# NFV This document explains how to get started using NFV with fog-openstack. Please also refer to the [Getting Started with Fog and the OpenStack](getting_started.md) document. Tacker is an OpenStack service for NFV Orchestration with a general purpose VNF Manager to deploy and operate Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and Network Services on an NFV Platform. It is based on ETSI MANO Architectural Framework. # OpenStack setup ## The catalog For the fog-openstack's introspection service to work, the corresponding service must be defined in the OpenStack catalog. ```bash openstack catalog show servicevm +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ | endpoints | regionOne | | | publicURL: | | | internalURL: | | | adminURL: | | | | | name | tacker | | type | servicevm | +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ ``` Depending on the OpenStack release, the NFV service might be installed but not defined yet in the catalog. In such case, you must add the service and corresponding endpoints to create the catalog entry: ```bash source ./stackrc openstack service create --name tacker --description "Tacker Project" servicevm openstack endpoint create --region regionOne tacker --publicurl http://example.com:8888 --internalurl http://example.com:8888 --adminurl http://example.com:8888 ``` # Work flow A usual work-flow might consist of: * Create vnfd * Deploy vnf using vnfd * Retrieve vnf and vnfd data For more details please refer to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tacker/ Using 'irb', we start with authentication: ```ruby @user = "admin" @project = "admin" @password = "secret" @base_url = "http://keystone.example.com:5000/v3/auth/tokens" require 'rubygems' require 'fog/openstack' @connection_params = { :openstack_auth_url => @base_url, :openstack_username => @user, :openstack_api_key => @password, :openstack_project_name => @project, :openstack_domain_id => "default" } ``` ## Vnfd management ### Create vnfd ```ruby vnfd_data = {:attributes => {:vnfd => "template_name: sample-vnfd\ndescription: demo-example\n\nservice_properties:\n Id: sample-vnfd\n vendor: tacker\n version: 1\n\nvdus:\n vdu1:\n id: vdu1\n vm_image: cirros\n instance_type: m1.tiny\n\n network_interfaces:\n management:\n network: net_mgmt\n management: true\n pkt_in:\n network: net0\n pkt_out:\n network: net1\n\n placement_policy:\n availability_zone: nova\n\n auto-scaling: noop\n\n config:\n param0: key0\n param1: key1\n"}, :service_types => [{:service_type => "vnfd"}], :mgmt_driver => "noop", :infra_driver => "heat"} auth = {"tenantName" => "admin", "passwordCredentials" => {"username" => "admin","password" => "password"}} vnfd = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds.create(:vnfd => vnfd_data, :auth => auth) ``` ### List vnfds ```ruby vnfds = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds ``` ### Get vnfd ```ruby vnfd = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds.last vnfd = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds.get(vnfd.id) ``` ### Destroy vnfd ```ruby vnfd = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds.last vnfd.destroy ``` ## Vnf management ### Create vnf using vnfd ```ruby vnfd = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfds.last vnf_data = {:vnfd_id => vnfd.id, :name => 'Test'} auth = {"tenantName" => "admin", "passwordCredentials" => {"username" => "admin","password" => "password"}} vnf = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs.create(:vnf => vnf_data, :auth => auth) ``` ### List vnfs ```ruby vnfs = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs ``` ### Get vnf ```ruby vnf = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs.last vnf = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs.get(vnf.id) ``` ### Update vnf ```ruby vnf = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs.last vnf_data = {"attributes": {"config": "vdus:\n vdu1:<sample_vdu_config> \n\n"}} auth = {"tenantName" => "admin", "passwordCredentials" => {"username" => "admin","password" => "password"}} vnf = vnf.update(:vnf => vnf_data, :auth => auth) ``` ### Destroy vnf ```ruby vnf = Fog::NFV[:openstack].vnfs.last vnf.destroy ```