require "numru/gphys" require "numru/dcl" require "numru/misc" require "date" require "numru/dclext_datetime_ax" ############################################################ =begin =module NumRu::GGraph and others in ggraph.rb ==Index * (()) * (()) Sets the strings to appear in the bottom margin. * (()) Shows title by (({DCL.uxmttl('t',string,0.0)})). Graphic methods such as ((<contour>)) calls this by default. * ((<annotate>)) Show texts on the right margin of the viewport. Graphic methods such as ((<contour>)) calls this by default. * ((<fig>)) Define a figure by setting viewport, window, and coordinate transform id (itr) from two 1D VArrays (({xax})) and (({yax})). * ((<set_fig>)) Change the default option values for ((<fig>)). * ((<next_fig>)) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<fig>)) (cleared then). * ((<axes>)) Draw axes using (by default) info in (({xax})) and (({yax})) if non-nil. * ((<set_axes>)) Change the default option values for ((<axes>)). * ((<next_axes>)) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<axes>)) (cleared then). * ((<map_trn?>)) Returns whether the current coordinate transformation is a map projection. * ((<map>)) (For map projection) Draws map grid and/or lim and/or coast lines etc. * ((<set_map>)) Change the default option values for ((<map>)). * ((<next_map>)) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<map>)) * ((<line>)) Plot a poly-line by selecting the first dimension (with GPhys#first1D) if (({gphys})) is more than 2D. * ((<mark>)) Similar to ((<line>)) but plots marks instead of drawing a poly-line. * ((<contour>)) Contour plot by selecting the first 2 dimensions (with GPhys#first2D) if (({gphys})) is more than 3D. * ((<set_contour>)) Set options for contour in general. * ((<next_contour>)) Set options for contour in general, which is applied only to the next call. * ((<set_contour_levels>)) Set contour levels for ((<contour>)) explicitly by values with the option (({levels})). * ((<clear_contour_levels>)) Clear contour levels set by ((<set_contour_levels>)). * ((<set_linear_contour_options>)) Change the default option values regarding linear contour level setting in ((<contour>)). * ((<next_linear_contour_options>)) Similar to ((<set_linear_contour_options>)) but the setting is effective only for the next call of ((<contour>)). * ((<tone>)) Color tone or shading by selecting the first 2 dimensions (with GPhys#first2D) if (({gphys})) is more than 3D. * ((<color_bar >)) Color bar * ((<set_tone_levels>)) Set tone levels for ((<tone>)) explicitly by values. * ((<set_tone>)) Set options for tone in general. * ((<next_tone>)) Set options for tone in general, which is applied only to the next call. * ((<clear_tone_levels>)) Clear tone levels set by ((<set_tone_levels>)). * ((<set_linear_tone_options>)) Change the default option values regarding linear tone level setting in ((<tone>)). * ((<next_linear_tone_options>)) Similar to ((<set_linear_tone_options>)) but the setting is effective only for the next call of ((<tone>)). * ((<vector>)) 2-D vector plot using DCL_Ext::((<flow_vect>)) * ((<module NumRu::DCLExt>)) * ((<gl_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.glpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<sg_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.sgpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<sl_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.slpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<sw_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.swpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<uz_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.uzpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<ul_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.ulpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<uc_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.ucpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<uu_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.uupset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<us_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.uspset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<ud_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.udpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<ud_set_linear_levs>)) Set contour levels with a constant interval * ((<ud_set_contour>)) Set contours of at specified levels. * ((<ud_add_contour>)) Same as ((<ud_set_contour>)), but does not clear the contour levels that have been set. * ((<ue_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.uepset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<ue_set_linear_levs>)) Set tone levels with a constant interval * ((<ue_set_tone>)) Set tone levels and patterns. * ((<ue_add_tone>)) Same as ((<ue_set_tone>)), but does not clear the tone levels that have been set. * ((<ug_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.ugpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. * ((<um_set_params>)) Calls (({DCL.umpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). * ((<set_unit_vect_options>)) * ((<next_unit_vect_options>)) * ((<unit_vect>)) Show the "unit vector", which indicate the vector scaling. * ((<flow_vect>)) 2D Vector plot. Unlike (({DCL::ugvect})), scaling are made in term of the physical (or "U") coordinate. * ((<flow_itr5>)) 2D Vector plot on the 2-dim polar coodinate. * ((<color_bar>)) Color Bar =module NumRu::GGraph A graphic library for GPhys using RubyDCL. This module uses GPhys but is not a part of it. More specifically, even though this module is included in the GPhys distribution, the class NumRu::GPhys knows nothing about it, and GGraph accesses GPhys only though public methods. So GGraph is not an insider, and you can make another graphic library if you like. ==Module Functions ---margin_info(program=nil, data_source=nil, char_height=nil, date=nil, xl=0.0, xr=0.0, yb=nil, yt=0.0) Sets the strings to appear in the bottom margin. This method sets margin widths as DCL.slmgn(xl, xr, yb, yt), and sets the 1st and 2nd margin strings as (({program})) and (({data})). ARGUMENTS * program (String or nil) : String to be put on the left side in the bottom margin. This is meant to represent the name of the execution program. Therefore, if it is nil, the full path of $0 is used. * data_source (String or nil) : String to be put on the right side in the bottom margin. This is meant to represent the data file name or the directory in which the data are situated. If nil, the full path of the current directory is used (but nothing is shown if it is equal to the directory of the program). * date (true, false, nil) : whether to put todays date -- true: always, nil: if program.length is short enough, false: never * char_height (Float or nil) : height of the string to appear in the V coordinate. If nil, internally defined. * xl, xr, yb, yl (Float --- nil is available for yb) : margin size in the V coordinate. The margin is set as DCL.slmgn(xl, xr, yb, yt). If (({yb})) is nil, it is determined internally as (({2.0 * char_height})). ---title(string) Shows title by (({DCL.uxmttl('t',string,0.0)})). Graphic methods such as ((<contour>)) calls this by default. RETURN VALUE * nil ---annotate(str_ary) Show texts on the right margin of the viewport. Graphic methods such as ((<contour>)) calls this by default. ARGUMENTS * str_ary (Array of String) : RETURN VALUE * nil ---fig(xax=nil, yax=nil, options=nil) Define a figure by setting viewport, window, and coordinate transform id (itr) from two 1D VArrays (({xax})) and (({yax})) (which are not needed if a map projection is specified with the optional parameter 'itr'). (({DCL.grfrm})) or (({DCL.grfig})) is called depending options provided. ARGUMENTS * xax (VArray): (Used only if not map projection) A VArray representing the x (horizontal) coordinate of the figure. The x range of the window (UXMIN & UYMAX in DCL) are determined with the max and min of (({xax.val})). By default, the min and max values are assigned to the left and right boundaries, respectively, but it is reversed if (({xax})) has a 'positive' attribute and its value is 'down' etc (see (({options}))). * yax (VArray): (Used only if not map projection) Similar to (({xax})) but for the y (vertical) coordinate of the figure. * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "new_frame" true # whether to define a new frame by DCL.grfrm # (otherwise, DCL.grfig is called) "no_new_fig" false # If true, neither DCL.grfrm nor DCL.grfig # is called (overrides new_frame) -- Then, you need # to call one of them in advance. Convenient to set # DCL parameters that are reset by grfrm or grfig. "itr" 1 # coordinate transformation number "viewport" [0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8] # [vxmin, vxmax, vymin, vymax] "eqdistvpt" false # modify viewport to equidistant for x and y # (only for itr=1--4) "window" nil # (for itr<10,>50) [uxmin, uxmax, uymin, uymax], # each element allowed nil (only for itr<5,>50) "xreverse" "positive:down,units:hPa" # (for itr<10,>50) Assign # max value to UXMIN and min value to UXMAX if # condition is satisfied (nil:never, true:always, # String: when an attibute has the value specified # ("key:value,key:value,..") "yreverse" "positive:down,units:hPa" # (for itr<10,>50) Assign # max value to UYMIN and min value to UYMAX if # condition is satisfied (nil:never, true:always, # String: when an attibute has the value specified # ("key:value,key:value,..") "round0" false # expand window range to good numbers (effective # only to internal window settings) "round1" false # expand window range to good numbers (effective # even when "window" is explicitly specified) "similar" nil # (for rectangular curvilinear coordinate only) # 3-element float array for similar transformation # in a rectangular curvilinear coordinate, which # is fed in DCL:grssim:[simfac,vxoff,vyoff],where # simfac and [vxoff,vyoff] represent scaling # factor and origin shift, respectively. "map_axis" nil # (for all map projections) 3-element float # array to be fed in DCL::umscnt: [uxc, uxy, rot], # where [uxc, uyc] represents the tangential point # (or the pole at top side for cylindrical # projections), and rot represents the rotation # angle. If nil, internally determined. (units: # degrees) "map_radius" nil # (for itr>=20: conical/azimuhal map # projections) raidus around the tangential point. # (units: degrees) "map_fit" nil # (Only for itr=10(cylindrical) and 11 (Mercator)) # true: fit the plot to the data window # (overrides map_window and map_axis); false: do # not fit (then map_window and map_axis are used); # nil: true if itr==10, false if itr==11 "map_window" [-180, 180, -75, 75] # (for itr<20: cylindrical # map projections) lon-lat window [lon_min, # lon_max, lat_min, lat_max ] to draw the map # (units: degres) "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * those from NumRu::DCL if any / TypeError if any * options has a key that does not match any of the option names. * options has a key that is ambiguous ---set_fig(options) Change the default option values for ((<fig>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<fig>)). RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the values replaced (the ones before calling this method) POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<fig>)). ---next_fig(options) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<fig>)) (cleared then). These value are overwritten if specified explicitly in the next call of ((<fig>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<fig>)). RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<fig>)). ---axes(xax=nil, yax=nil, options=nil) Draw axes using (by default) info in (({xax})) and (({yax})) if non-nil. ARGUMENTS * xax (nil or VArray): if non-nil, attributes 'long_name' and 'units' are read to define (({xtitle})) and (({xunits})) (see below). These are overwritten by explicitly specifying (({xtitle})) and (({xunits})). * yax (nil or VArray): if non-nil, attributes 'long_name' and 'units' are read to define (({ytitle})) and (({yunits})) (see below). These are overwritten by explicitly specifying (({ytitle})) and (({yunits})). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "xside" "tb" # Where to draw xaxes (combination of t, b and u) "yside" "lr" # Where to draw yaxes (combination of l, r and u) "xtitle" nil # Title of x axis (if nil, internally determined) "ytitle" nil # Title of y axis (if nil, internally determined) "xunits" nil # Units of x axis (if nil, internally determined) "yunits" nil # Units of y axis (if nil, internally determined) "xtickint" nil # Interval of x axis tickmark # (if nil, internally determined) "ytickint" nil # Interval of y axis tickmark # (if nil, internally determined) "xlabelint" nil # Interval of x axis label # (if nil, internally determined) "ylabelint" nil # Interval of y axis label # (if nil, internally determined) "xmaplabel" false # If "lon"("lat"), use # DCLExt::lon_ax(DCLExt::lat_ax) to draw xaxes; # otherwise, DCL::usxaxs is used. "ymaplabel" false # If "lon"("lat"), use # DCLExt::lon_ax(DCLExt::lat_ax) to draw yaxes; # otherwise, DCL::usyaxs is used. "time_ax" nil # Type of calendar-type time axis: nil (=> auto # slection), false (do not use the time axis even # if the units of the axis is a time one with since # field), "h" (=> like nil, but always use the # hour-resolving datetime_ax method in # dclext_datetime_ax.rb), or "ymd" (=> like "h" but # for y-m-d type using DCL.uc[xy]acl) "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * those from NumRu::DCL if any / TypeError if any * options has a key that does not match any of the option names. * options has a key that is ambiguous ---set_axes(options) Change the default option values for ((<axes>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<axes>)). RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the values replaced (the ones before calling this method) POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<axes>)). ---next_axes(options) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<axes>)) (cleared then). These value are overwritten if specified explicitly in the next call of ((<axes>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<axes>)). RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<axes>)). ---sim_trn? Returns whether the current coordinate transformation is a rectangular curvelinear coordinate. A coordinate transformation must have been established with ((<fig>)) or (({DCL::grstrf})). Mainly for internal usage, but a user can use it too. RETURN VALUE * true or false ---polar_coordinate_boundaries(xax=nil,yax=nil) Draw boundaries in a polar coordinate. ARGUMENTS * xax (VArray): Grid points of the radial coordinate. * yax (VArray): Grid points of the azimuthal coordinate. RETURN VALUE * nil ---map_trn? Returns whether the current coordinate transformation is a map projection. A coordinate transformation must have been established with ((<fig>)) or (({DCL::grstrf})). Mainly for internal usage, but a user can use it too. RETURN VALUE * true or false ---map(options=nil) (For map projection) Draws map grid and/or lim and/or coast lines etc. ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "lim" true # draw map lim (t or f) "grid" true # draw map grid (t or f) "vpt_boundary" false # draw viewport boundaries (f, t or # 1,2,3.., representing the line width) "wwd_boundary" false # draw worksation window boundaries (f, t # or 1,2,3.., representing the line width) "fill" false # fill the map if coast_world or coast_japan is # true (t or f) "coast_world" false # draw world coast lines (t or f) "border_world" false # draw nation borders (t or f) "plate_world" false # draw plate boundaries (t or f) "state_usa" false # draw state boundaries of US (t or f) "coast_japan" false # draw japanese coast lines (t or f) "pref_japan" false # draw japanese prefecture boundaries (t or # f) "dgridmj" nil # the interval between the major lines of # latitudes and longitudes. If nil, internally # determined. (units: degrees) (this is a UMPACK # parameter, which is nullified when uminit or # grfrm is called) "dgridmn" nil # the interval between the minor lines of # latitudes and longitudes. If nil, internally # determined. (units: degrees) (this is a UMPACK # parameter, which is nullified when uminit or # grfrm is called) "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * if called when the coordinate tansformation has not been established or the transformation is not a map projection. * those from NumRu::DCL if any / TypeError if any * options has a key that does not match any of the option names. * options has a key that is ambiguous ---set_map(options) Change the default option values for ((<map>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<map>)). RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the values replaced (the ones before calling this method) POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<map>)). ---next_map(options) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<map>)) (cleared then). These value are overwritten if specified explicitly in the next call of ((<map>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<map>)). RETURN VALUE * nil POSSIBLE EXCEPTIONS * see ((<map>)). ---line(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) Plot a poly-line by selecting the first dimension (with GPhys#first1D) if (({gphys})) is more than 2D. ARGUMENTS * gphys (GPhys) : a GPhys whose data is plotted. * newframe (true/false) : if true, calls ((<fig>)), ((<axes>)), ((<title>)), and ((<annotate>)) internally; if false, only the poly-line is drawn (overlaid to the exiting figure). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "exchange" false # whether to exchange x and y axes "index" 1 # line/mark index "type" 1 # line type "label" nil # if a String is given, it is shown as the label "max" nil # maximum data value "min" nil # minimum data value "legend" nil # legend to annotate the line type and index. nil # (defalut -- do not show); a String as the legend; # true to use the name of the GPhys as the legend "legend_vx" nil # (effective if legend) viewport x values of # the lhs of the legend line (positive float); or # nil for automatic settting (shown to the right of # vpt); or move it to the left relatively (negtive # float) "legend_dx" nil # (effective if legend) length of the legend # line "legend_vy" nil # (effective if legend) viewport y value of the # legend (Float; or nil for automatic settting) "legend_size" nil # (effective if legend) character size of the # legend "map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If # true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to # itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes. "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil ---mark(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) Similar to ((<line>)) but plots marks instead of drawing a poly-line. ARGUMENTS * gphys (GPhys) : a GPhys whose data is plotted. * newframe (true/false) : if true, calls ((<fig>)), ((<axes>)), ((<title>)), and ((<annotate>)) internally; if false, only the poly-line is drawn (overlaid to the exiting figure). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "exchange" false # whether to exchange x and y axes "index" 1 # mark index "type" 2 # mark type "size" 0.01 # marks size "max" nil # maximum data value "min" nil # minimum data value "legend" nil # legend to annotate the mark type, index, and # size. nil (defalut -- do not to show); a String # as the legend; true to use the name of the GPhys # as the legend "legend_vx" nil # (effective if legend) viewport x values of # the lhs of the legend line (positive float); or # nil for automatic settting (shown to the right of # vpt); or move it to the left relatively (negtive # float) "legend_vy" nil # (effective if legend) viewport y value of the # legend (Float; or nil for automatic settting) "legend_size" nil # (effective if legend) character size of the # legend "map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If # true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to # itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes. "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil ---tone_and_contour(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) Calls ((<tone>)) and ((<contour>)) successively. You can specify the options for any of these. NOTE: * The option keys that are not existent in these methods are simply neglected -- thus no spell-check-like feedback is made, contrary to the indivisual call of contour or tone. Also, only the help menu of ((<tone>)) can be shown. * Requires numru-misc-0.0.6 or later. ---contour(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) Contour plot by selecting the first 2 dimensions (with GPhys#first2D) if (({gphys})) is more than 3D. Contour levels are determined as follows: * contour levels are set in this method if not set by ((<set_contour_levels>)) or the option (({"levels"})) is specified explicitly. * When contour levels are set in this method, the option (({"levels"})) has the highest precedence. If it is specified, options (({"index"})), (({"line_type"})), (({"label"})), and (({"label_height"})) are used. If (({"levels"})) are not specified, contour levels with a linear increment are set by using the options (({"min"})), (({"max"})), (({"nlev"})), (({"interval"})), (({"nozero"})), (({"coloring"})), (({"clr_min"})), and (({"clr_max"})), which are interpreted by DCLExt::((<ud_set_linear_levs>)). The default values of the linear level setting can be changed with ((<set_linear_contour_options>)). ARGUMENTS * gphys (GPhys) : a GPhys whose data is plotted. * newframe (true/false) : if true, calls ((<fig>)), ((<axes>)) (or ((<map>))), ((<title>)), and ((<annotate>)) internally; if false, only the poly-line is drawn (overlaid to the exiting figure). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "transpose" false # if true, exchange x and y axes "exchange" false # same as the option transpose "map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If # true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to # itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes. "keep" false # Use the contour levels used previously "min" nil # minimum contour level "max" nil # maximum contour level "nlev" nil # number of levels "interval" nil # contour interval "nozero" nil # delete zero contour "coloring" false # set color contours with ud_coloring "clr_min" 13 # (if coloring) minimum color number for the # minimum data values "clr_max" 99 # (if coloring) maximum color number for the # maximum data values "help" false # show help message if true "levels" nil # contour levels (Array/NArray of Numeric) "index" nil # (if levels) line index(es) (Array/NArray of # integers, Integer, or nil) "line_type" nil # (if levels) line type(s) (Array/NArray of # integers, Integer, or nil) "label" nil # (if levels) contour label(s) (Array/NArray of # String, String, true, false, nil). nil is # recommended. "label_height" nil # (if levels) label height(s) # (Array/NArray of Numeric, Numeric, or nil). # nil is recommended. RETURN VALUE * nil ---set_contour_levels(options) Set contour levels for ((<contour>)) explicitly by values with the option (({levels})). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior. The option (({"levels"})) is mandatory (so it is not optional!). Supported options are (({"levels"})), (({"index"})), (({"line_type"})), (({"label"})), and (({"label_height"})). See ((<contour>)) for their description. ---clear_contour_levels Clear contour levels set by ((<set_contour_levels>)). ---set_linear_contour_options(options) Change the default option values regarding linear contour level setting in ((<contour>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<contour>)) but supported options here are limited to (({"min"})), (({"max"})), (({"nlev"})), (({"interval"})), (({"nozero"})), (({"coloring"})), (({"clr_min"})), and (({"clr_max"})). RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the values replaced (the ones before calling this method) ---next_linear_contour_options(options) Similar to ((<set_linear_contour_options>)) but the setting is effective only for the next call of ((<contour>)). ---tone(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) Color tone or shading by selecting the first 2 dimensions (with GPhys#first2D) if (({gphys})) is more than 3D. Tone levels are determined as follows: * Tone levels are set in this method if not set by ((<set_tone_levels>)) or the option (({"levels"})) (and optionally, (({"patterns"}))) is (are) specified explicitly. * When contour levels & patterns are set in this method, * (({"levels"})) has the highest precedence. If it is specified, tone levels and patterns are determined by DCLExt::((<ue_set_tone>)). Here, tone patterns can be specified with the option (({"patterns"})). * Currently, option (({"patterns"})) is effective only if (({"levels"})) is specified. Otherwise, it is ignored and patterns are determined internally (by using DCL.uegtlb). * If not, a linear tone levels are set if (({"ltone"=true})) (this is the default), or shading is made if (({"ltone"=false})). Shading is determined by following the parameters in the UDPACK in DCL. Therefore, coloring is made if DCL.udpget('ltone')==true regardless the option (({"ltone"=false})) here. When linear levels are set in this method, options (({"min"})), (({"max"})), (({"nlev"})), and (({"interval"})) are used if specified, which are interpreted by DCLExt::((<ue_set_linear_levs>)). Their default values can be changed by ((<set_linear_tone_options>)). ARGUMENTS * gphys (GPhys) : a GPhys whose data is plotted. * newframe (true/false) : if true, calls ((<fig>)), ((<axes>)) (or ((<map>))), ((<title>)), and ((<annotate>)) internally; if false, only the poly-line is drawn (overlaid to the exiting figure). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "ltone" true # Same as udpack parameter ltone "tonf" false # Use DCL.uetonf instead of DCL.uetone "tonc" false # Use DCL.uetonc instead of DCL.uetone "clr_min" nil # if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as # the color number for the minimum data values. # (the same can be done by setting the uepack # parameter "icolor1") "clr_max" nil # if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as # the color number for the maximum data values. # (the same can be done by setting the uepack # parameter "icolor2") "transpose" false # if true, exchange x and y axes "exchange" false # same as the option transpose "map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If # true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to # itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes. "keep" false # Use the tone levels and patterns used previously "min" nil # minimum tone level "max" nil # maximum tone level "nlev" nil # number of levels "interval" nil # contour interval "help" false # show help message if true "levels" nil # tone levels (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works # together with patterns "patterns" nil # tone patters (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works # together with levels RETURN VALUE * nil ---color_bar (options=nil) * Descroption: Draws color bars. Calls (({DCLext.color_bar})). ---set_tone_levels(options) Set tone levels for ((<tone>)) explicitly by values. ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior. Supported options are (({"levels"})) and (({"patterns"})). Both of them must be specified explicitly (so they are not optional!). ---clear_tone_levels Clear tone levels set by ((<set_tone_levels>)). ---set_linear_tone_options(options) Change the default option values regarding linear tone level setting in ((<tone>)). ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : The usage is the same as (({options})) for ((<tone>)) but supported options here are limited to (({"min"})), (({"max"})), (({"nlev"})), and (({"interval"})). RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the values replaced (the ones before calling this method) ---next_linear_tone_options(options) Similar to ((<set_linear_tone_options>)) but the setting is effective only for the next call of ((<tone>)). ---vector(fx, fy, newframe=true, options=nil) 2-D vector plot using DCL_Ext::((<flow_vect>)), which scales vectors in physical ("U") coordinates. ARGUMENTS * fx, fy (GPhys) : represent vectors * newframe (true/false) : if true, calls ((<fig>)), ((<axes>)) (or ((<map>))), ((<title>)), and ((<annotate>)) internally; if false, only the poly-line is drawn (overlaid to the exiting figure). * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "transpose" false # if true, exchange x and y axes "exchange" false # same as the option transpose "map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If # true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to # itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes. "flow_vect" true # If true, use DCLExt::flow_vect to draw # vectors; otherwise, DCL::ugvect is used. "flow_itr5" false # If true, use DCLExt::flow_itr5 to draw # vectors; otherwise, DCLExt::flow_vect or # DCL::ugvect is used. "keep" false # Use the same vector scaling as in the previous # call. -- Currently, works only when "flow_vect" # is true "xintv" 1 # (Effective only if flow_vect) interval of data # sampling in x "yintv" 1 # (Effective only if flow_vect) interval of data # sampling in y "factor" 1.0 # (Effective only if flow_vect) scaling factor to # strech/reduce the arrow lengths "unit_vect" false # Show the unit vector "max_unit_vect" false # (Effective only if flow_vect && # unit_vect) If true, use the maximum arrows to # scale the unit vector; otherwise, normalize in V # coordinate. "help" false # show help message if true RETURN VALUE * nil =module NumRu::DCLExt Collection of various compound DCL functions for convenience. This module is to be separated but temporarily included in ggraph.rb while it is premature. ==Index MATH1 * ((<glpack>)) GRPH1 * ((<sgpack>)) * ((<slpack>)) * ((<swpack>)) GRPH2 * ((<uzpack>)) * ((<ulpack>)) * ((<ucpack>)) * ((<uupack>)) * ((<uspack>)) * ((<udpack>)) * ((<uepack>)) * ((<ugpack>)) * ((<umpack>)) ==Module Functions ===glpack ---gl_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.glpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). ARGUMENTS * hash (Hash) : combinations of parameter names and values for udpset RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the parameter names and their old values that were replaced. EXAMPLES * You can modify parameters temporarily as follows. before = DCLExt.gl_set_params({'lmiss'=>true,'rmiss'=>9999.0}) .... DCLExt.gl_set_params(before) # reset the change ===sgpack ---sg_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.sgpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===slpack ---sl_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.slpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===swpack ---sw_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.swpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===uzpack ---uz_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.uzpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===ulpack ---ul_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.ulpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===ucpack ---uc_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.ucpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===uupack ---uu_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.uupset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===uspack ---us_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.uspset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===udpack ---ud_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.udpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). ARGUMENTS * hash (Hash) : combinations of parameter names and values for udpset RETURN VALUE * a Hash containing the