0.9.2 / 2019-04-15 ================== * Added custom HTTP User-Agent ("linode/%s ruby/%s") 0.9.1 / 2016-08-18 ================== * Removed explicit dependency on JSON gem * Removed Gemfile.lock as this is a library * Made Gemfile rely on gemspec to remove duplication * Updated README to include how to use with older Rubies * Updated README to encourage using Gemfile and Bundler for Installation * Updated README to include a CONTRIBUTE section 0.7.10 / 2012-10-19 =================== * Version bump to 0.7.10 * Fixed problems with by using HTTParty.parsed_response (thanks to Arthur D'Antonio III <github:arthurD> for the patch!) 0.7.9 / 2012-05-01 ================== * Version bump to 0.7.9 * update README to thank Kenn Ejima * Improved ruby language highlighting in README. (kenn) * Fixed broken error messages in README. (kenn) * Switch from Crack to JSON. Do not mutate yamler. (kenn) * Remove and ignore Gemfile.lock. (kenn) * Do not pollute OpenStruct globally. (kenn) * Rspec is now deprecated, use RSpec instead. (kenn) 0.7.8 / 2012-04-26 ================== * set yamler, when necessary, for github issue #12 * make Rakefile more robust for rdoc versions 0.7.7 / 2011-10-17 ================== * Adds support for linode.ip.addprivate API method (thanks to Adam Durana) 0.7.6 / 2011-10-17 ================== * add dependency on crack (presumably httparty dependencies have drifted); thanks to mihaibirsan 0.7.5 / 2011-08-23 ================== * prune back aggressive gem dependencies 0.7.3 / 2011-08-20 ================== * fixing OStruct issue with #type calls on returned result data (thanks to musfuut <musfuut_rb@goldentog.com>) * set up for travis-CI integration builds 0.7.1 / 2011-07-16 ================== * Properly nest stackscript namespace under the Linode namespace (Aditya Sanghi) 0.7.0 / 2011-07-07 ================== * Added support for Nodebalancer API calls * Changed HTTP GETs to HTTP POSTs to work around errors with large stackscripts (credit: Dan Hodos) * Updated documentation references in error messages to match API documentation on Linode website 0.6.3 / 2010-11-23 ================== * Can now initialize w/ username/pass; also support for user.getapikey API call 2010-11-21 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * Adding rspec2 support for autotest * Continuing conversion of spec_helper for rspec2 * moving spec/spec.opts to /.rspec 2010-11-21 Aaron Hamid <aaron.hamid@gmail.com> * did the minimal amount necessary to get tests to run on latest RSpec release; https://github.com/rick/linode/issues#issue/3 2010-08-03 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * updating gemspec for 0.6.2 * Version bump to 0.6.2 * remove Jeweler warning as noone else needs to ever see it, basically * make 'rake test' an alias for 'rake spec' 2010-03-31 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * updated gemspec * Version bump to 0.6.1 * Missed a couple new Linode API stackscript bits. 2010-03-27 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * Merge branch 'newgem' * updating gemspec * Regenerated gemspec for version 0.6.0 * Version bump to 0.6.0 * adding support for stackscript API 2009-12-21 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * updating README (thx dvyjones!) 2009-12-20 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * updated gemspec * Version bump to 0.5.4 * enabling GemCutter support for our gem 2009-08-05 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * new gemspec * Version bump to 0.5.3 * make error messages much more helpful, including link to relevant API page. * fixing mis-named spec example descriptions for nested namespaces * updating gemspec * Version bump to 0.5.2 * tiny tweak to use has_namespace instead of an old literal method declaration * updating gemspec * Version bump to 0.5.1 * making sure rake actually runs specs; adding httparty gem dependency * Version bump to 0.5.0 * adding Jeweler recipe, gemspec, etc. * README now has examples. * Linode.Ip API * Linode.Job API * Linode.Disk API * Linode.Config API * the Linode * more metaprogramming, now that we know how a namespace behaves * Domain.Resource nested API * cleaning up missed example description change * metprogramming avail, user, test APIs * adding domain spec; using domain spec to introduce has_method metaprogramming * adding User API * making the data -> object(s) conversion more robust * Avail API specs and methods * metaprogramming the Test API specs, for later use in other specs * first working version of a simple request (test.echo) * adding httparty dependency to README 2009-08-04 Rick Bradley <rick@rickbradley.com> * set real API URL, allow overriding * Adding basic request method to base class. * trivial testing dependencies in README * add Avail API hook, reorganize how subclass specs are stored * nest namespace classes, automate discovery * making a way to access our simplest API (Linode.test) * Linode.new. * initial commit.