// // Copyright 2018 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #ifndef GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_XDS_XDS_API_H #define GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_XDS_XDS_API_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "envoy/admin/v3/config_dump_shared.upb.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb/reflection/def.hpp" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_bootstrap.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_client_stats.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" namespace grpc_core { class XdsClient; // TODO(roth): When we have time, split this into multiple pieces: // - ADS request/response handling // - LRS request/response handling // - CSDS response generation class XdsApi { public: // Interface defined by caller and passed to ParseAdsResponse(). class AdsResponseParserInterface { public: struct AdsResponseFields { std::string type_url; std::string version; std::string nonce; size_t num_resources; }; virtual ~AdsResponseParserInterface() = default; // Called when the top-level ADS fields are parsed. // If this returns non-OK, parsing will stop, and the individual // resources will not be processed. virtual absl::Status ProcessAdsResponseFields(AdsResponseFields fields) = 0; // Called to parse each individual resource in the ADS response. // Note that resource_name is non-empty only when the resource was // wrapped in a Resource wrapper proto. virtual void ParseResource(upb_Arena* arena, size_t idx, absl::string_view type_url, absl::string_view resource_name, absl::string_view serialized_resource) = 0; // Called when a resource is wrapped in a Resource wrapper proto but // we fail to deserialize the wrapper proto. virtual void ResourceWrapperParsingFailed(size_t idx) = 0; }; struct ClusterLoadReport { XdsClusterDropStats::Snapshot dropped_requests; std::map, XdsClusterLocalityStats::Snapshot, XdsLocalityName::Less> locality_stats; Duration load_report_interval; }; using ClusterLoadReportMap = std::map< std::pair, ClusterLoadReport>; // The metadata of the xDS resource; used by the xDS config dump. struct ResourceMetadata { // Resource status from the view of a xDS client, which tells the // synchronization status between the xDS client and the xDS server. enum ClientResourceStatus { // Client requested this resource but hasn't received any update from // management server. The client will not fail requests, but will queue // them // until update arrives or the client times out waiting for the resource. REQUESTED = 1, // This resource has been requested by the client but has either not been // delivered by the server or was previously delivered by the server and // then subsequently removed from resources provided by the server. DOES_NOT_EXIST, // Client received this resource and replied with ACK. ACKED, // Client received this resource and replied with NACK. NACKED }; // The client status of this resource. ClientResourceStatus client_status = REQUESTED; // The serialized bytes of the last successfully updated raw xDS resource. std::string serialized_proto; // The timestamp when the resource was last successfully updated. Timestamp update_time; // The last successfully updated version of the resource. std::string version; // The rejected version string of the last failed update attempt. std::string failed_version; // Details about the last failed update attempt. std::string failed_details; // Timestamp of the last failed update attempt. Timestamp failed_update_time; }; using ResourceMetadataMap = std::map; using ResourceTypeMetadataMap = std::map; static_assert(static_cast( envoy_admin_v3_REQUESTED) == ResourceMetadata::ClientResourceStatus::REQUESTED, ""); static_assert(static_cast( envoy_admin_v3_DOES_NOT_EXIST) == ResourceMetadata::ClientResourceStatus::DOES_NOT_EXIST, ""); static_assert(static_cast( envoy_admin_v3_ACKED) == ResourceMetadata::ClientResourceStatus::ACKED, ""); static_assert(static_cast( envoy_admin_v3_NACKED) == ResourceMetadata::ClientResourceStatus::NACKED, ""); XdsApi(XdsClient* client, TraceFlag* tracer, const XdsBootstrap::Node* node, upb::SymbolTable* symtab, std::string user_agent_name, std::string user_agent_version); // Creates an ADS request. std::string CreateAdsRequest(absl::string_view type_url, absl::string_view version, absl::string_view nonce, const std::vector& resource_names, absl::Status status, bool populate_node); // Returns non-OK when failing to deserialize response message. // Otherwise, all events are reported to the parser. absl::Status ParseAdsResponse(absl::string_view encoded_response, AdsResponseParserInterface* parser); // Creates an initial LRS request. std::string CreateLrsInitialRequest(); // Creates an LRS request sending a client-side load report. std::string CreateLrsRequest(ClusterLoadReportMap cluster_load_report_map); // Parses the LRS response and populates send_all_clusters, // cluster_names, and load_reporting_interval. absl::Status ParseLrsResponse(absl::string_view encoded_response, bool* send_all_clusters, std::set* cluster_names, Duration* load_reporting_interval); // Assemble the client config proto message and return the serialized result. std::string AssembleClientConfig( const ResourceTypeMetadataMap& resource_type_metadata_map); private: XdsClient* client_; TraceFlag* tracer_; const XdsBootstrap::Node* node_; // Do not own. upb::SymbolTable* symtab_; // Do not own. const std::string user_agent_name_; const std::string user_agent_version_; }; } // namespace grpc_core #endif // GRPC_SRC_CORE_EXT_XDS_XDS_API_H