require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "NestedAttributes plugin" do before do mods = @mods = [] i = 0 gi = lambda{i} ii = lambda{i+=1} ds_mod = do def empty?; false; end define_method(:insert) do |h| x = mods << [:i, first_source, h, x] x end define_method(:supports_insert_select?){true} define_method(:insert_select) do |h| x = mods << [:is, first_source, h, x] h.merge(:id=>x) end define_method(:update) do |h| mods << [:u, first_source, h, literal(opts[:where])] 1 end define_method(:delete) do mods << [:d, first_source, literal(opts[:where])] 1 end end db ={}) db.meta_def(:dataset) do |*a| x = super(*a) x.extend(ds_mod) x end @c = @c.plugin :nested_attributes @Artist = @Album = @Tag = [@Artist, @Album, @Tag].each do |m| m.dataset.extend(ds_mod) end @Artist.columns :id, :name @Album.columns :id, :name, :artist_id @Tag.columns :id, :name @Artist.one_to_many :albums, :class=>@Album, :key=>:artist_id @Artist.one_to_one :first_album, :class=>@Album, :key=>:artist_id @Album.many_to_one :artist, :class=>@Artist @Album.many_to_many :tags, :class=>@Tag, :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:tag_id, :join_table=>:at @Artist.nested_attributes :albums, :first_album, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true @Album.nested_attributes :artist, :tags, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true end it "should support creating new many_to_one objects" do a ={:name=>'Al', :artist_attributes=>{:name=>'Ar'}}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, 1], [:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>1}, 2]] end it "should support creating new one_to_one objects" do a =>'Ar') = 1 a.first_album_attributes = {:name=>'Al'} @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :artists, {:name=>"Ar", :id=>1}, 1], [:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, 2], [:u, :albums, {:artist_id=>nil}, "((artist_id = 1) AND (id != 2))"], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>1}, "(id = 2)"]] end it "should support creating new one_to_many objects" do a ={:name=>'Ar', :albums_attributes=>[{:name=>'Al'}]}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, 1], [:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>1}, 2]] end it "should support creating new many_to_many objects" do a ={:name=>'Al', :tags_attributes=>[{:name=>'T'}]}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, 1], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T"}, 2], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>1, :tag_id=>2}, 3]] end it "should add new objects to the cached association array as soon as the *_attributes= method is called" do a ={:name=>'Ar', :albums_attributes=>[{:name=>'Al', :tags_attributes=>[{:name=>'T'}]}]}) a.albums.should == [>'Al')] a.albums.first.tags.should == [>'T')] end it "should support updating many_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') al.associations[:artist] = ar al.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :name=>'Ar2'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)'], [:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar2"}, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support updating one_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:first_album] = al ar.set(:first_album_attributes=>{:id=>10, :name=>'Al2'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, '(id = 20)'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al2"}, '(id = 10)']] end it "should support updating one_to_many objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:albums] = [al] ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>10, :name=>'Al2'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, '(id = 20)'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al2"}, '(id = 10)']] end it "should support updating many_to_many objects" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>20, :name=>'T') a.associations[:tags] = [t] a.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>20, :name=>'T2'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)'], [:u, :tags, {:name=>"T2"}, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support removing many_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') al.associations[:artist] = ar al.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_remove=>'1'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:artist_id=>nil, :name=>'Al'}, '(id = 10)']] end it "should support removing one_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:first_album] = al ar.set(:first_album_attributes=>{:id=>10, :_remove=>'t'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:artist_id=>nil}, "(artist_id = 20)"], [:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, "(id = 20)"]] end it "should support removing one_to_many objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:albums] = [al] ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>10, :_remove=>'t'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>nil}, '(id = 10)'], [:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support removing many_to_many objects" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>20, :name=>'T') a.associations[:tags] = [t] a.