require 'bundler/setup' require "unbounce/version" require 'json' require 'ostruct' require 'rest-client' require "base64" module Unbounce class Api MAX_RESULT_LIMIT = '1000' def initialize(opts = {}) api_version = opts[:api_version].nil? ? "application/vnd.unbounce.api.v0.4+json" : "application/vnd.unbounce.api.v#{opts[:api_version]}+json" @headers = {Accept: api_version} @url = opts[:api_url].nil? ? "" : opts[:api_url] @auth = 'Basic ' + Base64.encode64(opts[:key]).chomp @account_id = opts[:account_id].to_s if opts[:account_id] # -H "Accept: application/vnd.unbounce.api.v0.4+json" end def set_account_id(opts = {}) @account_id = opts[:account_id].to_s end def parse_json(response) body = JSON.parse(response.to_str) if response.code == 200 response.code, body: body) end def set_params(opts = {}) params = {} #Result params params[:path] = opts[:path] if opts[:path] params[:sort_order] = opts[:sort_order] if opts[:sort_order] && (opts[:sort_order] == "asc" || opts[:sort_order] == "desc") # asc, desc params[:count] = true if opts[:count] # When true, don't return the response's collection attribute. params[:include_sub_pages] = true if opts[:include_sub_pages] # When true, include sub page form fields in the response #Page params params[:from] = opts[:from] if opts[:from] # Limit results to those created after from. Example: 2014-12-31T00:00:00.000Z params[:to] = opts[:to] if opts[:to] # Limit results to those created before to. Example: 2014-12-31T23:59:59.999Z params[:offset] = opts[:offset] if opts[:offset] # Omit the first offset number of results. Example: 3 params[:limit] = (opts[:limit] != nil && opts[:limit].to_i < MAX_RESULT_LIMIT.to_i && opts[:limit].to_i > 0 ) ? opts[:limit] : MAX_RESULT_LIMIT # Only return limit number of results. Example: 100 params[:with_stats] = opts[:with_stats] if opts[:with_stats] # When true, include page stats for the collection. params[:role] = opts[:role] if opts[:role] # Restricts the scope of the returned pages. one of viewer, author return params end def get_responses(opts = {}) params = set_params(opts) response = parse_json(RestClient.get(@url+params[:path], params: params,Authorization: @auth, headers: @headers)).body more = response["metadata"]["next"].nil? ? nil : response["metadata"]["next"]["href"] while more more_response = parse_json(RestClient.get(more,Authorization: @auth, headers: @headers)).body if more_response["leads"] response["leads"].push(more_response["leads"]) response["leads"].flatten! end if more_response["domains"] response["domains"].push(more_response["domains"]) response["domains"].flatten! end if more_response["pages"] response["pages"].push(more_response["pages"]) response["pages"].flatten! end if more_response["page_groups"] response["page_groups"].push(more_response["page_groups"]) response["page_groups"].flatten! end if more_response["sub_accounts"] response["sub_accounts"].push(more_response["sub_accounts"]) response["sub_accounts"].flatten! end if more_response["accounts"] response["accounts"].push(more_response["accounts"]) response["accounts"].flatten! end if more_response["form_fields"] response["form_fields"].push(more_response["form_fields"]) response["form_fields"].flatten! end more = more_response["metadata"]["next"].nil? ? nil : more_response["metadata"]["next"]["href"] end return response end # Account def get_accounts(opts = {}) opts[:path] = "/accounts" if opts[:account_id] opts[:path] = opts[:path] + "/#{opts[:account_id]}/pages" else # opts[:data] = "accounts" end return get_responses(opts) end # Pages def get_pages(opts = {}) opts[:path] = "/pages" if opts[:account_id] opts[:path] = "/accounts/#{opts[:account_id]}/pages" elsif opts[:page_id] opts[:path] = opts[:path] + "/#{opts[:page_id]}" opts[:path] = opts[:path] + "/form_fields" if opts[:form_fields] == true else # opts[:data] = "pages" end return get_responses(opts) end # Leads def get_leads(opts = {}) if opts[:page_id] opts[:path] = "/pages/#{opts[:page_id]}/leads" # opts[:data] = "leads" elsif opts[:lead_id] opts[:path] = "/leads/#{opts[:lead_id]}" end return get_responses(opts) end end end