#CONTROLLER GENERATOR require 'rails/generators/generated_attribute' require 'pry-rails' module Rails module Generators ##################### Generators module methods ##################### RAILS_ADDED_COLS = %w(id created_at updated_at) #TODO...There has GOT to be a better way to do this (column name gets listed first if it contains the word "name") ATTR_SORT_PROC = proc do |a, b| if a =~ /name/ 1 elsif b =~ /name/ -1 elsif a =~ /email/ 1 elsif b =~ /email/ -1 else 0 end end def attr_cols(table_name) #return an array of the columns we are interested in allowing the user to change... # as GeneratedAttribute objects acs = table_name.classify.constantize.columns .reject{ |col| RAILS_ADDED_COLS.include?(col.name) } .sort(&ATTR_SORT_PROC) .map { |ac| GeneratedAttribute.new(ac.name, ac.type)} end module_function :attr_cols ####################################################################### class ControllerScaffoldingGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase argument :actions, type: :array, default: [], banner: "action action" class_option :ext_index_nav, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Include extended index page features." class_option :ext_form_submit, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Include extended form submission features." class_option :search_sort, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => "Add search and sort functionality to index page." check_class_collision suffix: "Controller" #Note: This needs to be set Outside of any methods source_paths << [File.expand_path('../../../templates/rails/controller', __FILE__)] def check_for_model begin table_name.classify.constantize #throws runtime if model doesn't exist rescue raise Thor::Error, "Cannot run controller scaffold for model (#{table_name}) that doesn't yet exist." end end def create_controller_file template 'controller.rb', File.join('app/controllers', class_path, "#{file_name}_controller.rb") end def add_routes #TODO Handle nested resources here (look at namespace_ladder in scaffold generators) route "resources :#{plural_table_name.to_sym}" end hook_for :template_engine, :assets, :test_framework, :helper def run_sns_gen #TODO: should see if we can do this with a hook_for as well invoke "sql_search_n_sort:install" if options.search_sort? end #generate "sql_search_n_sort" #================================ P R I V A T E ================================= private def generate_action_code(action, ext_index=true, ext_form_submit=true) case action when "index" draw_index_action(true) when "edit" %Q`@#{table_name.singularize} = #{class_name.singularize}.find(params[:id])` when "new" %Q`@#{table_name.singularize} = #{class_name.singularize}.new` when "update" redir_call = ext_form_submit ? "redir_url" : "edit_#{table_name.singularize}_url(@#{table_name.singularize})" %Q`@#{table_name.singularize} = #{class_name.singularize}.find(params[:id]) if @#{table_name.singularize}.update_attributes(#{table_name.singularize}_params) flash[:success] = "Updated #{table_name.singularize.humanize} successfully" redirect_to #{redir_call} else flash_alert(@#{table_name.singularize}) render :edit end` when "create" redir_call = ext_form_submit ? "redir_url" : "new_#{table_name.singularize}_url(@#{table_name.singularize})" %Q`@#{table_name.singularize} = #{class_name.singularize}.new(#{table_name.singularize}_params) if @#{table_name.singularize}.save flash[:success] = "Created #{table_name.singularize.humanize} successfully" redirect_to #{redir_call} else flash_alert(@#{table_name.singularize}) render :new end` when "destroy" %Q`@#{table_name.singularize} = #{class_name.singularize}.find(params[:id]) if @#{table_name.singularize}.destroy flash[:success] = "Deleted #{table_name.singularize.humanize} successfully" else flash[:error] = "Unable to delete #{table_name.singularize.humanize}" end redirect_to #{table_name.pluralize}_url` end end def generate_strong_params_def %Q`def #{table_name.singularize}_params params.required(:#{table_name.singularize}).permit(#{Rails::Generators::attr_cols(table_name).map { |col| col.name.to_sym}}) end` end def draw_index_action(ext_index=true) if ext_index %Q`setup_pagination #{draw_get_items_for_index} .paginate(per_page: @per_page, page: @page)` else draw_get_items_for_index end end def draw_get_items_for_index if options.search_sort? "@#{plural_table_name} = #{class_name.singularize}.sql_search(params[:search_for]).sql_sort(@sort_by, @sort_dir)" else "@#{plural_table_name} = #{class_name.singularize}.all" end end end end end