parameter names and their old values that were replaced. EXAMPLES * You can modify parameters temporarily as follows. before = DCLExt.ud_set_params('indxmj'=>4,'lmsg'=>false) DCL.udcntz(data) DCLExt.ud_set_params(before) # reset the change ---ud_set_linear_levs(v, options) Set contour levels with a constant interval ARGUMENTS * v : Data values to be fed to udcnt[rz] * options (Hash) : option specification by keys and values. Available options are name default value description 'min' nil minimum contour value (Numeric) 'max' nil maximum contour value (Numeric) 'nlev' nil number of levels (Integer) 'interval' nil contour interval (Numeric) 'nozero' nil delete zero contour (true/false) 'coloring' false set color contours with ud_coloring (true/false) 'clr_min' 13 (if coloring) minimum color id (Integer) 'clr_max' 99 (if coloring) maximum color id (Integer) Here, (({interval})) has a higher precedence over (({nlev})). Since all the default values are nil, only those explicitly specified are interpreted. If no option is provided, the levels generated will be the default ones set by udcnt[rz] without any level specification. ---ud_set_contour(levels,index=nil,line_type=nil,label=nil,label_height=nil) Set contours of at specified levels. Normally you do not have to specify (({label})) and (({label_height})). It calls DCL.udsclv for each level. So the arguments are basically the same as DCL.udsclv, but only levels are mandatory here. ARGUMENTS * levels (Array, NArray, or Numeric) : contour levels to be set. If Numeric, a single level is set. * index (Array of integers, Integer, or nil) : index(es) of the contours. If it is an Array and its length is shorter than that of (({levels})), the same Array is repeated (so for instance [1,1,3] is interpreted as [1,1,3,1,1,3,1,1,3,...]). If it is a single Integer, all the contour will have the same index. If nil, the value of 'indxmn' is used. * line_type (Array of integers, Integer, or nil) : line type(s) of the contours. If it is an Array and its length is shorter than that of (({levels})), the same Array is repeated. the length must agree with that of (({levels})). If it is a single Integer, all the contour will have the same type. If nil, set to be 1. * label (Array of String, String, true, false, nil) : Label(s) of the contours. If it is an Array and its length is shorter than that of (({levels})), the same Array is repeated. the length must agree with that of (({levels})). If it is a single String, all the contour will have the same label. If true, all the contours will have the labels representing the levels. If false, no label will be drawn (set to ""). If nil, same as true for the contours whose index is equal to "INDXMJ", and same as false otherwise. * label_height (Array of Numeric, Numeric, or nil) : Heigh of Labels. Normally you do not have to use this. If it is an Array and its length is shorter than that of (({levels})), the same Array is repeated. If nil, the default value ("RSIZEL") is used for non-empty labels. If a single Numeric, the same value is used for all the contours. Note that it is recommended to not to use this parameter but use DCL.udpset('RZISEL'. label_height), since a positive value here always means to draw labels even when the label is empty. RETURN VALUE * nil ---ud_add_contour(levels,index=nil,line_type=nil,label=nil,label_height=nil) Same as ((<ud_set_contour>)), but does not clear the contour levels that have been set. ===uepack ---ue_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.uepset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ---ue_set_linear_levs(v, options) Set tone levels with a constant interval ARGUMENTS * v : Data values to be fed to udcnt[rz] * options (Hash) : option specification by keys and values. Available options are name default value description 'min' nil minimum tone level (Numeric) 'max' nil maximum tone level (Numeric) 'nlev' nil number of levels (Integer) 'interval' nil tone-level interval (Numeric) Here, (({interval})) has a higher precedence over (({nlev})). Since all the default values are nil, only those explicitly specified are interpreted. If no option is provided, the levels generated will be the default ones set by udcnt[rz] without any level specification. ---ue_set_tone(levels, patterns) Set tone levels and patterns. patterns are set between levels as follows: when (levels.length == patterns.length+1) levels[0] | levels[1] | levels[2] ... | levels[-2] | levels[-1] patterns[0] patterns[1] ... patterns[-2] patterns[-1] when (levels.length == patterns.length) levels[0] | levels[1] | levels[2] ... | levels[-1] | +infty patterns[0] patterns[1] ... patterns[-2] patterns[-1] when (levels.length == patterns.length-1) -infty | levels[0] | levels[1] ... | levels[-1] | +infty patterns[0] patterns[1] ... patterns[-2] patterns[-1] else error (exception raised) ARGUMENTS * levels (Array or NArray of Numeric) : tone levels. Its length must be either 1 larger than, equal to, or 1 smaller than the length of patterns * patterns (Array or NArray of Numeric) : tone patterns RETURN VALUE * nil ---ue_add_tone(levels, patterns) Same as ((<ue_set_tone>)), but does not clear the tone levels that have been set. ===ugpack ---ug_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.ugpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ===umpack ---um_set_params(hash) Calls (({DCL.umpset})) multiple times (for each key and val of (({hash}))). See ((<gl_set_params>)) for usage. ==Original methods: ===Longitude/Latitude Axes ---lon_ax( options=nil ) Draw longitude axis. (label format: degrees + 'E' or 'W') ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "yax" false # true => draw y-axis, false => draw x-axis "cside" nil # "b", "t", "l", "r", # nil (=>left/bottom), or false (=>right/top) "dtick1" nil # Interval of small tickmark # (if nil, internally determined) "dtick2" nil # Interval of large tickmark with labels # (if nil, internally determined) ---lat_ax( options=nil ) Draw latitude axis. (label format: degrees + 'N' or 'S') ARGUMENTS * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "xax" false # true => draw x-axis, false => draw y-axis "cside" nil # "b", "t", "l", "r", # nil (=>left/bottom), or false (=>right/top) "dtick1" nil # Interval of small tickmark # (if nil, internally determined) "dtick2" nil # Interval of large tickmark with labels # (if nil, internally determined) ===Vectors ---unit_vect( vxfxratio, vyfyratio, fxunit=nil, fyunit=nil, options=nil ) Show the "unit vector", which indicate the vector scaling. ARGUMENTS * vxfxratio (Float) : (V cood length)/(actual length) in x * vyfyratio (Float) : (V cood length)/(actual length) in y * fxunit (Float) : If specified, x unit vect len * fyunit (Float) : If specified, y unit vect len * options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous. option name default value # description: "vxunit" 0.05 # x unit vect len in V coord. Used only when # fxunit is omitted (default) "vyunit" 0.05 # y unit vect len in V coord. Used only when # fyunit is omitted (default) "vxuloc" nil # Starting x position of unit vect "vyuloc" nil # Starting y position of unit vect "vxuoff" 0.05 # Specify vxuloc by offset from right-bottom # corner "vyuoff" 0.0 # Specify vyuloc by offset from right-bottom # corner "inplace" true # Whether to print labels right by the unit # vector (true) or below the x axis (false) "rsizet" nil # Label size(default taken from uz-parameter # 'rsizel1') "index" 3 # Line index of the unit vector "help" false # show help message if true ---set_unit_vect_options(options) Change the default option values for ((<unit_vect>)). ---next_unit_vect_options(options) Set the option values effective only in the next call of ((<unit_vect>)) ---flow_vect( fx, fy, factor=1.0, xintv=1, yintv=1) 2D Vector plot. Unlike (({DCL::ugvect})), scaling are made in term of the physical (or "U") coordinate. This method is meant to substitute (({DCL::ugvect})). The scaling is made in terms of the U coordinate. This method is suitable to show vectors such as velocity, since the arrow direction represets the direction in the U coordinate. Also, one can re-scale the vector length easily by using the argument (({factor})). Currently, this method is not compatible with map projection, since it calls (({DCL::ugvect})) internally. ARGUMENTS * fx, fy (2D NArray or Array) : the vector field. * factor (Integer) : factor to change the arrow length. By default, arrows are scaled so that the longest one match the grid interval. * xintv, yintv (Interger) : interval to thin out (({fx})) and (({fy})), respectively. Useful if the grid points are too many. ---flow_itr5( fx, fy, factor=1.0, unit_vect=false ) 2D Vector plot on the polar coodinate. This method just perform rotatation of the vector in U-coordinate to N-coordinate and passed to DCL.ugvect. ARGUMENTS * fx, fy (2D GPhys) : the vector field. * factor (Integer) : factor for scaling in ugvect. When it equals 1, vector field will be scaled in DCL.ugvect automatically. * unit_vect() : Show the unit vector ===Color bars ---set_color_bar_options(options) To set options of ((<color_bar>)) effective in the rest. ---color_bar(options=nil) * Descroption: Draws color bars * Example Here is the simplest case, where no argument is given to color_bar. DCL.uetone(hoge) DCL.usdaxs ... DCL.color_bar This draws a color bar by using the levels and tone patterns(colors) set previously. There are many parameters you can set manually, as introduced below: * Description of options option name default value # description: "levels" nil # tone levels (if omitted, latest ones are used) "patterns" nil # tone patterns (~colors) (if omitted, latest # ones are used) "voff" nil # how far is the bar from the viewport in the V # coordinate "vcent" nil # center position of the bar in the V coordinate # (VX or VY) "vlength" 0.3 # bar length in the V coordinate "vwidth" 0.02 # bar width in the V coordinate "landscape" false # if true, horizonlly long (along x axes) "portrait" true # if true, vertically long (along y axes) "top" false # place the bar at the top (effective if # landscape) "left" false # place the bar in the left (effective if # portrait) "units" nil # units of the axis of the color bar "title" nil # title of the color bar "tickintv" 1 # 0,1,2,3,.. to specify how frequently the # dividing tick lines are drawn (0: no tick lines, # 1: every time, 2: ever other:,...) "labelintv" nil # 0,1,2,3,.. to specify how frequently labels are # drawn (0: no labels, 1: every time, 2: ever # other:,... default: internally determined) "labels_ud" nil # user-defined labels for replacing the default # labels (Array of String) "charfact" 0.9 # factor to change the label/units/title character # size (relative to 'rsizel1'/'rsizel1'/'rsizec1') "log" false # set the color bar scale to logarithmic "constwidth" false # if true, each color is drawn with the same width "index" nil # line index of tick lines and bar frame "charindex" nil # line index of labels, units, and title "chval_fmt" nil # string to specify the DCL.chval format for # labeling "help" false # show help message if true =end ############################################################ module NumRu module DCLExt # to be included in the RubyDCL distribution module_function #<<< for many packages >>> %w!gl sg sl sw uz ul uc uu us ud ue ug um!.each do |pkg| eval <<-EOS, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{pkg}_set_params(hash) before = hash.each{|k,v| before[k]=DCL.#{pkg}pget(k) if(v.is_a? String) then DCL.#{pkg}cset(k,v) else DCL.#{pkg}pset(k,v) end } before end EOS end #<<< module data >>> @@empty_hash = #<<< udpack >>> def ud_coloring(clr_min=13, clr_max=99) # change the colors of existing contours to make a gradation # (rainbow colors with the default color map). nlev = DCL.udqcln cont_params = for i in 1..nlev cont_params.push( DCL.udqclv(i) ) # => [zlev,indx,ityp,clv,hl] end DCL.udiclv # clear the contours colors = clr_min +! * (clr_max-clr_min) / nlev cont_params.sort! for i in 0...nlev cont_params[i][1] += colors[i]*10 # indx += colors[i]*10 DCL.udsclv(*cont_params[i]) end end def ud_set_linear_levs(v, options=nil) #Accepted options # name default description # 'min' nil minimum contour value (Numeric) # 'max' nil maximum contour value (Numeric) # 'nlev' nil number of levels (Integer) # 'interval' nil contour interval (Numeric) # 'nozero' false delete zero contour (true/false) # 'coloring' false set color contours with ud_coloring (true/false) # 'clr_min' 13 (if coloring) minimum color number for the # maximum data values (Integer) # 'clr_max' 99 (if coloring) maximum color number for the # maximum data values (Integer) options = @@empty_hash if !options raise TypeError, "options must be a Hash" if !options.is_a?(Hash) min = options['min'] max = options['max'] nlev = options['nlev'] interval = options['interval'] nozero = options['nozero'] if interval dx = interval elsif nlev dx = -nlev else dx = 0 end if min || max min = v.min if !min max = v.max if !max DCL.udgcla(min, max, dx) else DCL.udgclb(v, dx) end if nozero DCL.uddclv(0.0) end if options['coloring'] clr_min = ( options['clr_min'] || 13 ) clr_max = ( options['clr_max'] || 99 ) ud_coloring( clr_min, clr_max ) end end def ud_set_contour(*args) DCL.udiclv ud_add_contour(*args) end def ud_add_contour(levels,index=nil,line_type=nil,label=nil,label_height=nil) # < check levels > case levels when Array, NArray # This is expected. Nothing to do. when Numric levels = [levels] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid level specification (#{levels})" end nlev = levels.length # < index > index = index.to_a if index.is_a?(NArray) case index when Array raise ArgumentError, "index is an empty array" if index.length == 0 while (index.length < nlev ) index += index end when Numeric index = [index]*nlev when nil index = [DCL.udpget('indxmn')]*nlev else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported index type (#{index.class})" end # < line_type > line_type = line_type.to_a if line_type.is_a?(NArray) case line_type when Array raise ArgumentError, "line_type is an empty array" if line_type.length == 0 while (line_type.length < nlev ) line_type += line_type end when Numeric line_type = [line_type]*nlev when nil line_type = [1]*nlev else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported index type (#{index.class})" end # < label > label = label.to_a if label.is_a?(NArray) case label when Array raise ArgumentError, "label is an empty array" if label.length == 0 while (label.length < nlev ) label += label end when String label = [label]*nlev when false label = [""]*nlev when true label = (0...nlev).collect{|i| DCL.udlabl(levels[i]) } when nil indxmj = DCL.udpget('indxmj') label = (0...nlev).collect{|i| if index[i]==indxmj DCL.udlabl(levels[i]) else "" end } else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported index type (#{index.class})" end # < label_height > label_height = label_height.to_a if label_height.is_a?(NArray) case label_height when Array raise ArgumentError, "label_height is an empty array" if label_height.length == 0 while (label_height.length < nlev ) label_height += label_height end when Numeric label_height = [label_height]*nlev when nil label_height = label.collect{|lv| lv=="" ? 0.0 : DCL.udpget('rsizel')} else raise ArgumentError, "unsupported index type (#{index.class})" end # < set levels > for i in 0...nlev DCL.udsclv(levels[i],index[i],line_type[i],label[i],label_height[i]) end nil end #<<< uepack >>> def ue_set_linear_levs(v, options=nil) # 'min' nil minimum tone level (Numeric) # 'max' nil maximum tone level (Numeric) # 'nlev' nil number of levels (Integer) # 'interval' nil tone-level interval (Numeric) options = @@empty_hash if !options raise TypeError, "options must be a Hash" if !options.is_a?(Hash) min = options['min'] max = options['max'] nlev = options['nlev'] interval = options['interval'] if interval dx = interval elsif nlev dx = -nlev else dx = 0 end if min || max min = v.min if !min max = v.max if !max DCL.uegtla(min, max, dx) else DCL.uegtlb(v, dx) end end def ue_set_tone(levels, patterns) DCL.ueitlv ue_add_tone(levels, patterns) end def ue_add_tone(levels, patterns) # < check types > if !levels.is_a?