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>20, :_remove=>true}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:d, :at, '((album_id = 10) AND (tag_id = 20))'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)']] end it "should support destroying many_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') al.associations[:artist] = ar al.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_delete=>'1'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:artist_id=>nil, :name=>'Al'}, '(id = 10)'], [:d, :artists, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support destroying one_to_one objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:first_album] = al ar.set(:first_album_attributes=>{:id=>10, :_delete=>'t'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, "(id = 20)"], [:d, :albums, "(id = 10)"]] end it "should support destroying one_to_many objects" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:albums] = [al] ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>10, :_delete=>'t'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, '(id = 20)'], [:d, :albums, '(id = 10)']] end it "should support destroying many_to_many objects" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>20, :name=>'T') a.associations[:tags] = [t] a.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>20, :_delete=>true}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:d, :at, '((album_id = 10) AND (tag_id = 20))'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)'], [:d, :tags, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support both string and symbol keys in nested attribute hashes" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>20, :name=>'T') a.associations[:tags] = [t] a.set('tags_attributes'=>[{'id'=>20, '_delete'=>true}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:d, :at, '((album_id = 10) AND (tag_id = 20))'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)'], [:d, :tags, '(id = 20)']] end it "should support using a hash instead of an array for to_many nested attributes" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>20, :name=>'T') a.associations[:tags] = [t] a.set('tags_attributes'=>{'1'=>{'id'=>20, '_delete'=>true}}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:d, :at, '((album_id = 10) AND (tag_id = 20))'], [:u, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, '(id = 10)'], [:d, :tags, '(id = 20)']] end it "should only allow destroying associated objects if :destroy option is used in the nested_attributes call" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') a.associations[:artist] = ar @Album.nested_attributes :artist proc{a.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_delete=>'1'})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @Album.nested_attributes :artist, :destroy=>true proc{a.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_delete=>'1'})}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should only allow removing associated objects if :remove option is used in the nested_attributes call" do a = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') a.associations[:artist] = ar @Album.nested_attributes :artist proc{a.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_remove=>'1'})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @Album.nested_attributes :artist, :remove=>true proc{a.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :_remove=>'1'})}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should raise an Error if a primary key is given in a nested attribute hash, but no matching associated object exists" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:albums] = [al] proc{ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>30, :_delete=>'t'}])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>10, :_delete=>'t'}])}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should not raise an Error if an unmatched primary key is given, if the :strict=>false option is used" do @Artist.nested_attributes :albums, :strict=>false al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') ar.associations[:albums] = [al] ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>30, :_delete=>'t'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, '(id = 20)']] end it "should not save if nested attribute is not valid and should include nested attribute validation errors in the main object's validation errors" do @Artist.class_eval do def validate super errors.add(:name, 'cannot be Ar') if name == 'Ar' end end a =>'Al', :artist_attributes=>{:name=>'Ar'}) @mods.should == [] proc{}.should raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) a.errors.full_messages.should == ['artist name cannot be Ar'] @mods.should == [] # Should preserve attributes == 'Ar' end it "should not attempt to validate nested attributes if the :validate=>false association option is used" do @Album.many_to_one :artist, :class=>@Artist, :validate=>false @Album.nested_attributes :artist, :tags, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true @Artist.class_eval do def validate super errors.add(:name, 'cannot be Ar') if name == 'Ar' end end a =>'Al', :artist_attributes=>{:name=>'Ar'}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, 1], [:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>1}, 2]] end it "should not attempt to validate nested attributes if the :validate=>false option is passed to save" do @Artist.class_eval do def validate super errors.add(:name, 'cannot be Ar') if name == 'Ar' end end a =>'Al', :artist_attributes=>{:name=>'Ar'}) @mods.should == []>false) @mods.should == [[:is, :artists, {:name=>"Ar"}, 1], [:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al", :artist_id=>1}, 2]] end it "should not accept nested attributes unless explicitly specified" do @Artist.many_to_many :tags, :class=>@Tag, :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:tag_id, :join_table=>:at proc{@Artist.create({:name=>'Ar', :tags_attributes=>[{:name=>'T'}]})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @mods.should == [] end it "should save when save_changes or update is called if nested attribute associated objects changed but there are no changes to the main object" do al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar') al.associations[:artist] = ar al.update(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>'20', :name=>'Ar2'}) @mods.should == [[:u, :artists, {:name=>"Ar2"}, '(id = 20)']] end it "should have a :limit option limiting the amount of entries" do @Album.nested_attributes :tags, :limit=>2 arr = [{:name=>'T'}] proc{{:name=>'Al', :tags_attributes=>arr*3})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) a ={:name=>'Al', :tags_attributes=>arr*2}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, 1], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T"}, 2], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>1, :tag_id=>2}, 3], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T"}, 4], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>1, :tag_id=>4}, 5]] end it "should accept a block that each hash gets passed to determine if it should be processed" do @Album.nested_attributes(:tags){|h| h[:name].empty?} a ={:name=>'Al', :tags_attributes=>[{:name=>'T'}, {:name=>''}, {:name=>'T2'}]}) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:is, :albums, {:name=>"Al"}, 1], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T"}, 2], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>1, :tag_id=>2}, 3], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T2"}, 4], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>1, :tag_id=>4}, 5]] end it "should return objects created/modified in the internal methods" do @Album.nested_attributes :tags, :remove=>true, :strict=>false objs = [] @Album.class_eval do define_method(:nested_attributes_create){|*a| objs << [super(*a), :create]} define_method(:nested_attributes_remove){|*a| objs << [super(*a), :remove]} define_method(:nested_attributes_update){|*a| objs << [super(*a), :update]} end a =>'Al') a.associations[:tags] = [@Tag.load(:id=>6, :name=>'A'), @Tag.load(:id=>7, :name=>'A2')] a.tags_attributes = [{:id=>6, :name=>'T'}, {:id=>7, :name=>'T2', :_remove=>true}, {:name=>'T3'}, {:id=>8, :name=>'T4'}, {:id=>9, :name=>'T5', :_remove=>true}] objs.should == [[@Tag.load(:id=>6, :name=>'T'), :update], [@Tag.load(:id=>7, :name=>'A2'), :remove], [>'T3'), :create], [nil, :update], [nil, :remove]] end it "should raise an error if updating modifies the associated objects keys" do @Artist.columns :id, :name, :artist_id @Album.columns :id, :name, :artist_id @Tag.columns :id, :name, :tag_id @Artist.one_to_many :albums, :class=>@Album, :key=>:artist_id, :primary_key=>:artist_id @Album.many_to_one :artist, :class=>@Artist, :primary_key=>:artist_id @Album.many_to_many :tags, :class=>@Tag, :left_key=>:album_id, :right_key=>:tag_id, :join_table=>:at, :right_primary_key=>:tag_id @Artist.nested_attributes :albums, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true @Album.nested_attributes :artist, :tags, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al', :artist_id=>25) ar = @Artist.load(:id=>20, :name=>'Ar', :artist_id=>25) t = @Tag.load(:id=>30, :name=>'T', :tag_id=>15) al.associations[:artist] = ar al.associations[:tags] = [t] ar.associations[:albums] = [al] proc{ar.set(:albums_attributes=>[{:id=>10, :name=>'Al2', :artist_id=>'3'}])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{al.set(:artist_attributes=>{:id=>20, :name=>'Ar2', :artist_id=>'3'})}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{al.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>30, :name=>'T2', :tag_id=>'3'}])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should accept a :fields option and only allow modification of those fields" do @Tag.columns :id, :name, :number @Album.nested_attributes :tags, :destroy=>true, :remove=>true, :fields=>[:name] al = @Album.load(:id=>10, :name=>'Al') t = @Tag.load(:id=>30, :name=>'T', :number=>10) al.associations[:tags] = [t] al.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>30, :name=>'T2'}, {:name=>'T3'}]) @mods.should == [] @mods.should == [[:u, :albums, {:name=>'Al'}, '(id = 10)'], [:u, :tags, {:name=>'T2'}, '(id = 30)'], [:is, :tags, {:name=>"T3"}, 1], [:i, :at, {:album_id=>10, :tag_id=>1}, 2]] proc{al.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:id=>30, :name=>'T2', :number=>3}])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{al.set(:tags_attributes=>[{:name=>'T2', :number=>3}])}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end