join(app_dir, "#{filesystem_friendly_app_name}.url") end def log_file options[:log_file] || File.join(app_dir, "#{filesystem_friendly_app_name}.log") end def host options.fetch(:host) { HOST } end def url "http://#{host}:#{port}" end def before_run if (redis_conf = options[:redis_conf]) "Using Redis connection '#{redis_conf}'" Resque.redis = redis_conf end if (namespace = options[:redis_namespace]) "Using Redis namespace '#{namespace}'" Resque.redis.namespace = namespace end if (url_prefix = options[:url_prefix]) "Using URL Prefix '#{url_prefix}'" Resque::Server.url_prefix = url_prefix end app.set(options.merge web_runner: self) path = (ENV['RESQUECONFIG'] || args.first) load_config_file(path.to_s.strip) if path end def start(path = launch_path) "Running with Windows Settings" if WINDOWS "Running with JRuby" if JRUBY "Starting '#{app_name}'..." check_for_running(path) find_port write_url launch!(url, path) daemonize! unless options[:foreground] run! rescue RuntimeError => e logger.warn "There was an error starting '#{app_name}': #{e}" exit end def find_port if @port = options[:port] announce_port_attempted unless port_open? logger.warn "Port #{port} is already in use. Please try another. " + "You can also omit the port flag, and we'll find one for you." end else @port = PORT announce_port_attempted until port_open? @port += 1 announce_port_attempted end end end def announce_port_attempted "trying port #{port}..." end def port_open?(check_url = nil) begin check_url ||= url options[:no_proxy] ? uri_open(check_url, :proxy => nil) : uri_open(check_url) false rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPERM, Errno::ETIMEDOUT true end end def uri_open(*args) (RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] < '2.7') ? open(*args) :*args) end def write_url # Make sure app dir is setup FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_dir), 'w') {|f| f << url } end def check_for_running(path = nil) if File.exist?(pid_file) && File.exist?(url_file) running_url = if !port_open?(running_url) logger.warn "'#{app_name}' is already running at #{running_url}" launch!(running_url, path) exit!(1) end end end def run! "Running with Rack handler: #{@rack_handler.inspect}" app, :Host => host, :Port => port do |server| kill_commands.each do |command| trap(command) do ## Use thins' hard #stop! if available, otherwise just #stop server.respond_to?(:stop!) ? server.stop! : server.stop "'#{app_name}' received INT ... stopping" delete_pid! end end end end # Adapted from Rackup def daemonize! if JRUBY # It's not a true daemon but when executed with & works like one thread = {daemon_execute} thread.join elsif RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" logger.debug "Parent Process: #{}" exit!(0) if fork logger.debug "Child Process: #{}" daemon_execute else Process.daemon(true, true) daemon_execute end end def daemon_execute File.umask 0000 FileUtils.touch log_file STDIN.reopen log_file STDOUT.reopen log_file, "a" STDERR.reopen log_file, "a" logger.debug "Child Process: #{}", 'w') {|f| f.write("#{}") } at_exit { delete_pid! } end def launch!(specific_url = nil, path = nil) return if options[:skip_launch] cmd = WINDOWS ? "start" : "open" system "#{cmd} #{specific_url || url}#{path}" end def kill! pid = logger.warn "Sending #{kill_command} to #{pid.to_i}" Process.kill(kill_command, pid.to_i) rescue => e logger.warn "pid not found at #{pid_file} : #{e}" end def status if File.exist?(pid_file) "'#{app_name}' running" "PID #{}" "URL #{}" if File.exist?(url_file) else "'#{app_name}' not running!" end end # Loads a config file at config_path and evals it in the context of the @app. def load_config_file(config_path) abort "Can not find config file at #{config_path}" if !File.readable?(config_path) config = # trim off anything after __END__ config.sub!(/^__END__\n.*/, '') @app.module_eval(config) end def self.logger=(logger) @logger = logger end def self.logger @logger ||= LOGGER if defined?(LOGGER) if !@logger @logger = @logger.formatter = {|s, t, n, msg| "[#{t}] #{msg}\n"} @logger end @logger end def logger self.class.logger end private def setup_rack_handler # First try to set Rack handler via a special hook we honor @rack_handler = if @app.respond_to?(:detect_rack_handler) @app.detect_rack_handler # If they aren't using our hook, try to use their @app.server settings elsif @app.respond_to?(:server) and @app.server # If :server isn't set, it returns an array of possibilities, # sorted from most to least preferable. if @app.server.is_a?(Array) handler = nil @app.server.each do |server| begin handler = Rack::Handler.get(server) break rescue LoadError, NameError next end end raise 'No available Rack handler (e.g. WEBrick, Thin, Puma, etc.) was found.' if handler.nil? handler # :server might be set explicitly to a single option like "mongrel" else Rack::Handler.get(@app.server) end # If all else fails, we'll use Thin else JRUBY ? Rack::Handler::WEBrick : Rack::Handler::Thin end end def load_options(runtime_args) @args = option_parser.parse!(runtime_args) options.merge!(option_parser.options) args rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument => e logger.warn "#{e}, run -h for options" exit end def option_parser @option_parser ||= end class Parser < OptionParser attr_reader :command, :options def initialize(app_name) super("", 24, ' ') self.banner = "Usage: #{app_name} [options]" @options = {} basename = app_name.gsub(/\W+/, "_") on('-K', "--kill", "kill the running process and exit") { @command = :kill } on('-S', "--status", "display the current running PID and URL then quit") { @command = :status } string_option("-s", "--server SERVER", "serve using SERVER (thin/mongrel/webrick)", :rack_handler) string_option("-o", "--host HOST", "listen on HOST (default: #{HOST})", :host) string_option("-p", "--port PORT", "use PORT (default: #{PORT})", :port) on("-x", "--no-proxy", "ignore env proxy settings (e.g. http_proxy)") { opts[:no_proxy] = true } boolean_option("-F", "--foreground", "don't daemonize, run in the foreground", :foreground) boolean_option("-L", "--no-launch", "don't launch the browser", :skip_launch) boolean_option('-d', "--debug", "raise the log level to :debug (default: :info)", :debug) string_option("--app-dir APP_DIR", "set the app dir where files are stored (default: ~/#{basename}/)", :app_dir) string_option("-P", "--pid-file PID_FILE", "set the path to the pid file (default: app_dir/#{basename}.pid)", :pid_file) string_option("--log-file LOG_FILE", "set the path to the log file (default: app_dir/#{basename}.log)", :log_file) string_option("--url-file URL_FILE", "set the path to the URL file (default: app_dir/#{basename}.url)", :url_file) string_option('-N NAMESPACE', "--namespace NAMESPACE", "set the Redis namespace", :redis_namespace) string_option('-r redis-connection', "--redis redis-connection", "set the Redis connection string", :redis_conf) string_option('-a url-prefix', "--append url-prefix", "set reverse_proxy friendly prefix to links", :url_prefix) separator "" separator "Common options:" on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") { @command = :help } on_tail("--version", "Show version") { @command = :version } end def boolean_option(*argv) k = argv.pop; on(*argv) { options[k] = true } end def string_option(*argv) k = argv.pop; on(*argv) { |value| options[k] = value } end end def kill_commands WINDOWS ? [1] : [:INT, :TERM] end def kill_command kill_commands[0] end def delete_pid! File.delete(pid_file) if File.exist?(pid_file) end end end