(Array) && !levels.is_a?(NArray) raise TypeError, "levels: Array or NArray expected (#{levels.inspect})" end if !patterns.is_a?(Array) && !patterns.is_a?(NArray) raise TypeError, "patterns: Array or NArray expected (#{patterns.inspect})" end # < set levels > nlev = levels.length npat = patterns.length case (nlev - npat) when 1 for i in 0...nlev-1 DCL.uestlv(levels[i],levels[i+1],patterns[i]) end when 0 for i in 0...nlev-1 DCL.uestlv(levels[i],levels[i+1],patterns[i]) end DCL.uestlv(levels[-1],DCL.glpget('rmiss'),patterns[-1]) when -1 DCL.uestlv(DCL.glpget('rmiss'),levels[0],patterns[0]) for i in 1...nlev DCL.uestlv(levels[i-1],levels[i],patterns[i]) end DCL.uestlv(levels[-1],DCL.glpget('rmiss'),patterns[-1]) else raise ArgumentError, "lengths of levels(#{nlev}) and patterns(#{npat}) are inconsistent" end nil end ############################################################ # RELATIVELY INDEPENDENT OF DCL SUBLIBRARIES ############################################################ # <<< longitude/latitude axes package >>> @@lon_ax_options = ['yax', false, 'true => y-axis, false => x-axis'], ['cside', nil, '"b", "t", "l", "r", nil (=>left/bottom), or false (=>right/top)'], ['dtick1', nil, 'Interval of small tickmark (if nil, internally determined)'], ['dtick2', nil, 'Interval of large tickmark with labels (if nil, internally determined)'] ) def lon_ax(options=nil) opt = @@lon_ax_options.interpret(options) yax = opt['yax'] xax = !yax if xax xy='x' else xy='y' end if opt['cside'] cside = opt['cside'] elsif opt['cside'].nil? if xax cside='b' else cside='l' end else if xax cside='t' else cside='r' end end vxmin, vxmax, vymin, vymax = DCL.sgqvpt uxmin, uxmax, uymin, uymax = DCL.sgqwnd if xax vmin, vmax = [vxmin,vxmax].min, [vxmin,vxmax].max umin, umax = [uxmin,uxmax].min, [uxmin,uxmax].max else vmin, vmax = [vymin,vymax].min, [vymin,vymax].max umin, umax = [uymin,uymax].min, [uymin,uymax].max end # get dtick1 & dtick2 dtick1 = opt['dtick1'] dtick2 = opt['dtick2'] unless dtick1 && dtick2 irota = DCL.uzpget("irotl#{xy}#{cside}") irota += 1 if yax mode = irota.modulo(2) DCL.ususcu(xy.capitalize,umin,umax,vmin,vmax,mode) dtick1 = DCL.uspget("d#{xy}t") unless dtick1 dtick2 = DCL.uspget("d#{xy}l") unless dtick2 end lepsl = DCL.glpget('lepsl') repsl = DCL.glpget('repsl') DCL.glpset('lepsl',true) # generate numbers for small tickmarks nn = 0 rx = DCL.irle(umin/dtick1)*dtick1 if DCL.lreq(umin,rx) x = rx else x = rx + dtick1 end u1 = [] while DCL.lrle(x,umax) if x.abs < dtick1*repsl*nn x = 0.0 end u1[nn] = x nn = nn + 1 x = x + dtick1 end # generate numbers for large tickmarks and labels nn = 0 rx = DCL.irle(umin/dtick2)*dtick2 if DCL.lreq(umin,rx) x = rx else x = rx + dtick2 end u2 = [] while DCL.lrle(x,umax) if x.abs < dtick2*repsl*nn x = 0 end u2[nn] = x nn = nn + 1 x = x + dtick2 end # generate labels c2 = NArray.to_na(u2) c2[] -= 360.0 c2[] += 360.0 c2[c2.eq(-180)] = 180.0 c2 = c2.to_a.collect do |c| if c == 0 || c == 180 c.to_i.to_s elsif c > 0 c.to_i.to_s + 'E' else c.abs.to_i.to_s + 'W' end end nc = c2.collect{|c| c.size}.max # call DCL.u[xy]axlb if xax DCL.uxaxlb(cside,u1,u2,c2,nc) else DCL.uyaxlb(cside,u1,u2,c2,nc) end end @@lat_ax_options = ['xax', false, 'true => x-axis, false => y-axis'], ['cside', nil, '"b", "t", "l", "r", nil (=>left/bottom), or false (=>right/top)'], ['dtick1', nil, 'Interval of small tickmark (if nil, internally determined)'], ['dtick2', nil, 'Interval of large tickmark with labels (if nil, internally determined)'] ) def lat_ax(options=nil) opt = @@lat_ax_options.interpret(options) xax = opt['xax'] yax = !xax if xax xy='x' else xy='y' end if opt['cside'] cside = opt['cside'] elsif opt['cside'].nil? if xax cside='b' else cside='l' end else if xax cside='t' else cside='r' end end vxmin, vxmax, vymin, vymax = DCL.sgqvpt uxmin, uxmax, uymin, uymax = DCL.sgqwnd if xax vmin, vmax = [vxmin,vxmax].min, [vxmin,vxmax].max umin, umax = [uxmin,uxmax].min, [uxmin,uxmax].max else vmin, vmax = [vymin,vymax].min, [vymin,vymax].max umin, umax = [uymin,uymax].min, [uymin,uymax].max end # get dtick1 & dtick2 dtick1 = opt['dtick1'] dtick2 = opt['dtick2'] unless dtick1 && dtick2 irota = DCL.uzpget("irotl#{xy}#{cside}") irota += 1 if yax mode = irota.modulo(2) DCL.ususcu(xy.capitalize,umin,umax,vmin,vmax,mode) dtick1 = DCL.uspget("d#{xy}t") unless dtick1 dtick2 = DCL.uspget("d#{xy}l") unless dtick2 end lepsl = DCL.glpget('lepsl') repsl = DCL.glpget('repsl') DCL.glpset('lepsl',true) # generate numbers for small tickmarks nn = 0 rx = DCL.irle(umin/dtick1)*dtick1 if DCL.lreq(umin,rx) x = rx else x = rx + dtick1 end u1 = [] while DCL.lrle(x,umax) if x.abs < dtick1*repsl*nn x = 0.0 end u1[nn] = x nn = nn + 1 x = x + dtick1 end # generate numbers for large tickmarks and labels nn = 0 rx = DCL.irle(umin/dtick2)*dtick2 if DCL.lreq(umin,rx) x = rx else x = rx + dtick2 end u2 = [] while DCL.lrle(x,umax) if x.abs < dtick2*repsl*nn x = 0 end u2[nn] = x nn = nn + 1 x = x + dtick2 end # generate labels c2 = NArray.to_na(u2) c2 = c2.to_a.collect do |c| if c == 0 'EQ' elsif c > 0 c.to_i.to_s + 'N' else c.abs.to_i.to_s + 'S' end end nc = c2.collect{|c| c.size}.max # call DCL.u[xy]axlb if xax DCL.uxaxlb(cside,u1,u2,c2,nc) else DCL.uyaxlb(cside,u1,u2,c2,nc) end end # <<< flow vector package >>> def __truncate(float, order=2) # truncate (round) a floating number with the number digits # specified by "order". # e.g., if order=3, -0.012345 => -0.0123; 6.6666 => 6.67 exponent = 10**(-Math::log10(float.abs).floor+order-1) (float * exponent).round.to_f/exponent end @@unit_vect_options = ['vxunit', 0.05, "x unit vect len in V coord. Used only when fxunit is omitted (default)"], ['vyunit', 0.05, "y unit vect len in V coord. Used only when fyunit is omitted (default)"], ['vxuloc', nil, "Starting x position of unit vect"], ['vyuloc', nil, "Starting y position of unit vect"], ['vxuoff', 0.05, "Specify vxuloc by offset from right-bottom corner"], ['vyuoff', 0.0, "Specify vyuloc by offset from right-bottom corner"], ['inplace',true, "Whether to print labels right by the unit vector (true) or below the x axis (false)"], ['rsizet', nil, "Label size(default taken from uz-parameter 'rsizel1')"], ['index', 3," Line index of the unit vector"] ) def set_unit_vect_options(options) @@unit_vect_options.set(options) end @@next_unit_vect_options = nil def next_unit_vect_options(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_unit_vect_options = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end def unit_vect( vxfxratio, # (V cood length)/(actual length) in x vyfyratio, # (V cood length)/(actual length) in y fxunit=nil, # If specified, x unit vect len fyunit=nil, # If specified, y unit vect len options=nil ) #< options > if @@next_unit_vect_options options = ( options ? @@next_unit_vect_options.update(options) : @@next_unit_vect_options ) @@next_unit_vect_options = nil end opt = @@unit_vect_options.interpret(options) vxunit = opt['vxunit'] vyunit = opt['vyunit'] vxuloc = opt['vxuloc'] vyuloc = opt['vyuloc'] rsizet = opt['rsizet'] index = opt['index'] #< unit vector > if fxunit vxunit = vxfxratio * fxunit else fxunit = vxunit / vxfxratio end if fyunit vyunit = vyfyratio * fyunit else fyunit = vyunit / vyfyratio end fxunit = __truncate( (uxusv=fxunit) ) fyunit = __truncate( (uyusv=fyunit) ) vxunit = vxunit * (fxunit/uxusv) vyunit = vyunit * (fyunit/uyusv) if !(vxuloc && vyuloc) vx0,vx1,vy0,vy1 = DCL.sgqvpt vxuloc = vx1 + opt['vxuoff'] if !vxuloc vyuloc = vy0 + opt['vyuoff'] if !vyuloc end DCL.sglazv( vxuloc, vyuloc, vxuloc+vxunit, vyuloc, 1, index ) DCL.sglazv( vxuloc, vyuloc, vxuloc, vyuloc+vyunit, 1, index ) #< labelling > sfxunit = sprintf("%.2g",fxunit) sfyunit = sprintf("%.2g",fyunit) rsizet = DCL.uzpget('rsizel1') if !rsizet if opt['inplace'] DCL.sgtxzv(vxuloc, vyuloc-1.2*rsizet, sfxunit, rsizet, 0, -1, index) DCL.sgtxzv(vxuloc+1.2*rsizet, vyuloc+0.5*rsizet, sfyunit, rsizet, 90, -1, index) else msg= "UNIT VECTOR X:#{sfxunit} Y:#{sfyunit}" before = uz_set_params({'rsizec1'=>rsizet}) DCL.uxsttl('b',' ',0.0) DCL.uxsttl('b',msg,0.0) uz_set_params(before) end end def flow_vect( fx, fy, factor=1.0, xintv=1, yintv=1, vxfxratio=nil, vyfyratio=nil) raise ArgumentError,"Expect 2D arrays" if fx.rank != 2 || fy.rank != 2 raise ArgumentError,"fx.shape != fy.shape" if fx.shape != fy.shape raise ArgumentError,"xintv must be a positive integer" if xintv < 0 raise ArgumentError,"yintv must be a positive integer" if yintv < 0 nx, ny = fx.shape if xintv >= 2 idx =!*xintv # [0,xintv,2*xintv,..] fx = fx[idx, true] fy = fy[idx, true] end if yintv >= 2 idx =!*yintv # [0,yintv,2*yintv,..] fx = fx[true, idx] fy = fy[true, idx] end nx, ny = fx.shape # again, because of xintv & yintv vx0,vx1,vy0,vy1 = DCL.sgqvpt wnd = DCL.sgqwnd if wnd.include?(DCL.glrget('rundef')) ux0,ux1,uy0,uy1 = DCL.sgqtxy else ux0,ux1,uy0,uy1 = wnd end dvx = (vx1-vx0)/nx dvy = (vy1-vy0)/ny ax = (vx1-vx0)/(ux1-ux0) # factor to convert from U to V coordinate ay = (vy1-vy0)/(uy1-uy0) # factor to convert from U to V coordinate fxmx = fx.abs.max fymx = fy.abs.max raise "fx has no data or all zero" if fxmx == 0 raise "fy has no data or all zero" if fymx == 0 cn = [ dvx/(ax*fxmx), dvy/(ay*fymx) ].min # normarization constant vxfxratio = factor*cn*ax if !vxfxratio vyfyratio = factor*cn*ay if !vyfyratio before = ug_set_params( {'LNRMAL'=>false, 'LMSG'=>false, 'XFACT1'=>1.0, 'YFACT1'=>1.0} ) DCL.ugvect( vxfxratio*fx, vyfyratio*fy ) ug_set_params( before ) unit_vect_info = [ vxfxratio, vyfyratio, fxmx, fymx ] return unit_vect_info end def flow_itr5( gpx, gpy, factor=1.0, unit_vect=false ) raise ArgumentError,"Expect 2D arrays" if gpx.rank != 2 || gpy.rank != 2 raise ArgumentError,"gpx.shape != gpy.shape" if gpx.shape != gpy.shape raise "Transform. No. should be 5" if DCL.sgpget('itr') != 5 theta = gpx.coord(1) / 180 * Math::PI theta = theta.reshape(1,theta.shape[0]) vx = gpx * theta.cos - gpy * theta.sin # UC component -> VC vy = gpx * theta.sin + gpy * theta.cos # UC component -> VC DCL.sglset('LCLIP',false) before1 = DCLExt.ug_set_params( {'LUNIT'=>true, 'LUMSG'=>true} ) if unit_vect before2 = DCLExt.ug_set_params( {'LNRMAL'=>false, 'XFACT1'=>factor, 'YFACT1'=>factor} ) if factor != 1.0 DCL.ugvect( vx.val, vy.val ) if unit_vect uxunit = sprintf("%.2g",DCL.ugrget('UXUNIT')) uyunit = sprintf("%.2g",DCL.ugrget('UXUNIT')) vxuloc = DCL.ugrget('VXULOC') vyuloc = DCL.ugrget('VYULOC') rsize = DCL.ugrget('RSIZET') dv = rsize DCL.sgtxzv(vxuloc, vyuloc-dv, uxunit, rsize, 0, -1, 3 ) DCL.sgtxzv(vxuloc-dv, vyuloc, uyunit, rsize, 90, -1, 3 ) end ug_set_params( before2 ) if factor != 1.0 ug_set_params( before1 ) if unit_vect end ###################################### # <<< color bar >>> @@color_bar_options = ["levels", nil, "tone levels (if omitted, latest ones are used)"], ["patterns", nil, "tone patterns (~colors) (if omitted, latest ones are used)"], ["voff", nil, "how far is the bar from the viewport in the V coordinate"], ["vcent",nil, "center position of the bar in the V coordinate (VX or VY)"], ["vlength", 0.3, "bar length in the V coordinate"], ["vwidth", 0.02, "bar width in the V coordinate"], ["landscape", false, "if true, horizonlly long (along x axes)"], ["portrait", true, "if true, vertically long (along y axes)"], ["top", false, "place the bar at the top (effective if landscape)"], ["left", false, "place the bar in the left (effective if portrait)"], ["units", nil, "units of the axis of the color bar"], ["title", nil, "title of the color bar"], ["tickintv", 1, "0,1,2,3,.. to specify how frequently the dividing tick lines are drawn (0: no tick lines, 1: every time, 2: ever other:,...)"], ["labelintv", nil, "0,1,2,3,.. to specify how frequently labels are drawn (0: no labels, 1: every time, 2: ever other:,... default: internally determined)"], ["labels_ud", nil, "user-defined labels for replacing the default labels (Array of String)"], ["charfact", 0.9, "factor to change the label/units/title character size (relative to 'rsizel1'/'rsizel1'/'rsizec1')"], ["log", false, "set the color bar scale to logarithmic"], ["constwidth", false, "if true, each color is drawn with the same width"], ["index", nil, "index of tick lines and bar frame"], ["charindex", nil, "index of labels, units, and title"], ["chval_fmt", nil, "string to specify the DCL.chval format for labeling"] ) def set_color_bar_options(options) @@color_bar_options.set(options) end def level_chval_fmt(max,min,dx) # returns a format for DCL.chval suitable for color-ba labels eps = 1e-4 * dx.abs if ( dx.abs % 10**Math::log10(dx.abs) < eps ) # 1 keta least_order = Math::log10(dx.abs).floor else # >=2 keta --> limit to 2 keta least_order = Math::log10(dx.abs).floor - 1 end ng = Math::log10([max.abs,min.abs,eps].max).floor - least_order + 1 if ng <= 3 fmt = 'b' else n = Math::log10([max.abs,min.abs].max).floor nn = Math::log10([max.abs,min.abs].min).floor if least_order >= 0 and nn >= 0 ifg = 'i' elsif 0 <= n and n <= 4 ifg = 'f' else ifg = 'g' end case(ifg) when 'i' fmt = '(i15)' when 'g' ng = Math::log10([max.abs,min.abs,eps].max).floor - least_order + 1 ng = [ ng, 2 ].max fmt = "(g15.#{ng})" when 'f' nf = [ -least_order, 0].max fmt = "(f15.#{nf})" end end fmt end def sprintf_level(x,max,min,dx) # format a float for color-bar labels. # like DCL.hval('b',x) but changes according to dx if x==0 fg = 'f' else n = Math::log10(x.abs).floor if 0 <= n and n <= 4 fg = 'f' else fg = 'g' end end eps = 1e-6 if ( dx.abs % 10**Math::log10(dx.abs) < eps ) # 1 keta least_order = Math::log10(dx.abs).floor else # >=2 keta --> limit to 2 keta least_order = Math::log10(dx.abs).floor - 1 end if fg == 'g' ng = Math::log10([max.abs,min.abs,eps].max).floor - least_order + 1 ng = [ ng, 2 ].max fmt = "%.#{ng}g" else nf = [ -least_order, 0].max fmt = "%.#{nf}f" end sprintf(fmt,x).sub(/\.0*$/,'') end def color_bar(options=nil) # < set parameters > opt = @@color_bar_options.interpret(options) lsetx = DCL.uwqgxz lsety = DCL.uwqgyz rmiss = DCL.glrget('rmiss') levels = opt['levels'] patterns = opt['patterns'] if (levels.nil? && !patterns.nil?) || (!levels.nil? && patterns.nil?) raise "levels and patterns must be set at same time\n" end landscape = opt["landscape"] || !opt["portrait"] portrait = ! landscape if !levels.nil? ue_set_tone(levels,patterns) end labels_ud = opt["labels_ud"] if !labels_ud.nil? if labels_ud.class != Array raise ArgumentError,"'labels_ud' must be an Array of String" elsif labels_ud.size == 0 raise ArgumentError,"'labels_ud' must be an Array of String" else labels_ud.each do |lbl_ud| if lbl_ud.class != String raise ArgumentError,"'labels_ud' must be an Array of String" end end end end if opt["index"] index = opt["index"] index = 1 if index <= 0 else index = DCL::uziget("indext2") end indext1_bk = DCL::uziget("indext1") indext2_bk = DCL::uziget("indext2") DCL::uziset("indext1",index) DCL::uziset("indext2",index) if opt["charindex"] charindex = opt["charindex"] charindex = 1 if charindex <= 0 else charindex = DCL::uziget("indexl1") end indexl1_bk = DCL::uziget("indexl1") DCL::uziset("indexl1",charindex) charfact = opt["charfact"] rsizel1_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizel1") rsizec1_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizec1") DCL::uzrset("rsizel1",charfact*rsizel1_bk) DCL::uzrset("rsizec1",charfact*rsizec1_bk) nton = DCL::ueqntl if nton==0 raise "no tone patern was set\n" end lev1 = lev2 = patterns = if !opt['patterns'] for n in 0..nton-1 tlev1,tlev2,ipat = DCL::ueqtlv(n+1) lev1.push(tlev1) lev2.push(tlev2) patterns.push(ipat) if !opt['patterns'] end #levels = lev1+lev2 #levels = levels.uniq.sort #levels.delete(rmiss) #if # raise "levels is not in order\n" #end levels = lev1.push(lev2[-1]) if !levels levels = NArray.to_na(levels) if levels.is_a?(Array) patterns = NArray.to_na(patterns) if patterns.is_a?