module Admin::BaseHelper def link_to_new(resource) link_to_with_icon('add', t("new"), edit_object_url(resource)) end def link_to_edit(resource) link_to_with_icon('edit', t("edit"), edit_object_url(resource)) end def link_to_delete(resource, options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:url, :caption, :title) options.reverse_merge! :url => object_url(resource) unless options.key? :url options.reverse_merge! :caption => t('are_you_sure') options.reverse_merge! :title => t('confirm_delete') #link_to_with_icon('delete', t("delete"), object_url(resource), :confirm => t('are_you_sure'), :method => :delete ) link_to_function icon("delete") + ' ' + t("delete"), "jConfirm('#{options[:caption]}', '#{options[:title]}', function(r) { if(r){ jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '#{options[:url]}', data: ({_method: 'delete', authenticity_token: AUTH_TOKEN}), success: function(r){ jQuery('##{dom_id resource}').fadeOut('hide'); } }); } });" end def link_to_with_icon(icon_name, text, url, options = {}) link_to(icon(icon_name) + ' ' + text, url, options.update(:class => 'iconlink')) end def icon(icon_name) image_tag("/images/admin/icons/#{icon_name}.png") end def button(text, icon = nil, button_type = 'submit') content_tag('button', content_tag('span', text), :type => button_type) end def button_link_to(text, url, html_options = {}) link_to(text_for_button_link(text, html_options), url, html_options_for_button_link(html_options)) end def button_link_to_function(text, function, html_options = {}) link_to_function(text_for_button_link(text, html_options), function, html_options_for_button_link(html_options)) end def button_link_to_remote(text, options, html_options = {}) link_to_remote(text_for_button_link(text, html_options), options, html_options_for_button_link(html_options)) end def text_for_button_link(text, html_options) s = '' if html_options[:icon] s << icon(html_options.delete(:icon)) + ' ' end s << text content_tag('span', s) end def html_options_for_button_link(html_options) options = {:class => 'button'}.update(html_options) end # Make an admin tab that coveres one or more resources supplied by symbols # Option hash may follow. Valid options are # * :label to override link text, otherwise based on the first resource name (translated) # * :route to override automatically determining the default route # * :match_path as an alternative way to control when the tab is active, /products would match /admin/products, /admin/products/5/variants etc. def tab(*args) options = {:label => args.first.to_s} if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = options.merge(args.pop) end options[:route] ||= "admin_#{args.first}" destination_url = send("#{options[:route]}_path") return("") unless url_options_authenticate?(ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(destination_url)) ## if more than one form, it'll capitalize all words label_with_first_letters_capitalized = t(options[:label]).gsub(/\b\w/){$&.upcase} link = link_to(label_with_first_letters_capitalized, destination_url) css_classes = [] selected = if options[:match_path] request.request_uri.starts_with?("/admin#{options[:match_path]}") else args.include?(controller.controller_name.to_sym) end css_classes << 'selected' if selected if options[:css_class] css_classes << options[:css_class] end content_tag('li', link, :class => css_classes.join(' ')) end def field_container(model, method, options = {}, &block) unless error_message_on(model, method).blank? css_class = 'withError' end html = content_tag('p', capture(&block), :class => css_class) concat(html) end def class_for_error(model, method) if error_message_on :product, :name end end def get_additional_field_value(controller, field) attribute = field[:name].gsub(" ", "_").downcase value = eval("@" + controller.controller_name.singularize + "." + attribute) if value.nil? && controller.controller_name == "variants" value = @variant.product.has_attribute?(attribute) ? @variant.product[attribute] : nil end if value.nil? return value else return field.key?(:format) ? sprintf(field[:format], value) : value end end # This method demonstrates the use of the :child_index option to render a # form partial for, for instance, client side addition of new nested # records. # # This specific example creates a link which uses javascript to add a new # form partial to the DOM. # # <% form_for @project do |project_form| -%> #