- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- H
- I
- P
- S
- sigma,
- sigma,
- sigma,
- sigma,
- stirling,
- stirling,
- stirling,
- stirling,
- stirling,
- subset,
- subset,
- subset,
- subset,
- sum_of_fib,
- sum_of_fib,
- sum_of_fib,
- sum_of_fib
- T
- U
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 302 def binary_search(binary, size, searchKey, low, middle, high) while (low <= high) middle=(low+high)/2; print_row(binary, size, low, middle, high); if (searchKey == binary[middle]) return middle; elsif (searchKey <= binary[middle]) high=middle-1 else low=middle+1 end end end
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/lib/librbdiscrete.rb, line 302 def binary_search(binary, size, searchKey, low, middle, high) while (low <= high) middle=(low+high)/2; print_row(binary, size, low, middle, high); if (searchKey == binary[middle]) return middle; elsif (searchKey <= binary[middle]) high=middle-1 else low=middle+1 end end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 302 def binary_search(binary, size, searchKey, low, middle, high) while (low <= high) middle=(low+high)/2; print_row(binary, size, low, middle, high); if (searchKey == binary[middle]) return middle; elsif (searchKey <= binary[middle]) high=middle-1 else low=middle+1 end end end
# File lib/librbdiscrete.rb, line 301 def binary_search(binary, size, search_key, low, middle, high) while (low <= high) middle=(low+high)/2; print_row(binary, size, low, middle, high); if (search_key == binary[middle]) return middle; elsif (search_key <= binary[middle]) high=middle-1 else low=middle+1 end end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 326 def birds_eye(n, k) return ((n-k)/(k+1)); end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 326 def birds_eye(n, k) return ((n-k)/(k+1)); end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 145 def combinatorial(glb, ksb) if(glb < ksb) raise RuntimeError.new("Global set cannot be greater than k-subsets") end sbst_given_size = factorial(glb)/(factorial(ksb)*factorial(glb-ksb)).to_f return sbst_given_size end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 145 def combinatorial(glb, ksb) if(glb < ksb) raise RuntimeError.new("Global set cannot be greater than k-subsets") end sbst_given_size = factorial(glb)/(factorial(ksb)*factorial(glb-ksb)).to_f return sbst_given_size end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 232 def dist_pres(presnum) return factorial(presnum)/iterative_fact(presnum); end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 232 def dist_pres(presnum) return factorial(presnum)/iterative_fact(presnum); end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 340 def eagle_view(m, t) return (EVALUE**((t*t)/m)); end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 340 def eagle_view(m, t) return (EVALUE**((t*t)/m)); end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 22 def factorial( n ) if n <= 1 return 1 else return n*factorial( n-1 ).to_i end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 22 def factorial( n ) if n <= 1 return 1 else return n*factorial( n-1 ).to_i end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 406 def fermat_little(p, a) if(p%(ui_pow(a, (p-1))-1) == 0) return 0 elsif return 1 end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 406 def fermat_little(p, a) if(p%(ui_pow(a, (p-1))-1) == 0) return 0 elsif return 1 end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 247 def fib(n) if (n <= 1) return n; elsif return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 247 def fib(n) if (n <= 1) return n; elsif return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); end end
Source: show
# File lib/help.rb, line 2 def help puts " Valid Commands =============== help Show this manpage certain Show certain conditions page factorial Recursive definition of factorial 'n' is the number which will calculated in procedure binsearch *binary => array *size => binary array's size *search_key => Compare string *General values *low => low value representation *middle => middle value representation *high => high value representation birdseye Bird's Eye View Procedure combinatorial 'glb' represents is General mass of combinatorial approach 'klb' represents is Selection mass of combinatorial approach distpres 'presnum' value represents Present count. eagleview Eagle View Procedure fermatlittle Fermat Little Theorem's Procedural Representation fib Additive recursive definition of Fibonacci isprime Is Prime Procedure 'nb' is the input argument number of procedure iterativefact Iterative factorial of procedural representation sigma Sigma procedure's simple procedure is rely on '(ax+b)^pw' a represented by inta; b represented by intb; x represented by intx; power represented by pw. stirling 'strln' is the stirling number in stirling formula subset 'zerosbst' variable, decision mechanism of zero subset is included or not included 'gen' is the general mass elements(objects) number fibsum Fibonacci Sum Procedure twinprdx Twin Paradox Lemma Solution Procedure Selection mass represented by 'mass' value uipow Non-balanced power calculation procedure " end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 376 def is_prime(nb) test = count = 0 if (nb != 1) return -1 end for i in 2..nb-1 count++ if (nb % i == 0) test = 1 end end if (!test) return 1 elsif return 0 end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 376 def is_prime(nb) test = count = 0 if (nb != 1) return -1 end for i in 2..nb-1 count++ if (nb % i == 0) test = 1 end end if (!test) return 1 elsif return 0 end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 67 def iterative_fact(itrtnum) itrtnum.downto(1) do total *= factorial(itrtnum) end return total end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 67 def iterative_fact(itrtnum) itrtnum.downto(1) do total *= factorial(itrtnum) end return total end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 270 def print_row(binary, size, low, mid, high) for i in 0..size-1 if (i <low || i > high) print (" ") end if(i == mid) puts binary[i] end if(nil) puts binary[i] end end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 270 def print_row(binary, size, low, mid, high) for i in 0..size-1 if (i <low || i > high) print (" ") end if(i == mid) puts binary[i] end if(nil) puts binary[i] end end end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 169 def sigma(inta, intx, intb, pw) ttl = 0 for i in 1..intx ttl += (inta*intx+intb) end if(pw == 1) return ttl end if(pw > 1) ttl=ui_pow(ttl, pw) return ttl end if(pw == 0) return 1 end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 169 def sigma(inta, intx, intb, pw) ttl = 0 for i in 1..intx ttl += (inta*intx+intb) end if(pw == 1) return ttl end if(pw > 1) ttl=ui_pow(ttl, pw) return ttl end if(pw == 0) return 1 end end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 197 def stirling(strln) return (strln/constants1.EVALUE**strln)*Math.sqrt(2*constants1.PIVALUE*strln); end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 197 def stirling(strln) return (strln/constants1.EVALUE**strln)*Math.sqrt(2*constants1.PIVALUE*strln); end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 86 def subset(gen, zerosbst) main = case (zerosbst) when zerosbst == 'y' rslt = ui_pow(2, gen) - 1 return rslt when zerosbst == 'n' rslt = ui_pow(2, gen) return rslt else puts "Enter 'y' or 'n' char" end return main end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 86 def subset(gen, zerosbst) main = case (zerosbst) when zerosbst == 'y' rslt = ui_pow(2, gen) - 1 return rslt when zerosbst == 'n' rslt = ui_pow(2, gen) return rslt else puts "Enter 'y' or 'n' char" end return main end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 356 def sum_of_fib(n) return fib(n+2)-1; end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 356 def sum_of_fib(n) return fib(n+2)-1; end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 212 def twin_prdx(mass) top=1 for i in 366..366-mass top *= i end return top/ui_pow(366, mass) end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 212 def twin_prdx(mass) top=1 for i in 366..366-mass top *= i end return top/ui_pow(366, mass) end
Source: show
# File pkg/RubMat-2.1.5/bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 42 def ui_pow(base, exp) result = 1; while (exp) if (exp & 1) result *= base end exp >>= 1; base *= base end if(exp==0) result=base end return result end
Source: show
# File bin/librbdiscrete.rb, line 42 def ui_pow(base, exp) result = 1; while (exp) if (exp & 1) result *= base end exp >>= 1; base *= base end if(exp==0) result=base end return result end