(Array) vx1, vx2, vy1, vy2 = DCL.sgqvpt if opt['log'] lv = levels[] if lv.length >= 4 && lv[0]*lv[-1]<0 iturn = 0 for i in 0...levels.length if levels[i] != rmiss if levels[i]*lv[0] < 0 iturn = i break end end end opt['vlength'] /= 2 vc0 = opt['vcent'] || ( portrait && (vy1+vy2)/2) || (vx1+vx2)/2 opt["voff"] ||= DCL.uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget("rsizec2") + ( portrait ? DCL.uzrget('roffyr') : - DCL.uzrget('roffxb') ) vsep2 = 0.02 opt['levels'] = levels[0..iturn-1] opt['patterns'] = patterns[0..iturn-2] opt['vcent'] = vc0 - opt['vlength']/2 - vsep2 color_bar(opt) opt['levels'] = levels[iturn..-1] opt['patterns'] = patterns[iturn..-1] opt['vcent'] = vc0 + opt['vlength']/2 + vsep2 color_bar(opt) # fill between the two bars if portrait x1 = vx2 + opt["voff"] x2 = x1 + opt['vwidth'] y1 = vc0 - vsep2 y2 = vc0 + vsep2 else x1 = vc0 - vsep2 x2 = vc0 + vsep2 y1 = vy1 - opt["voff"] y2 = y1 - opt['vwidth'] end bk = DCLExt.sg_set_params({'lclip'=>false}) DCL.sgtnzv([x1,x2,x2,x1],[y1,y1,y2,y2],patterns[iturn-1]) DCL.sgplzv([x1,x2,x2,x1,x1],[y1,y1,y2,y2,y1],1,3) DCLExt.sg_set_params(bk) return end end if levels.length <= 1 $stderr.print( "WARNING #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}: # of levels <= 1. No color bar is drawn." ) return end itrsv = DCL::sgqtrn if itrsv <= 4 ux1sv, ux2sv, uy1sv, uy2sv = DCL.sgqwnd else simfacsv, vxoffsv, vyoffsv = DCL.sgqsim plxsv, plysv, plrotsv = DCL.sgqmpl() end vwidth = opt["vwidth"] vlength = opt["vlength"] if portrait if !opt["left"] # left voff = opt["voff"] || DCL.uzrget('roffyr') + DCL.uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget("rsizec2") vxmin = vx2 + voff vxmax = vx2 + voff + vwidth else # right voff = opt["voff"] ? -opt["voff"] : \ DCL.uzrget('roffyl') - DCL.uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget("rsizec2") vxmax = vx1 + voff vxmin = vx1 + voff - vwidth end vymin =( opt["vcent"] ? opt["vcent"]-vlength/2 : vy1 ) vymax =( opt["vcent"] ? opt["vcent"]+vlength/2 : vy1+vlength ) else ## landscape ## vxmin =( opt["vcent"] ? opt["vcent"]-vlength/2 : (vx1+vx2)/2-vlength/2 ) vxmax =( opt["vcent"] ? opt["vcent"]+vlength/2 : (vx1+vx2)/2+vlength/2 ) if opt["top"] # top voff = opt["voff"] || DCL.uzrget('roffxt') + DCL.uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget("rsizec2") vymin = vy2 + voff vymax = vy2 + voff + vwidth else # bottom voff = opt["voff"] ? -opt["voff"] : \ DCL.uzrget('roffxb') - DCL.uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget("rsizec2") vymax = vy1 + voff vymin = vy1 + voff - vwidth end end min = levels[].min max = levels[].max if levels[0] == rmiss inf0 = true dummy1,dummy2,ipat0 = DCL::ueqtlv(1) else inf0 = false end if levels[-1] == rmiss inf1 = true dummy1,dummy2,ipat1 = DCL::ueqtlv(nton) else inf1 = false end # < paint color tones > lclip_bk = DCL::sglget("lclip") DCL::sglset("lclip", false) if opt["constwidth"] if inf0 levels = levels[1..-1] patterns = patterns[1..-1] end if inf1 levels = levels[0..-2] patterns = patterns[0..-2] end nlev = levels.length npat = patterns.length if portrait vy = (NArray.sfloat(npat+1).indgen!)*(vymax-vymin)/npat + vymin # paint color tones for infinity (with drawing frame) if inf0 vy3 = [vymin, vymin-vwidth*2.25, vymin] vx3 = [vxmax, (vxmax+vxmin)/2, vxmin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat0) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end if inf1 vy3 = [vymax, vymax+vwidth*2.25, vymax] vx3 = [vxmax, (vxmax+vxmin)/2, vxmin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat1) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end # paint color tones for each range (with drawing long-side frame) for i in 0..npat-1 DCL::sgtnzv([vxmin,vxmax,vxmax,vxmin],[vy[i],vy[i],vy[i+1],vy[i+1]],patterns[i]) DCL::sgplzv([vxmin,vxmin],[vy[i],vy[i+1]],1,index) DCL::sgplzv([vxmax,vxmax],[vy[i],vy[i+1]],1,index) end else ## landscape ## vx = (NArray.sfloat(npat+1).indgen!)*(vxmax-vxmin)/npat + vxmin # paint color tones for infinity (with drawing frame) if inf0 vx3 = [vxmin, vxmin-vwidth*2.25, vxmin] vy3 = [vymax, (vymax+vymin)/2, vymin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat0) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end if inf1 vx3 = [vxmax, vxmax+vwidth*2.25, vxmax] vy3 = [vymax, (vymax+vymin)/2, vymin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat1) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end # paint color tones for each range (with drawing long-side frame) for i in 0..npat-1 DCL::sgtnzv([vx[i],vx[i],vx[i+1],vx[i+1]],[vymin,vymax,vymax,vymin],patterns[i]) DCL::sgplzv([vx[i],vx[i+1]],[vymin,vymin],1,index) DCL::sgplzv([vx[i],vx[i+1]],[vymax,vymax],1,index) end end else ### opt["constwidth"] == false ### # paint color tones for infinity (with drawing frame) if portrait if inf0 vy3 = [vymin, vymin-vwidth*2.25, vymin] vx3 = [vxmax, (vxmax+vxmin)/2, vxmin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat0) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end if inf1 vy3 = [vymax, vymax+vwidth*2.25, vymax] vx3 = [vxmax, (vxmax+vxmin)/2, vxmin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat1) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end else ## landscape ## if inf0 vx3 = [vxmin, vxmin-vwidth*2.25, vxmin] vy3 = [vymax, (vymax+vymin)/2, vymin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat0) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end if inf1 vx3 = [vxmax, vxmax+vwidth*2.25, vxmax] vy3 = [vymax, (vymax+vymin)/2, vymin] DCL.sgtnzv(vx3,vy3,ipat1) DCL.sgplzv(vx3,vy3,1,index) end end # paint color tones for each range nbar = 100 bar = NArray.float(nbar,2) for i in 0..nbar-1 bar[i,true] = min + (max-min).to_f/(nbar-1)*i end xb = DCL::uzlget("labelxb") yl = DCL::uzlget("labelyl") if portrait xmin = 0.0 xmax = 1.0 ymin = min ymax = max DCL::uzlset("labelxb",false) DCL::uzlset("labelyl",true) bar = bar.transpose(-1,0) DCL::uwsgxa([0,1]) DCL::uwsgya(bar[0,true]) else xmin = min xmax = max ymin = 0.0 ymax = 1.0 DCL::uzlset("labelxb",true) DCL::uzlset("labelyl",false) DCL::uwsgxa(bar[true,0]) DCL::uwsgya([0,1]) end type = 1 if opt["log"] type +=1 type +=1 if !portrait end DCL::grfig DCL::grsvpt(vxmin,vxmax,vymin,vymax) DCL::grswnd(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) DCL::grstrn(type) DCL::grstrf DCL::uetone(bar) DCL.uwsgxz(false) DCL.uwsgyz(false) end # < set ticking and labeling levels > if opt["labelintv"] labelintv = opt["labelintv"] else ntn = nton ntn -= 1 if inf0 ntn -= 1 if inf1 if portrait labelintv = (ntn-1) / 9 + 1 else labelintv = (ntn-1) / 5 + 1 end end if labelintv <= 0 no_label = true labelintv = 1 else no_label = false end tickintv = opt["tickintv"] if tickintv <= 0 no_tick = true tickintv = labelintv else no_tick = false end eps = 1e-5 dummy = -9.9e-38 dz = dzp = dzc = dummy idu = (1...levels.length).each do |i| dzc = (levels[i] - levels[i-1]).abs if (dzc-dzp).abs <= eps * [dzc.abs,dzp.abs].max dz = dzc # set dz if two consecutive inrements are the same idu.push( i-1 ) end dzp = (levels[i] - levels[i-1]).abs end if idu.length > 0 idumin = idu.min - 1 idumax = idu.max + 1 else idumin = 0 idumax = levels.length-1 end if dz != dummy # if idumin == 1 and levels[0] != rmiss # # to correct non-uniform intv at the beginning # levels[0] = levels[1] - dz # idumin = 0 # min = levels[0] # end # if idumax == levels.length-2 and levels[-1] != rmiss # # to correct non-uniform intv at the end # levels[-1] = levels[-2] + dz # idumax = levels.length-1 # max = levels[-1] # end # use the algorithm used in DCL.udgcla offs_tick = ( (-levels[idumin]/dz).round % tickintv + idumin ) % tickintv offs_label = ( (-levels[idumin]/dz).round % labelintv + idumin ) % labelintv else md = 0 if ( (idx=levels.eq(0.0).where).length > 0 ) md = idx[0] % labelintv else a = levels[0...([labelintv,levels.length].min)] b = a * 10**( -NMath.log10(a.abs).floor.min ) (0...b.length).each{|i| md=i if (b[i].round-b[i]).abs < 1e-5 } end offs_tick = (md % tickintv) offs_label = md end if levels.length >= 4 lvmx = levels[1..-2].max lvmn = levels[1..-2].min dlv = (lvmx-lvmn) / (levels.length-3) elsif levels.length == 3 or levels.length == 2 lvmn = lvmx = dlv = levels[1] else lvmn = lvmx = dlv = levels[0] end # < draw units, title, labels, and tick lines> if opt["constwidth"] if !no_label && labels_ud ilbl = 0 for i in 0..nlev-1 if (i % labelintv) == offs_label ilbl += 1 end end if labels_ud.size != ilbl raise ArgumentError, "'labels_ud' must be an Array of length==#{ilbl} in this case" end end if portrait if voff > 0 cent = -1 vxlabel = vxmax+DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1') # title DCL::sgtxzr(vxmin-(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), (vymin+vymax)/2.0, opt['title'], DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), 90, 0, charindex) if opt['title'] # units DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] else cent = 1 vxlabel = vxmin-DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1') # title DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), (vymin+vymax)/2.0, opt['title'], DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), -90, 0, charindex) if opt['title'] # units DCL::sgtxzr(vxmin-DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, 1, charindex) if opt['units'] end ilbl_ud = 0 for i in 0..nlev-1 # labels if !no_label && (i % labelintv) == offs_label if labels_ud char = labels_ud[ilbl_ud] DCL::sgtxzr(vxlabel,vy[i],char,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,cent,charindex) ilbl_ud += 1 else begin if(opt['chval_fmt']) char = DCL::chval(opt['chval_fmt'],levels[i]) else char = sprintf_level(levels[i],lvmx,lvmn,dlv) end DCL::sgtxzr(vxlabel,vy[i],char,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,cent,charindex) rescue DCL::sgtxzr(vxlabel,vy[i],levels[i].to_s,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,cent,charindex) end end end # tick lines and short-side frame if (!no_tick && (i % tickintv) == offs_tick) || (!inf0 && i == 0) || (!inf1 && i == nlev-1) DCL::sgplzv([vxmin,vxmax],[vy[i],vy[i]],1,index) end end else ## landscape ## if voff > 0 vylabel = vymax+(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1') # title DCL::sgtxzr((vxmin+vxmax)/2.0, vymin-(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), opt['title'], DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), 0, 0, charindex) if opt['title'] # units DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] else vylabel = vymin-(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1') # title DCL::sgtxzr((vxmin+vxmax)/2.0, vymax+(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), opt['title'], DCL::uzrget('rsizec1'), 0, 0, charindex) if opt['title'] # units DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymin-(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] end ilbl_ud = 0 for i in 0..nlev-1 # labels if !no_label && (i % labelintv) == offs_label if labels_ud char = labels_ud[ilbl_ud] DCL::sgtxzr(vx[i],vylabel,char,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,0,charindex) ilbl_ud += 1 else begin if(opt['chval_fmt']) char = DCL::chval(opt['chval_fmt'],levels[i]) else char = sprintf_level(levels[i],lvmx,lvmn,dlv) end DCL::sgtxzr(vx[i],vylabel,char,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,0,charindex) rescue DCL::sgtxzr(vx[i],vylabel,levels[i].to_s,DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'),0,0,charindex) end end end # tick lines and short-side frame if (!no_tick && (i % tickintv) == offs_tick) || (!inf0 && i == 0) || (!inf1 && i == nlev-1) DCL::sgplzv([vx[i],vx[i]],[vymin,vymax],1,index) end end end else ### opt["constwidth"] == false ### inner_bk = DCL::uziget('inner') uz_set_params('inner'=>1) tick1 = tick2 = for i in 0..levels.length-1 # if i>=idumin && i<=idumax && levels[i]!=rmiss if levels[i]!=rmiss tick1.push(levels[i]) if (i % tickintv) == offs_tick tick2.push(levels[i]) if (i % labelintv) == offs_label end end if portrait if voff > 0 before = uz_set_params('labelyl'=>false,'labelyr'=>true,'icentyr'=>-1.0) else before = uz_set_params('labelyl'=>true,'labelyr'=>false,'icentyl'=>1.0) end # draw frame, tick lines, and labels cfmt_bk = DCL::uyqfmt if opt["log"] fmt = opt['chval_fmt'] || "b" else fmt = opt['chval_fmt'] || level_chval_fmt(lvmx,lvmn,dlv) end DCL::uysfmt(fmt) rsizet1_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizet1") rsizet2_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizet2") uz_set_params('rsizet1'=>vwidth,'rsizet2'=>0.0) if no_label nl_labelxt = DCL::uzlget('labelxt') nl_labelxb = DCL::uzlget('labelxb') nl_labelyl = DCL::uzlget('labelyl') nl_labelyr = DCL::uzlget('labelyr') uz_set_params('labelxt'=>false,'labelxb'=>false,'labelyl'=>false,'labelyr'=>false) end if no_tick nt_rsizet1 = DCL::uzrget('rsizet1') DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",0.0) end if labels_ud if labels_ud.size != tick2.size raise ArgumentError, "'labels_ud' must be an Array of length==#{tick2.size} in this case" end nc = labels_ud.collect{|c| c.size}.max DCL::uyaxlb("l",tick1,tick2,labels_ud,nc) DCL::uyaxlb("r",tick1,tick2,labels_ud,nc) else DCL::uyaxnm("l",tick1,tick2) DCL::uyaxnm("r",tick1,tick2) end DCL::uxaxdv("b",1,index) if !inf0 DCL::uxaxdv("t",1,index) if !inf1 if no_tick DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",nt_rsizet1) end if no_label uz_set_params('labelxt'=>nl_labelxt,'labelxb'=>nl_labelxb,'labelyl'=>nl_labelyl,'labelyr'=>nl_labelyr) end DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",rsizet1_bk) DCL::uzrset("rsizet2",rsizet2_bk) DCL::uysfmt(cfmt_bk) # units and title if voff > 0 DCL::uysttl("l", opt["title"], 0.0) if opt["title"] DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] else irotcyr_bk = DCL::uziget('irotcyr') DCL::uziset('irotcyr', 3) DCL::uysttl("r", opt["title"], 0.0) if opt["title"] DCL::uziset('irotcyr', irotcyr_bk) DCL::sgtxzr(vxmin-DCL::uzrget('pad1')*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, 1, charindex) if opt['units'] end uz_set_params(before) else ## landscape ## if voff > 0 before = uz_set_params('labelxt'=>true,'labelxb'=>false) else before = uz_set_params('labelxt'=>false,'labelxb'=>true) end # draw frame, tick lines, and labels cfmt_bk = DCL::uxqfmt if opt["log"] fmt = opt['chval_fmt'] || "b" else fmt = opt['chval_fmt'] || level_chval_fmt(lvmx,lvmn,dlv) end DCL::uxsfmt(fmt) rsizet1_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizet1") rsizet2_bk = DCL::uzrget("rsizet2") uz_set_params('rsizet1'=>vwidth,'rsizet2'=>0.0) if no_label nl_labelxt = DCL::uzlget('labelxt') nl_labelxb = DCL::uzlget('labelxb') nl_labelyl = DCL::uzlget('labelyl') nl_labelyr = DCL::uzlget('labelyr') uz_set_params('labelxt'=>false,'labelxb'=>false,'labelyl'=>false,'labelyr'=>false) end if no_tick nt_rsizet1 = DCL::uzrget('rsizet1') DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",0.0) end if labels_ud if labels_ud.size != tick2.size raise ArgumentError, "'labels_ud' must be an Array of length==#{tick2.size} in this case" end nc = labels_ud.collect{|c| c.size}.max DCL::uxaxlb("t",tick1,tick2,labels_ud,nc) DCL::uxaxlb("b",tick1,tick2,labels_ud,nc) else DCL::uxaxnm("t",tick1,tick2) DCL::uxaxnm("b",tick1,tick2) end DCL::uyaxdv("l",1,index) if !inf0 DCL::uyaxdv("r",1,index) if !inf1 if no_tick DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",nt_rsizet1) end if no_label uz_set_params('labelxt'=>nl_labelxt,'labelxb'=>nl_labelxb,'labelyl'=>nl_labelyl,'labelyr'=>nl_labelyr) end DCL::uzrset("rsizet1",rsizet1_bk) DCL::uzrset("rsizet2",rsizet2_bk) DCL::uxsfmt(cfmt_bk) # units and title if voff > 0 DCL::uxsttl("b", opt["title"], 0.0) if opt["title"] DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymax+(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] else DCL::uxsttl("t", opt["title"], 0.0) if opt["title"] DCL::sgtxzr(vxmax+3.0*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), vymin-(0.5+DCL::uzrget('pad1'))*DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), opt['units'], DCL::uzrget('rsizel1'), 0, -1, charindex) if opt['units'] end uz_set_params(before) end DCL::uzlset("labelxb",xb) DCL::uzlset("labelyl",yl) DCL::grsvpt(vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2) if