module ActsAsAmico module AmicoObject def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def amico_key @amico_key ||= :id end def amico_methods @result || begin result = [] methods = [:following, :followers, :blocked, :reciprocated, :pending] methods.each do |m| ["_count", "_page_count" ].each do |s| result << "#{m.to_s}#{s}".to_sym end end result end end def acts_as_amico *args options = args.extract_options! options.assert_valid_keys(:amico_key) @amico_key = options[:amico_key] include ActsAsAmico::AmicoObject::InstanceMethods end end module InstanceMethods def amico_key self.send(self.class.amico_key) end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) if self.class.amico_methods.include? sym args[0] = args[0].amico_key if not args[0].nil? and args[0].respond_to?(:amico_key) args.unshift(amico_key) if sym.nil? Amico.send(*args, &block) else Amico.send(sym, *args, &block) end else super end end def respond_to?(sym) pass_sym_to_amico(sym) || super(sym) end def get_all *args options = args.extract_options! options.assert_valid_keys(:scope) valid_params = [:following, :followers, :blocked, :reciprocated, :pending] scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key meth = args[0] raise "Must be one of #{valid_params.to_s}" if not valid_params.include? meth count = self.send("#{meth}_count".to_sym, scope) self.send("#{meth}", :page_size => count, :scope => scope) end # Lists def followers options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.followers amico_key, options, scope end def following options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.following amico_key, options, scope end def reciprocated options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.reciprocated amico_key, options, scope end def pending options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.pending amico_key, options, scope end def blocked options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.blocked amico_key, options, scope end # Named destructive methods def follow! obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.follow(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def unfollow! obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.unfollow(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def accept! obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.accept(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def block! obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.block(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def unblock! obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.unblock(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end # Booleans def following? obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.following?(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def follower? obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.follower?(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def blocked? obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.blocked?(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def pending? obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.pending?(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end def reciprocated? obj, options = {} scope = options[:scope] || Amico.default_scope_key Amico.reciprocated?(amico_key, obj.amico_key, scope) end private def pass_sym_to_amico sym Amico.respond_to? sym end end end end