require 'sinatra' require 'wunderbar' require 'digest/md5' require 'nokogiri' begin require "sinatra/reloader" if development? # gem install sinatra-contrib rescue LoadError end module Wunderbar module SinatraHelpers def _html(*args, &block) Wunderbar::Template.locals(self, args) if block Wunderbar::Template::Html.evaluate('html.rb', self) do _html(*args) { instance_eval &block } end else Wunderbar::Template::Html.evaluate('html.rb', self, *args) end end def _xhtml(*args, &block) if env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] and not env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].include? 'xhtml' return _html(*args, &block) end Wunderbar::Template.locals(self, args) if block Wunderbar::Template::Xhtml.evaluate('xhtml.rb', self) do _xhtml(*args) { instance_eval &block } end else Wunderbar::Template::Xhtml.evaluate('xhtml.rb', self, *args) end end end # Tilt template implementation module Template class Base < Tilt::Template def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::Wunderbar end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'wunderbar' end def prepare end def precompiled_template(locals) raise"dynamic only") end def precompiled_preamble(locals) raise"dynamic only") end def precompiled_postamble(locals) raise"dynamic only") end def self.evaluate(template, scope, *args, &block) scope.content_type default_mime_type if block output = new(& {}).evaluate(scope, {}, &block) else output = scope.send :render, template, *args end scope.etag Digest::MD5.hexdigest(output) output end private def _evaluate(builder, scope, locals, &block) builder.set_variables_from_params(locals) if not block builder.instance_eval(data.untaint, eval_file) elsif not data builder.instance_eval(&block) else context = builder.get_binding do builder.instance_eval {_(&block)} end context.eval(data.untaint, eval_file) end end def _evaluate_safely(*args, &block) if and $SAFE==0 { $SAFE=1; _evaluate(*args, &block) }.call else _evaluate(*args, &block) end end end class Html < Base self.default_mime_type = 'text/html' def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) builder = begin _evaluate_safely(builder, scope, locals, &block) rescue Exception => exception scope.response.status = Wunderbar::ServerError.status builder.clear! builder.html do _h1 'Internal Server Error' _exception exception end end! end end class Xhtml < Html self.default_mime_type = 'application/xhtml+xml' end module Json def self.ext; ['json.rb', :_json]; end def self.mime; 'application/json;charset=utf-8'; end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) builder = begin result = _evaluate_safely(builder, scope, locals, &block) # if no output was produced, use the result builder._! result if == {} and result rescue Exception => exception scope.content_type self.class.default_mime_type, :charset => 'utf-8' scope.response.status = Wunderbar::ServerError.status builder._exception exception end scope.cache_control :no_cache! end end module Text def self.ext; ['text.rb', :_text]; end def self.mime; 'text/plain'; end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) builder = begin result = _evaluate_safely(builder, scope, locals, &block) # if no output was produced, use the result builder._ result.to_s if!.empty? and result scope.response.status = 404 if!.empty? rescue Exception => exception scope.headers['Content-Type'] = self.class.default_mime_type scope.response.status = Wunderbar::ServerError.status builder._exception exception end! end end PASSABLE = [Numeric, String, Hash, Array] def self.locals(scope, args) args.push({}) if args.length == 1 return unless Hash === args.last and not args.last[:locals] locals = {} scope.instance_variables.each do |ivar| next if [:@env, :@params].include? ivar value = scope.instance_variable_get(ivar) locals[ivar] = value end args.last[:locals] = locals end def self.register(language, base=Base) template = do self.default_mime_type = language.mime include language end Array(language.ext).each do |ext| SinatraHelpers.send :define_method, ext do |*args, &block| # parse json if env['CONTENT_TYPE'] =~ /^\w+\/json/ json = JSON.parse(env['rack.input'].read) @params.merge! json if Hash === json end Wunderbar::Template.locals(self, args) if Hash === args.last and args.last[:locals] @params.each do |name, value| args.last[:locals]["@#{name}".to_sym] = value end end # text, json shortcuts if block == nil and args.length >= 1 case args.first when Array, Hash block = proc { _! args.first } if ext == :_json when String block = proc { _ args.first } if ext == :_text end end template.evaluate(ext, self, *args, &block) end Tilt.register ext.to_s, template end end constants.each do |language| language = const_get(language) register language if language.respond_to? :mime end end end Tilt.register '_html', Wunderbar::Template::Html Tilt.register 'html.rb', Wunderbar::Template::Html Tilt.register '_xhtml', Wunderbar::Template::Xhtml Tilt.register 'xhtml.rb', Wunderbar::Template::Xhtml helpers Wunderbar::SinatraHelpers if Dir.exist? settings.public_folder Wunderbar::Asset.root = File.join(settings.public_folder, 'assets').untaint end Wunderbar::Asset.virtual = true get "/#{Wunderbar::Asset.path}/:name" do |name| name.untaint if name =~ /^([-\w]\.?)+$/ file = "#{Wunderbar::Asset.root}/#{name}" _text do if File.exist? file last_modified File.mtime(file) content_type Wunderbar::Asset.content_type_for(name) _.headers.merge(response.headers)"#{Wunderbar::Asset.root}/#{name}") else asset = Wunderbar::Asset.find(name) if asset last_modified asset.mtime content_type Wunderbar::Asset.content_type_for(name) _.headers.merge(response.headers) asset.contents end end end end # Monkeypatch to address module Rack class ShowExceptions alias_method :w_pretty, :pretty def pretty(*args) result = w_pretty(*args) unless result.respond_to? :join def result.join; self; end end unless result.respond_to? :each def result.each(&block);; end end result end end end