itrsv <= 4 DCL::grswnd(ux1sv, ux2sv, uy1sv, uy2sv) DCL::grstrn(itrsv) else DCL.sgssim(simfacsv,vxoffsv,vyoffsv) DCL.sgsmpl(plxsv,plysv,plrotsv) end DCL::grstrf uz_set_params('inner'=>inner_bk) end DCL::uziset("indext1",indext1_bk) DCL::uziset("indext2",indext2_bk) DCL::uziset("indexl1",indexl1_bk) DCL::uzrset("rsizel1",rsizel1_bk) DCL::uzrset("rsizec1",rsizec1_bk) DCL::sglset("lclip", lclip_bk) nil end # Annotates line/mark type and index (and size if mark). # By defualt it is shown in the right margin of the viewport. # # * str is a String to show # * line: true->line ; false->mark # * vx: vx of the left-hand point of legend line (or mark position). # * nil : internally determined # * Float && > 0 : set explicitly # * Float && < 0 : move it relatively to the left from the defualt # * dx: length of the legend line (not used if mark). # * nil : internally determined # * Float && > 0 : set explicitly # * vy: vy of the legend (not used if !first -- see below). # * nil : internally determined # * Float && > 0 : set explicitly # * Float && < 0 : move it relatively lower from the defualt # * first : if false, vy is moved lower relatively from the previous vy. # * mark_size : size of the mark. if nil, size is used. def legend(str, type, index, line=false, size=nil, vx=nil, dx=nil, vy=nil, first=true, mark_size=nil) size = DCL::uzrget("rsizel1")*0.95 if !size mark_size = size if !mark_size vpx1,vpx2,vpy1,vpy2 = DCL.sgqvpt if first if !vy vy = vpy2 - 0.04 elsif vy < 0 vy = ( vpy2 - 0.04 ) + vy end @vy = vy else vy = @vy - 1.5*size end if !vx vx = vpx2 + 0.015 elsif vx < 0 vx = (vpx2 + 0.015) + vx end if line dx=0.06 if !dx vx2 = vx + dx DCL::sgplzv([vx,vx2],[vy,vy],type,index) DCL.sgtxzv(vx2+0.01,vy,str,size,0,-1,3) else # --> mark DCL::sgpmzv([vx],[vy],type,index,mark_size) DCL.sgtxzv(vx+0.015+mark_size*0.5,vy,str,size,0,-1,3) end nil end # Driver of quasi_log_levels with data values def quasi_log_levels_z(vals, nlev=nil, max=nil, min=nil, cycle=1) if max && min quasi_log_levels(max.to_f, min.to_f, cycle) else if nlev eps = 0.1 norder = (nlev-1.0+eps)/cycle else norder = 3 end mx1 = vals.max mx2 = vals.min if min && min < 0 max = min min = nil elsif max && max < 0 min = max max = nil end maxsv = max minsv = min if !max max = [ mx1.abs, mx2.abs ].max.to_f max = -max if mx1<0 end if !min min = max/10**norder else max = min*10**norder if nlev end if !(minsv && minsv>0) && !(maxsv && maxsv <0) && ( mx2<0 && mx1>0 ) min = -min end quasi_log_levels(max, min, cycle) end end # Returns approximately log-scaled contour/tone levels as well as # major/minor flags for contours. No DCL call is made in here. # # * cycle (Integer; 1, or 2 or 3) : number of level in one-order. # e.g. 1,10,100,.. for cycle==1; 1,3,10,30,.. for cycle==2; # 1,2,5,10,20,50,.. for cycle==3 # * lev0, lev1 (Float) : levels are set between this two params # * if lev0 & lev1 > 0 : positive only # * if lev0 & lev1 < 0 : negative only # * if lev0 * lev1 < 0 : both positive and negative # such as over -lev0..-lev1, lev1..lev2 # RETURN VALUE: # * [ levels, mjmn ] def quasi_log_levels(lev0, lev1, cycle=1) raise(ArgumentError, "lev0 is zero (non-zero required)") if lev0 == 0.0 raise(ArgumentError, "lev1 is zero (non-zero required)") if lev1 == 0.0 case cycle when 1 cycl_levs = [1.0] when 2 cycl_levs = [1.0, 3.0] when 3 cycl_levs = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0] else raise(ArgumentError, "cycle must be 1,2,or 3, which is now #{cycle}") end if lev0 > 0 and lev1 > 0 positive = true negative = false elsif lev0 < 0 and lev1 < 0 positive = false negative = true else positive = true negative = true end sml, big = [lev0.abs,lev1.abs].sort expsml = Math::log10(sml).floor expbig = Math::log10(big).ceil levels = mjmn = for i in expsml..expbig-1 for k in 0..cycle-1 lev = cycl_levs[k] * 10**i if lev >= sml && lev <= big levels.push( lev ) mjmn.push( k==0 ? 1 : 0 ) end end end lev = 10**expbig if lev == big levels.push( lev ) mjmn.push( 1 ) end if negative && !positive levels = levels.reverse.collect{|x| -x} mjmn = mjmn.reverse elsif negative && positive levels.dup.each{|x| levels.unshift(-x)} mjmn.dup.each{|x| mjmn.unshift(x)} end [ levels, mjmn ] end end #################################################################### #################################################################### #################################################################### module GGraph class << self ## private methods in the module def __shorten_path(str,maxlen) return str if str.length <= maxlen astr = str.split(/\//) while(str.length > maxlen) astr.length!=2 ? at = (astr.length)/2 : at = 0 astr.delete_at( at ) (a = astr.dup)[at, 0] = '...' # insert(at,'...') if Ruby>=1.8 str = a.join('/') end str end private :__shorten_path end module_function def gropn_1_if_not_yet begin DCL.stqwrc rescue DCL.gropn(1) end end def margin_info(program=nil, data_source=nil, char_height=nil, date=nil, xl=0.0, xr=0.0, yb=nil, yt=0.0) program = File.expand_path($0) if !program if date program = __shorten_path(program,77) + ' ' + else program = __shorten_path(program,99) if date.nil? program = program + ' ' + if program.length < 77 end end if !data_source data_source = Dir.pwd data_source = '' if data_source == program.sub(/\/[^\/]+$/,'') end data_source = __shorten_path(data_source,99) sz = 1.0/( program.length + data_source.length ) char_height = [0.008, sz].min if !char_height yb = 2.0 * char_height if !yb DCL.slmgn(xl, xr, yb, yt) DCL.slsttl(program, 'b', -1.0, -1.0, char_height, 1) DCL.slsttl(data_source, 'b', 1.0, -1.0, char_height, 2) nil end def color_bar(*args) DCLExt.color_bar(*args) end def title(string) if string if map_trn? || itr_is?(5) v = DCL::sgqvpt txhgt = DCL.uzpget('rsizec2') # rsizec2: larger text vx = (v[0]+v[1])/2 vy = v[3] + (0.5 + DCL.uzpget('pad1')) * txhgt DCL::sgtxzr(vx , vy, string, txhgt, 0, 0, 3) else DCL.uxmttl('t',string,0.0) end end nil end def annotate(str_ary, noff=nil) charsize = 0.7 * DCL.uzpget('rsizec1') vxmin,vxmax,vymin,vymax = DCL.sgqvpt vx = vxmax + 0.01 vy = vymax - charsize/2 annotate_at(str_ary,vx,vy,charsize,-1.0,-1.5,noff) end def annotate_at(str_ary,vx,vy,charsize=nil, align=-1.0, dvyfact=-1.5, noff=nil) raise TypeError,"Array expected" if ! str_ary.is_a?(Array) charsize = 0.7 * DCL.uzpget('rsizec1') unless(charsize) dvy = charsize*dvyfact vy += noff*dvy if noff str_ary.each{|str| DCL::sgtxzr(vx,vy,str,charsize,0,align,1) vy += dvy } nannot = str_ary.length nannot += noff if noff nannot end @@fig = ['new_frame',true, 'whether to define a new frame by DCL.grfrm (otherwise, DCL.grfig is called)'], ['no_new_fig',false, 'If true, neither DCL.grfrm nor DCL.grfig is called (overrides new_frame) -- Then, you need to call one of them in advance. Convenient to set DCL parameters that are reset by grfrm or grfig.'], ['itr', 1, 'coordinate transformation number'], ['viewport',[0.2,0.8,0.2,0.8], '[vxmin, vxmax, vymin, vymax]'], ['eqdistvpt',false, 'modify viewport to equidistant for x and y (only for itr=1--4)'], ['window', nil, '(for itr<10,>50) [uxmin, uxmax, uymin, uymax]. each element allowd nil (only for itr<5,>50)'], ['xreverse','positive:down,units:hPa', '(for itr<10,>50) Assign max value to UXMIN and min value to UXMAX if condition is satisfied (nil:never, true:always, String: when an attibute has the value specified ("key:value,key:value,..")'], ['yreverse','positive:down,units:hPa', '(for itr<10,>50) Assign max value to UYMIN and min value to UYMAX if condition is satisfied (nil:never, true:always, String: when an attibute has the value specified ("key:value,key:value,..")'], ['round0', false, 'expand window range to good numbers (effective only to internal window settings)'], ['round1', false, 'expand window range to good numbers (effective even when "window" is explicitly specified)'], # for 5<=itr<=7 (Rectangular Curvilinear Coordinates) ['similar', nil, '3-element float array for similar transformation in a rectangular curvilinear coordinate, which is fed in DCL:grssim:[simfac,vxoff,vyoff], where simfac and [vxoff,vyoff] represent scaling factor and origin shift, respectively.'], # for 10<=itr<=50 (map projection): ['map_axis', nil, '(for all map projections) 3-element float array to be fed in DCL::umscnt: [uxc, uxy, rot], where [uxc, uyc] represents the tangential point (or the pole at top side for cylindrical projections), and rot represents the rotation angle. If nil, internally determined. (units: degrees)'], ['map_radius', nil, '(for itr>=20: conical/azimuhal map projections) raidus around the tangential point. (units: degrees)'], ['map_fit',nil,'(Only for itr=10(cylindrical) and 11 (Mercator)) true: fit the plot to the data window (overrides map_window and map_axis); false: do not fit (then map_window and map_axis are used); nil: true if itr==10, false if itr==11'], ['map_window', [-180,180,-75,75], '(for itr<20: cylindrical map projections) lon-lat window [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max ] to draw the map (units: degres)'] ) def set_fig(options) @@fig.set(options) end @@next_fig = nil def next_fig(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_fig = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end def map_trn?( fig_yet_to_be_called=false ) if fig_yet_to_be_called itr = ( @@next_fig && @@next_fig['itr'] ) || @@fig['itr'] else itr = DCL.sgqtrn end case itr when 1..9,51..99 false else true end end def itr_is?( itr, fig_yet_to_be_called=false ) if fig_yet_to_be_called current_itr = ( @@next_fig && @@next_fig['itr'] ) || @@fig['itr'] else current_itr = DCL.sgqtrn end current_itr == itr end def sim_trn? itr = DCL.sgqtrn case itr when 5..7 true else false end end def fig(xax=nil, yax=nil, options=nil) # xax and yax are needed (i.e. Axis objects) if not map projection if @@next_fig options = ( options ? @@next_fig.update(options) : @@next_fig ) @@next_fig = nil end opts = @@fig.interpret(options) if opts['no_new_fig'] # do nothing elsif opts['new_frame'] DCL.grfrm else DCL.grfig end raise "viewport's length must be 4" if opts['viewport'].length != 4 DCL.grsvpt(*opts['viewport']) if opts['window'] if !opts['window'].is_a?(Array) || opts['window'].length!=4 raise "Option 'window' must be an Array of length==4" end end itr = opts['itr'] DCL.grstrn(itr) map_fit = ( (itr==10 and opts['map_fit']!=false) or (itr==11 and opts['map_fit']==true) ) if ( (1<=itr and itr<=4) or (51<=itr and itr<=99) or map_fit ) window = opts['window'] window = ( window ? window.dup : [nil, nil, nil, nil]) if window.include?(nil) raise(ArgumentError, "xax and yax must be provided") if !xax or !yax if (xreverse=opts['xreverse']).is_a?(String) atts = opts['xreverse'].split(',').collect{|v| v.split(':')} xreverse = false atts.each{|key,val| xreverse = ( xax.get_att(key) == val ) break if xreverse } end if (yreverse=opts['yreverse']).is_a?(String) atts = opts['yreverse'].split(',').collect{|v| v.split(':')} yreverse = false atts.each{|key,val| yreverse = ( yax.get_att(key) == val ) break if yreverse } end if xreverse xrange = [ xax.max, xax.min ] else xrange = [ xax.min, xax.max ] end if yreverse yrange = [ yax.max, yax.min ] else yrange = [ yax.min, yax.max ] end [ xrange, yrange ].each do |range| r0 = range[0] r1 = range[1] if r0 == r1 if r0.nil? raise("Cannot set a window. Maybe plotting all-missing data?") end # if the max and min of the range is the same, shift them a bit range[0] = DCL.rgnlt(r0) range[1] = DCL.rgngt(r0) end end default_window=[xrange[0], xrange[1], yrange[0], yrange[1]] default_window = __round_window(default_window) if opts['round0'] if window.nitems == 0 # if all elements is nil window = default_window else window.each_index do |i| window[i] = default_window[i] if window[i] == nil end end window = __round_window(window) if opts['round1'] end end case itr when 1..4,51..99 # all but for map projections and curvilinear coordinates DCL.grswnd(*window) if itr <= 4 and opts['eqdistvpt'] # modify viewport to equidistant vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2 = opts['viewport'] wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2 = window vxw = (vx2-vx1).abs vyw = (vy2-vy1).abs wxw = (wx2-wx1).abs wyw = (wy2-wy1).abs if ( [vxw,vyw,wxw,wyw].min > 0 ) rx = wxw / vxw ry = wyw / vyw if rx > ry rc = ry/rx vym = (vy1+vy2)/2.0 vy1 = vym - rc*vyw/2.0 vy2 = vym + rc*vyw/2.0 elsif rx < ry rc = rx/ry vxm = (vx1+vx2)/2.0 vx1 = vxm - rc*vxw/2.0 vx2 = vxm + rc*vxw/2.0 end DCL.grsvpt(vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2) end end when 5,6 if opts['similar'] similar=opts['similar'] DCL.grssim(*similar) elsif opts['window'] if defined?(DCL::DCLVERSION) && DCL::DCLVERSION >= '5.3' DCL.sgscwd(*opts['window']) else raise "You need DCL 5.3 or later to use the 'window' parameter in this transform (#{itr}). Use 'similar' instead." end else case itr when 5 vxmin,vxmax,vymin,vymax=DCL.sgqvpt raise(ArgumentError, "xax must be provided") if !xax simfac = (vymax-vymin)/(xax.max*2) # only xax is used similar = [simfac,0.0,0.0] DCL.grssim(*similar) else raise NotImplementedError, "Sorry, automatic window setting is yet to be available for the transform #{itr}. Please specify the 'similar' or 'window' parameter" end end when 10..15 if !map_fit map_axis = opts['map_axis'] || [180.0, 0.0, 0.0] DCL::umscnt( *map_axis ) map_window = opts['map_window'] raise "map_window's length must be 4" if map_window.length != 4 map_lat_range = [ map_window[2], map_window[3] ] if map_lat_range.is_a?(Range) map_lat_range = [map_lat_range.first, map_lat_range.end] end case ( map_axis[2] - map_axis[1] ) % 360 when 0 tyrange = map_lat_range when 180 tyrange = [ -map_lat_range[1], -map_lat_range[0] ] else tyrange = [ -75, 75 ] # latange is ignored end DCL::grstxy(map_window[0], map_window[1], tyrange[0], tyrange[1]) else lon_cent =( window[0] + window[1] ) / 2.0 dlon2 = ( window[1] - window[0] ) / 2.0 map_axis = [ lon_cent, 0.0, 0.0 ] DCL::sgswnd(*window) DCL::umscnt( *map_axis ) DCL::grstxy( -dlon2, dlon2, window[2], window[3] ) end sv = DCL.umpget('lglobe') DCL.umpset('lglobe', true) DCL::umpfit when 20..33 map_axis = opts['map_axis'] || [180.0, 90.0, 0.0] map_radius = opts['map_radius'] || 70.0 DCL::umscnt( *map_axis ) case itr when 31 v = opts['viewport'] vptsize = [ v[1]-v[0], v[3]-v[2] ].min DCL::grssim( vptsize*0.25/Math::tan(0.5*Math::PI*map_radius/180.0), 0.0, 0.0 ) when 22 v = opts['viewport'] vptsize = [ v[1]-v[0], v[3]-v[2] ].min DCL::grssim( vptsize*0.35*(90.0/map_radius), 0.0, 0.0 ) DCL::grstxy(-180.0, 180.0, 90.0-map_radius, 90.0) else DCL::grstxy(-180.0, 180.0, 90.0-map_radius, 90.0) end sv = DCL.umpget('lglobe') DCL.umpset('lglobe', true) DCL::umpfit DCL.umpset('lglobe', sv) else raise "unsupported transformation number: #{itr}" end DCL.grstrf DCL.umpset('lglobe', sv) nil end def __good_range(x0,x1) x0 = x0.to_f x1 = x1.to_f xw = (x1-x0).abs e10, lx = (Math::log10(xw)).divmod(1.0) ef = 5.0 * 10**(-e10) [(x0*ef).floor/ef,(x1*ef).ceil/ef] end private :__good_range def __round_window(window) x0,x1 = __good_range(window[0],window[1]) y0,y1 = __good_range(window[2],window[3]) [ x0, x1, y0, y1 ] end private :__round_window @@axes = ['xside', 'tb', 'Where to draw xaxes (combination of t, b and u)'], ['yside', 'lr', 'Where to draw yaxes (combination of l, r and u)'], ['xtitle', nil, 'Title of x axis (if nil, internally determined)'], ['ytitle', nil, 'Title of y axis (if nil, internally determined)'], ['xunits', nil, 'Units of x axis (if nil, internally determined)'], ['yunits', nil, 'Units of y axis (if nil, internally determined)'], ['xtickint', nil, 'Interval of x axis tickmark (if nil, internally determined)'], ['ytickint', nil, 'Interval of y axis tickmark (if nil, internally determined)'], ['xlabelint', nil, 'Interval of x axis label (if nil, internally determined)'], ['ylabelint', nil, 'Interval of y axis label (if nil, internally determined)'], ['xmaplabel', false, 'If "lon"("lat"), use DCLExt::lon_ax(DCLExt::lat_ax) to draw xaxes; otherwise, DCL::usxaxs is used.'], ['ymaplabel', false, 'If "lon"("lat"), use DCLExt::lon_ax(DCLExt::lat_ax) to draw yaxes; otherwise, DCL::usyaxs is used.'], ['time_ax', nil, 'Type of calendar-type time axis: nil (=> auto slection), false (do not use the time axis even if the units of the axis is a time one with since field), "h" (=> like nil, but always use the hour-resolving datetime_ax method in dclext_datetime_ax.rb), or "ymd" (=> like "h" but for y-m-d type using DCL.uc[xy]acl)'] ) def set_axes(options) @@axes.set(options) end @@next_axes = nil def next_axes(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_axes = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end # axtype: nil (-->auto), 'h' (to resolve hours), or 'ymd' def __calendar_ax(axtype, xax, side, sunits, ttl, \ tickint=nil, labelint=nil) window = DCL.sgqwnd viewport = DCL.sgqvpt /(.*) *since *(.*)/ =~ sunits if (!$1 or !$2) raise("Units mismatch. Requires time units that includes 'since'") end tun = Units[$1] dayun = Units['days'] since = DateTime.parse($2) if xax t0 = window[0] t1 = window[1] else t0 = window[2] t1 = window[3] end tstr = since + tun.convert( t0, dayun ) jd0 = tstr.strftime('%Y%m%d').to_i tlen = tun.convert( t1-t0, dayun ) if !axtype if tlen < 5 axtype = 'h' else axtype = 'ymd' end end if xax DCL.grswnd(0.0, tlen, window[2], window[3] ) DCL.grstrf if axtype == 'h' opts = {'cside'=>side} opts['dtick1'] = tickint if tickint opts['dtick2'] = labelint if labelint DCLExt.datetime_ax(tstr, tstr+tlen, opts ) else DCL.ucxacl(side,jd0,tlen) end DCL.grswnd(*window) DCL.grstrf else DCL.grswnd(window[0], window[1], 0.0, tlen) DCL.grstrf if axtype == 'h' opts = {'yax'=>true, 'cside'=>side} opts['dtick1'] = tickint if tickint opts['dtick2'] = labelint if labelint DCLExt.datetime_ax(tstr, tstr+tlen, opts ) else DCL.ucyacl(side,jd0,tlen) end DCL.grswnd(*window) DCL.grstrf end end private :__calendar_ax def axes(xax=nil, yax=nil, options=nil) if @@next_axes options = ( options ? @@next_axes.update(options) : @@next_axes ) @@next_axes = nil end opts = @@axes.interpret(options) if opts['xside'].length > 0 xai = _get_axinfo(xax) if opts['xmaplabel'] == "lon" opts['xside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCLExt.lon_ax('cside'=>s, 'dtick1'=>opts['xtickint'], 'dtick2'=>opts['xlabelint']) } DCL.uxsttl('b', (opts['xtitle'] || xai['title']), 0.0) elsif opts['xmaplabel'] == "lat" opts['xside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCLExt.lat_ax('xax'=>true, 'cside'=>s, 'dtick1'=>opts['xtickint'], 'dtick2'=>opts['xlabelint']) } DCL.uxsttl('b', (opts['xtitle'] || xai['title']), 0.0) else sunits = opts['xunits'] || xai['units'] units = Units[sunits] if opts['time_ax'] != false && \ /since/ =~ sunits && units =~ Units['days since 0001-01-01'] opts['xside'].split('').each do |s| # scan('.') also works ttl = opts['xtitle'] || xai['title'] __calendar_ax(opts['time_ax'], true, s, sunits, ttl, opts['xtickint'], opts['xlabelint']) end else DCL.uscset('cxttl', (opts['xtitle'] || xai['title']) ) DCL.uscset('cxunit', sunits) DCL.uspset('dxt', opts['xtickint']) if(opts['xtickint']) DCL.uspset('dxl', opts['xlabelint']) if(opts['xlabelint']) opts['xside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCL.usxaxs(s) } end end end if opts['yside'].length > 0 yai = _get_axinfo(yax) if opts['ymaplabel'] == "lon" opts['yside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCLExt.lon_ax('yax'=>true, 'cside'=>s, 'dtick1'=>opts['ytickint'], 'dtick2'=>opts['ylabelint']) } DCL.uysttl('l', (opts['ytitle'] || yai['title']), 0.0) elsif opts['ymaplabel'] == "lat" opts['yside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCLExt.lat_ax('cside'=>s, 'dtick1'=>opts['ytickint'], 'dtick2'=>opts['ylabelint']) } DCL.uysttl('l', (opts['ytitle'] || yai['title']), 0.0) else sunits=(opts['yunits'] || yai['units']) units = Units[sunits] if opts['time_ax'] != false && \ /since/ =~ sunits && units =~ Units['days since 0001-01-01'] opts['yside'].split('').each do |s| # scan('.') also works ttl = opts['ytitle'] || yai['title'] __calendar_ax(opts['time_ax'], false, s, sunits, ttl, opts['ytickint'], opts['ylabelint']) end else DCL.uscset('cyttl', (opts['ytitle'] || yai['title']) ) DCL.uscset('cyunit', sunits ) DCL.uspset('dyt', opts['ytickint']) if(opts['ytickint']) DCL.uspset('dyl', opts['ylabelint']) if(opts['ylabelint']) opts['yside'].split('').each{|s| # scan('.') also works DCL.usyaxs(s) if s=='l' && sunits && sunits != '' DCL.uzpset('roffxt', DCL.uzpget('rsizec1')*1.5 ) end } end end end nil end def _get_axinfo(vary) if vary.nil? hash = { 'title'=>'', 'units'=>'' } else raise "Not 1D" if vary.rank!=1 hash = { 'title'=>(vary.get_att('long_name') ||, #.gsub('_','' ) 'units'=>(vary.get_att('units') || '') #.gsub('_',' ') } end hash end def polar_coordinate_boundaries(xax=nil,yax=nil) slln=DCL.sgpget('LLNINT') ; slgc=DCL.sgpget('LGCINT') DCL.sgpset('LLNINT',true) ; DCL.sgpset('LGCINT',true) xmin=xax.min ; xmax=xax.max ; ymin=yax.min ; ymax=yax.max azimuth_len = ymax-ymin azimuth_len = azimuth_len.val if azimuth_len.is_a?(UNumeric) unless( (azimuth_len - 360.0).abs < 1e-2 ) # not a full circle DCL.sgplzu([xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymin],1,5) DCL.sgplzu([xmin,xmax],[ymax,ymax],1,5) end DCL.sgplzu([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymax],1,5) DCL.sgplzu([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymax],1,5) DCL.sgpset('LLNINT',slln) ; DCL.sgpset('LGCINT',slgc) nil end @@map = ['lim', true, 'draw map lim (t or f)'], ['grid', true, 'draw map grid (t or f)'], ['vpt_boundary', false, 'draw viewport boundaries (f, t or 1,2,3.., representing the line width)'], ['wwd_boundary', false, 'draw worksation window boundaries (f, t or 1,2,3.., representing the line width)'], ['fill', false, 'fill the map if coast_world or coast_japan is true (t or f)'], ['coast_world', false, 'draw world coast lines (t or f)'], ['border_world', false, 'draw nation borders (t or f)'], ['plate_world', false, 'draw plate boundaries (t or f)'], ['state_usa', false, 'draw state boundaries of US (t or f)'], ['coast_japan', false, 'draw japanese coast lines (t or f)'], ['pref_japan', false, 'draw japanese prefecture boundaries (t or f)'], ['dgridmj', nil, 'the interval between the major lines of latitudes and longitudes. If nil, internally determined. (units: degrees) (this is a UMPACK parameter, which is nullified when uminit or grfrm is called)'], ['dgridmn', nil, 'the interval between the minor lines of latitudes and longitudes. If nil, internally determined. (units: degrees) (this is a UMPACK parameter, which is nullified when uminit or grfrm is called)'] ) def set_map(options) @@map.set(options) end @@next_map = nil def next_map(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_map = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end def map(options=nil) if @@next_map options = ( options ? @@next_map.update(options) : @@next_map ) @@next_map = nil end opts = @@map.interpret(options) DCL.umplim if opts['lim'] DCL.umpset('dgridmj',opts['dgridmj']) if opts['dgridmj'] DCL.umpset('dgridmn',opts['dgridmn']) if opts['dgridmn'] DCL.umpgrd if opts['grid'] if opts['vpt_boundary'] if opts['vpt_boundary'].is_a?(Integer) idx = opts['vpt_boundary'] else idx = 1 end DCL.slpvpr( idx ) end if opts['wwd_boundary'] if opts['wwd_boundary'].is_a?(Integer) idx = opts['wwd_boundary'] else idx = 1 end DCL.slpwwr( idx ) end DCL.umpmap('coast_world') if opts['coast_world'] DCL.umpmap('coast_japan') if opts['coast_japan'] if opts['fill'] DCL.umfmap('coast_world') if opts['coast_world'] DCL.umfmap('coast_japan') if opts['coast_japan'] end DCL.umpmap('border_world') if opts['border_world'] DCL.umpmap('plate_world') if opts['plate_world'] DCL.umpmap('state_usa') if opts['state_usa'] DCL.umpmap('pref_japan') if opts['pref_japan'] nil end def line(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) gropn_1_if_not_yet if newframe!=true && newframe!=false raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg (newframe) must be true or false" end if ! defined?(@@line_options) @@line_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure(if nil, internally determined)'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['exchange', false, 'whether to exchange x and y axes'], ['index', 1, 'line/mark index'], ['type', 1, 'line type'], ['label', nil, 'if a String is given, it is shown as the label'], ['max', nil, 'maximam data value'], ['min', nil, 'minimam data value'], ['legend', nil, 'legend to annotate the line type and index. nil (defalut -- do not show); a String as the legend; true to use the name of the GPhys as the legend'], ['legend_vx', nil, '(effective if legend) viewport x values of the lhs of the legend line (positive float); or nil for automatic settting (shown to the right of vpt); or move it to the left relatively (negtive float)'], ['legend_dx', nil, '(effective if legend) length of the legend line'], ['legend_vy', nil, '(effective if legend) viewport y value of the legend (Float; or nil for automatic settting)'], ['legend_size', nil, '(effective if legend) character size of the legend'], ['map_axes', false, '[USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.'] ) end opts = @@line_options.interpret(options) gp = gphys.first1D window = ( @@next_fig['window'] if @@next_fig ) || @@fig['window'] window = ( window ? window.dup : [nil, nil, nil, nil]) max = opts['max']; min = opts['min'] if !opts['exchange'] x = gp.coord(0) y = window[2] = min if min window[3] = max if max else y = gp.coord(0) x = window[0] = min if min window[1] = max if max end if newframe fig(x, y, {'window'=>window}) axes_or_map_and_ttl(gp, opts, x, y) end if opts['label'] lcharbk = DCL.sgpget('lchar') DCL.sgpset('lchar',true) DCL.sgsplc(opts['label']) end DCL.uulinz(x.val, y.val, opts['type'], opts['index']) DCL.sgpset('lchar',lcharbk) if opts['label'] legend = opts['legend'] if legend legend = if legend==true DCLExt::legend(legend,opts['type'],opts['index'],true, opts['legend_size'],opts['legend_vx'],opts['legend_dx'], opts['legend_vy'],newframe) end nil end def mark(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) gropn_1_if_not_yet if newframe!=true && newframe!=false raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg (newframe) must be true or false" end if ! defined?(@@mark_options) @@mark_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure(if nil, internally determined)'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['exchange', false, 'whether to exchange x and y axes'], ['index', 1, 'mark index'], ['type', 2, 'mark type'], ['size', 0.01, 'marks size'], ['max', nil, 'maximam data value'], ['min', nil, 'minimam data value'], ['legend', nil, 'legend to annotate the mark type, index, and size. nil (defalut -- do not to show); a String as the legend; true to use the name of the GPhys as the legend'], ['legend_vx', nil, '(effective if legend) viewport x values of the lhs of the legend line (positive float); or nil for automatic settting (shown to the right of vpt); or move it to the left relatively (negtive float)'], ['legend_vy', nil, '(effective if legend) viewport y value of the legend (Float; or nil for automatic settting)'], ['legend_size', nil, '(effective if legend) character size of the legend'], ['map_axes', false, '[USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.'] ) end opts = @@mark_options.interpret(options) gp = gphys.first1D window = ( @@next_fig['window'] if @@next_fig ) || @@fig['window'] window = ( window ? window.dup : [nil, nil, nil, nil]) max = opts['max']; min = opts['min'] if !opts['exchange'] x = gp.coord(0) y = window[2] = min if min window[3] = max if max else y = gp.coord(0) x = window[0] = min if min window[1] = max if max end if newframe fig(x, y, {'window'=>window}) axes_or_map_and_ttl(gp, opts, x, y) end DCL.uumrkz(x.val, y.val, opts['type'], opts['index'], opts['size']) legend = opts['legend'] if legend legend = if legend==true DCLExt::legend(legend,opts['type'],opts['index'],false, opts['legend_size'],opts['legend_vx'],nil, opts['legend_vy'],newframe,opts['size']) end nil end @@linear_contour_options = ['min', nil, 'minimum contour level'], ['max', nil, 'maximum contour level'], ['nlev', nil, 'number of levels'], ['interval', nil, 'contour interval'], ['nozero', nil, 'delete zero contour'], ['coloring', false, 'set color contours with ud_coloring'], ['clr_min', 13, '(if coloring) minimum color number for the minimum data values'], ['clr_max', 99, '(if coloring) maximum color number for the maximum data values'] ) def set_linear_contour_options(options) @@linear_contour_options.set(options) end @@next_linear_contour_options = nil def next_linear_contour_options(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_linear_contour_options = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end def tone_and_contour(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) options ? topt=@@contour_options.select_existent(options) : topt=nil options ? copt=@@tone_options.select_existent(options) : copt=nil tone(gphys, newframe, topt) contour(gphys, false, copt) end @@contour_levels = ['log', nil, 'approximately log-scaled levels (by using DCLExt::quasi_log_levels)'], ['log_cycle', 3, '(if log) number of levels in one-order (1 or 2 or 3)'], ['levels', nil, 'contour levels (Array/NArray of Numeric)'], ['index', nil, '(if levels) line index(es) (Array/NArray of integers, Integer, or nil)'], ['line_type',nil, '(if levels) line type(s) (Array/NArray of integers, Integer, or nil)'], ['label', nil, '(if levels) contour label(s) (Array/NArray of String, String, true, false, nil). nil is recommended.'], ['label_height',nil,'(if levels) label height(s) (Array/NArray of Numeric, Numeric, or nil). nil is recommended.'] ) @@set_contour_levels=false def set_contour_levels(options) opts = @@contour_levels.interpret(options) _set_contour_levels_(opts) end def _set_contour_levels_(opts) raise ArgumentError, "'levels' must be explicitly set" if !opts['levels'] DCLExt.ud_set_contour(opts['levels'],opts['index'],opts['line_type'], opts['label'],opts['label_height']) @@set_contour_levels=true nil end def clear_contour_levels @@set_contour_levels=false DCL.udiclv # this may not be needed nil end def set_contour(options) @@contour_options.set(options) end @@next_contour = nil def next_contour(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_contour = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end @@contour_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure(if nil, internally determined)'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['transpose', false, 'if true, exchange x and y axes'], ['exchange', false, 'same as the option transpose'], ['map_axes', false, '[USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.'], ['keep', false, 'Use the contour levels used previously'], @@linear_contour_options, @@contour_levels ) def axes_or_map_and_ttl(gp, opts, xax, yax) ttl = (opts['title'] || gp.get_att('long_name')) if map_trn? map if opts['map_axes'] && itr_is?(10) vpt = DCL.sgqvpt wnd = DCL.sgqwnd if wnd.include?(DCL.glrget('rundef')) map_fit = false wnd = DCL.sgqtxy cnt = DCL.umqcnt else map_fit = true end vrat = ( (vpt[3]-vpt[2]) / (vpt[1]-vpt[0]) ).abs wrat = ( (wnd[3]-wnd[2]) / (wnd[1]-wnd[0]) ).abs if wrat < vrat vyoff = (vpt[3]+vpt[2])/2 dvy2 = (vpt[1]-vpt[0])*wrat/2 vpt[2] = vyoff - dvy2 vpt[3] = vyoff + dvy2 else vxoff = (vpt[1]+vpt[0])/2 dvx2 = (vpt[3]-vpt[2])/wrat/2 vpt[0] = vxoff - dvx2 vpt[1] = vxoff + dvx2 end trn = DCL.sgqtrn if map_fit fig(xax,yax, {'itr'=>1, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt}) axes(xax, yax) title( ttl ) DCL.sgstrn(trn) else xax_map = xax[0..1].copy xax_map[0] = cnt[0] + wnd[0] xax_map[1] = cnt[0] + wnd[1] yax_map = yax[0..1].copy yax_map[0] = wnd[2] yax_map[1] = wnd[3] fig(xax_map,yax_map,{'itr'=>1, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt}) axes(xax_map,yax_map) title( ttl ) fig(xax_map,yax_map,{'itr'=>trn, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt, 'map_fit'=>false, 'map_axis'=>cnt, 'map_window'=>wnd}) end else title( ttl ) end elsif itr_is?(5) polar_coordinate_boundaries(xax,yax) title( ttl ) else axes(xax, yax) title( ttl ) end annotate(gp.lost_axes) if opts['annotate'] end def contour(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) gropn_1_if_not_yet if newframe!=true && newframe!=false raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg (newframe) must be true or false" end if @@next_contour options = ( options ? @@next_contour.update(options) : @@next_contour ) @@next_contour = nil end if @@next_linear_contour_options options = ( options ? @@next_linear_contour_options.update(options) : @@next_linear_contour_options ) @@next_linear_contour_options = nil end opts = @@contour_options.interpret(options) gp = gphys.first2D gp = gp.transpose(1,0) if opts['transpose'] || opts['exchange'] xax = gp.coord(0) yax = gp.coord(1) if map_trn?(newframe) # /// convert to the anti-clockwise coordinate in case for map filling # (Because of a bug in UMFMAP in DCL 5.3) --> if ( (xax[-1].val-xax[0].val)*(yax[-1].val-yax[0].val) < 0 ) gp = gp.copy[true,-1..0] yax = gp.coord(1) end # <-- /// gp = gp.cyclic_ext(0, 360.0) #cyclic extention with lon if appropriate xax = gp.coord(0) elsif itr_is?(5, newframe) gp = gp.cyclic_ext(1, 360.0) # cyclic extention along azimuth yax = gp.coord(1) end if newframe fig(xax, yax) end if newframe axes_or_map_and_ttl(gp,opts, xax, yax) end if !opts['keep'] or DCL.udqcln==0 if !opts['levels'] && opts['log'] levels, mjmn = DCLExt.quasi_log_levels_z(, opts['nlev'], opts['max'], opts['min'], opts['log_cycle']) opts['levels'] = levels opts['index'] = NArray.to_na(mjmn)*2 + 1 if !opts['index'] opts['label'] = true if opts['label'].nil? end if (opts['levels']) backup = @@set_contour_levels _set_contour_levels_(opts) @@set_contour_levels = backup elsif !@@set_contour_levels DCLExt.ud_set_linear_levs(, opts) end end saved_udparams = nil if DCL.udqcln >= 3 lv1, = DCL.udqclv(1) lv2, = DCL.udqclv(2) lv3, = DCL.udqclv(3) if lv2-lv1 != lv3-lv2 saved_udparams = DCLExt.ud_set_params({'lmsg'=>false}) end end DCL.uwsgxa(xax.val) DCL.uwsgya(yax.val) DCL.udcntz( DCLExt.ud_set_params(saved_udparams) if saved_udparams nil end @@linear_tone_options = ['min', nil, 'minimum tone level'], ['max', nil, 'maximum tone level'], ['nlev', nil, 'number of levels'], ['interval', nil, 'contour interval'] ) def set_linear_tone_options(options) @@linear_tone_options.set(options) end @@next_linear_tone_options = nil def next_linear_tone_options(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_linear_tone_options = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end @@tone_levels = ['log', nil, 'approximately log-scaled levels (by using DCLExt::quasi_log_levels)'], ['log_cycle', 3, '(if log) number of levels in one-order (1 or 2 or 3)'], ['levels', nil, 'tone levels (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works together with patterns'], ['patterns', nil, 'tone patters (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works together with levels'] ) @@set_tone_levels=false def set_tone_levels(options) opts = @@tone_levels.interpret(options) _set_tone_levels_(opts) end def _set_tone_levels_(opts) if !opts['levels'] && !opts['patterns'] end if opts['levels'] levels = opts['levels'] else raise ArgumentError,"'levels' must be explicitly set" end if opts['patterns'] patterns = opts['patterns'] else nlev = levels.length - 1 itpat = DCL.ueiget('itpat') iclr1 = DCL.ueiget('icolor1') iclr2 = DCL.ueiget('icolor2') patterns = (0...nlev).collect{|i| (((iclr2-iclr1)/(nlev-1.0)*i+iclr1).round) * 1000 + itpat } end DCLExt.ue_set_tone(levels,patterns) @@set_tone_levels=true nil end def clear_tone_levels @@set_tone_levels=false nil end def set_tone(options) @@tone_options.set(options) end @@next_tone = nil def next_tone(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) @@next_tone = options else raise TypeError,"Hash expected" end nil end @@tone_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure(if nil, internally determined)'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['ltone', true, 'Same as udpack parameter ltone'], ['tonf', false, 'Use DCL.uetonf instead of DCL.uetone'], ['tonc', false, 'Use DCL.uetonc instead of DCL.uetone'], ['clr_min', nil, 'if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as the color number for the minimum data values. (the same can be done by setting the uepack parameter "icolor1")'], ['clr_max', nil, 'if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as the color number for the maximum data values. (the same can be done by setting the uepack parameter "icolor2")'], ['transpose', false, 'if true, exchange x and y axes'], ['exchange', false, 'same as the option transpose'], ['map_axes', false, '[USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.'], ['keep', false, 'Use the tone levels and patterns used previously'], @@linear_tone_options, @@tone_levels ) def tone(gphys, newframe=true, options=nil) gropn_1_if_not_yet if newframe!=true && newframe!=false raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg (newframe) must be true or false" end if @@next_tone options = ( options ? @@next_tone.update(options) : @@next_tone ) @@next_tone = nil end if @@next_linear_tone_options options = ( options ? @@next_linear_tone_options.update(options) : @@next_linear_tone_options ) @@next_linear_tone_options = nil end opts = @@tone_options.interpret(options) if opts['clr_min'] icolor1_bak = DCL.uepget('icolor1') DCL.uepset('icolor1', opts['clr_min']) end if opts['clr_max'] icolor2_bak = DCL.uepget('icolor2') DCL.uepset('icolor2', opts['clr_max']) end gp = gphys.first2D gp = gp.transpose(1,0) if opts['transpose'] || opts['exchange'] xax = gp.coord(0) yax = gp.coord(1) if map_trn?(newframe) # /// convert to the anti-clockwise coordinate in case for map filling # (Because of a bug in UMFMAP in DCL 5.3) --> if ( (xax[-1].val-xax[0].val)*(yax[-1].val-yax[0].val) < 0 ) gp = gp.copy[true,-1..0] yax = gp.coord(1) end # <-- /// gp = gp.cyclic_ext(0, 360.0) #cyclic extention with lon if appropriate xax = gp.coord(0) elsif itr_is?(5, newframe) # polar coordinate gp = gp.cyclic_ext(1, 360.0) # cyclic extention along azimuth yax = gp.coord(1) end if newframe fig(xax, yax) end DCL.uwsgxa(xax.val) DCL.uwsgya(yax.val) if !opts['keep'] or DCL.ueqntl==0 if !opts['levels'] && opts['log'] levels, = DCLExt.quasi_log_levels_z(, opts['nlev'], opts['max'], opts['min'], opts['log_cycle']) rmiss = DCL.glrget('rmiss') levels.unshift(rmiss) if !opts['max'] && levels[0]<0 levels.push(rmiss) if !opts['max'] && levels[-1]>0 opts['levels'] = levels end if opts['levels'] backup = @@set_tone_levels _set_tone_levels_(opts) @@set_tone_levels = backup elsif opts['patterns'] raise "option 'patterns' is not effective unless 'levels' is specified" elsif !@@set_tone_levels && opts['ltone'] DCL.ueitlv DCLExt.ue_set_linear_levs(, opts) else DCL.ueitlv if !@@set_tone_levels end end if opts['tonf'] && opts['ltone'] DCL.uetonf( elsif opts['tonc'] && opts['ltone'] DCL.uetonc( else DCL.uetone( end if newframe axes_or_map_and_ttl(gp,opts, xax, yax) end DCL.uepset('icolor1', icolor1_bak) if opts['clr_min'] DCL.uepset('icolor2', icolor2_bak) if opts['clr_max'] nil end # < vector > def set_unit_vect_options(options) DCLExt.set_unit_vect_options(options) end def next_unit_vect_options(options) DCLExt.next_unit_vect_options(options) end @@vxfxratio=nil @@vyfyratio=nil def vector(fx, fy, newframe=true, options=nil) gropn_1_if_not_yet if newframe!=true && newframe!=false raise ArgumentError, "2nd arg (newframe) must be true or false" end if ! defined?(@@vector_options) @@vector_options = ['title', nil, 'Title of the figure(if nil, internally determined)'], ['annotate', true, 'if false, do not put texts on the right margin even when newframe==true'], ['transpose', false, 'if true, exchange x and y axes'], ['exchange', false, 'same as the option transpose'], ['map_axes', false, '[USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.'], ['flow_vect', true, 'If true, use DCLExt::flow_vect to draw vectors; otherwise, DCL::ugvect is used.'], ['keep', false, 'Use the same vector scaling as in the previous call. -- Currently, works only when "flow_vect" is true'], ['xintv', 1, '(Effective only if flow_vect) interval of data sampling in x'], ['yintv', 1, '(Effective only if flow_vect) interval of data sampling in y'], ['factor', 1.0, '(Effective only if flow_vect) scaling factor to strech/reduce the arrow lengths'], ['unit_vect', false, 'Show the unit vector'], ['max_unit_vect', false, '(Effective only if flow_vect && unit_vect) If true, use the maximum arrows to scale the unit vector; otherwise, normalize in V coordinate.'], ['flow_itr5', false, 'If true, use DclExt::flow_itr5 to draw vectors on 2-dim polar coordinate. Should be set DCL.sgstrn(5)'] ) end opts = @@vector_options.interpret(options) fx = fx.first2D.copy fy = fy.first2D.copy fx = fx.transpose(1,0) if opts['transpose'] || opts['exchange'] fy = fy.transpose(1,0) if opts['transpose'] || opts['exchange'] sh = fx.shape if sh != fy.shape raise ArgumentError, "shapes of fx and fy do not agree with each other" end if ((xi=opts['xintv']) >= 2) idx =[0]/xi.to_f).ceil).indgen!*xi # [0,xi,2*xi,..] fx = fx[idx, true] fy = fy[idx, true] end if ((yi=opts['yintv']) >= 2) idx =[1]/yi.to_f).ceil).indgen!*yi # [0,yi,2*yi,..] fx = fx[true, idx] fy = fy[true, idx] end xax = fx.coord(0) yax = fy.coord(1) if map_trn?(newframe) # /// convert to the anti-clockwise coordinate in case for map filling # (Because of a bug in UMFMAP in DCL 5.3) --> if ( (xax[-1].val-xax[0].val)*(yax[-1].val-yax[0].val) < 0 ) fx = fx.copy[true,-1..0] fy = fy.copy[true,-1..0] yax = fx.coord(1) end # <-- /// fx = fx.cyclic_ext(0, 360.0) #cyclic extention with lon if appropriate fy = fy.cyclic_ext(0, 360.0) #cyclic extention with lon if appropriate xax = fx.coord(0) elsif itr_is?(5, newframe) fx = fx.cyclic_ext(1, 360.0) #cyclic extention along azimuth fy = fy.cyclic_ext(1, 360.0) #cyclic extention along azimuth yax = fx.coord(1) end if newframe fig(xax, yax) end if newframe if opts['title'] ttl = opts['title'] else fxnm ='long_name') || fynm ='long_name') || ttl = '('+fxnm+','+fynm+')' end if map_trn? map if opts['map_axes'] && itr_is?(10) vpt = DCL.sgqvpt wnd = DCL.sgqwnd if wnd.include?(DCL.glrget('rundef')) map_fit = false wnd = DCL.sgqtxy cnt = DCL.umqcnt else map_fit = true end vrat = ( (vpt[3]-vpt[2]) / (vpt[1]-vpt[0]) ).abs wrat = ( (wnd[3]-wnd[2]) / (wnd[1]-wnd[0]) ).abs if wrat < vrat vyoff = (vpt[3]+vpt[2])/2 dvy2 = (vpt[1]-vpt[0])*wrat/2 vpt[2] = vyoff - dvy2 vpt[3] = vyoff + dvy2 else vxoff = (vpt[1]+vpt[0])/2 dvx2 = (vpt[3]-vpt[2])/wrat/2 vpt[0] = vxoff - dvx2 vpt[1] = vxoff + dvx2 end trn = DCL.sgqtrn if map_fit fig(xax,yax,{'itr'=>1, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt}) axes(xax, yax) title( ttl ) DCL.sgstrn(trn) else xax_map = xax[0..1].copy xax_map[0] = cnt[0] + wnd[0] xax_map[1] = cnt[0] + wnd[1] yax_map = yax[0..1].copy yax_map[0] = wnd[2] yax_map[1] = wnd[3] fig(xax_map,yax_map,{'itr'=>1, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt}) axes(xax_map,yax_map) title( ttl ) fig(xax_map,yax_map,{'itr'=>trn, 'new_frame'=>false, 'viewport'=>vpt, 'map_fit'=>false, 'map_axis'=>cnt, 'map_window'=>wnd}) end else title( ttl ) end elsif itr_is?(5) polar_coordinate_boundaries(xax,yax) title(ttl) else axes(xax, yax) title(ttl) end annotate(fx.lost_axes) if opts['annotate'] end DCL.uwsgxa(xax.val) DCL.uwsgya(yax.val) if opts['flow_itr5'] if itr_is?(5) DCLExt.flow_itr5( fx, fy, opts['factor'], opts['unit_vect'] ) else raise "flow_itr5 option should use with itr=5." end elsif opts['flow_vect'] uninfo = DCLExt.flow_vect(fx.val, fy.val, opts['factor'], 1, 1, (opts['keep']&& @@vxfxratio), (opts['keep'] && @@vyfyratio) ) @@vxfxratio, @@vyfyratio, = uninfo if opts['unit_vect'] if opts['max_unit_vect'] DCLExt.unit_vect(*uninfo) else DCLExt.unit_vect(*uninfo[0..1]) end end else before=DCLExt.ug_set_params({'lunit'=>true}) if opts['unit_vect'] DCL.ugvect(fx.val, fy.val) DCLExt.ug_set_params(before) if opts['unit_vect'] end nil end end end if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu # < read command line option if any > if ARGV.length == 1 iws = ARGV[0].to_i else iws = 1 end #< graphic initialization > DCL.gropn(iws) DCL.sldiv('y',2,2) DCL.sgpset('lcntl', false) DCL.sgpset('lfull',true) DCL.sgpset('lfprop',true) DCL.uzfact(0.9) # < show default parameters > xdummy = ydummy = nil begin print "** GGraph::fig options **\n" GGraph.fig(xdummy, ydummy, 'help'=>true) rescue end begin print "** GGraph::axes options **\n" GGraph.axes(xdummy, ydummy, 'help'=>true) rescue end gp_dummy = nil begin print "** GGraph::line options **\n" GGraph.line(gp_dummy,true,'help'=>true) rescue end begin print "** GGraph::mark options **\n" GGraph.mark(gp_dummy,true,'help'=>true) rescue end begin print "** GGraph::contour options **\n" GGraph.contour(gp_dummy,true,'help'=>true) rescue end begin print "** GGraph::tone options **\n" GGraph.tone(gp_dummy,true,'help'=>true) rescue end begin print "** GGraph::map options **\n"'help'=>true) rescue end #< graphic test / demonstration > file = '../../testdata/' gphys =, 'T') #/ graph 1 / GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.25,0.75,0.12,0.62]) GGraph.line(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0), true) #/ graph 2 / GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>2) GGraph.next_axes('yunits'=>'','xunits'=>'') GGraph.line(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0), true, 'exchange'=>true, 'index'=>3, 'title'=>'TEMPERATURE', 'annotate'=>false, 'min'=>-100, 'max'=>20) GGraph.mark(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0), false, 'exchange'=>true, 'type'=>3) #/ graph 3 / GGraph.set_fig('window'=>[nil, 0.1, -70, 20]) GGraph.mark(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0)) #/ graph 4 / GGraph.next_fig('window'=>[nil, nil, -80, 30]) GGraph.mark(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0), true, 'max'=>25) GGraph.line(gphys.cut(true,35,true).average(0), false) GGraph.set_fig('window'=>nil) #/ graph 5 / GGraph.contour(gphys) #/ graph 6 / GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>2) GGraph.contour(gphys.cut(135,true,true)) #/ graph 7 / GGraph.set_axes('xunits'=>'', 'yunits'=>'') GGraph.contour(gphys,true, 'min'=>0, 'coloring'=>true) #/ graph 8 / GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.2,0.8,0.15,0.55]) GGraph.contour(gphys,true, 'nozero'=>true) #/ graph 9 / GGraph.contour(gphys,true, 'min'=>10, 'int'=>3) DCL.udpset('lmsg',false) GGraph.contour(gphys,false, 'max'=>-10, 'int'=>3) DCL.udpset('lmsg',true) #/ graph 10 / GGraph.set_contour_levels('levels'=>[-10,-5,0,5,10],'index'=>[3,1], 'line_type'=>2) GGraph.contour(gphys) GGraph.clear_contour_levels #/ graph 11 / GGraph.contour(gphys, true, 'levels'=>[0,10,20], 'index'=>3) #/ graph 12 / GGraph.set_linear_contour_options('nlev'=>24) GGraph.next_linear_contour_options('coloring'=>true) GGraph.contour(gphys) #/ graph 13 / GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'min'=>0) sv = DCLExt.ud_set_params('indxmj'=>1,'indxmn'=>1) GGraph.contour(gphys, false) DCLExt.ud_set_params(sv) GGraph.color_bar #/ graph 14 / GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'ltone'=>false) GGraph.contour(gphys, false) #/ graph 15 / GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>3) GGraph.contour(gphys[1..-1,true,true]) #/ graph 16 / GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'levels'=>[-20,-10,0,10,20],'patterns'=>[12999,30999,45999,65999,75999,85999]) GGraph.color_bar('vlength'=>0.25,'landscape'=>true) #/ graph 17 / GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'levels'=>[-20,-10,0,10,20],'patterns'=>[30999,45999,65999,75999,85999]) DCLExt.color_bar('vlength'=>0.25, 'left'=>true) #/ graph 18 / GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'levels'=>[-20,-10,0,10,20],'patterns'=>[30999,45999,65999,75999]) #DCLExt.color_bar('vlength'=>0.25, 'left'=>true) DCLExt.color_bar('vlength'=>0.25, 'levels'=>[-20,-10,0,10,20],'patterns'=>[30999,45999,65999,75999]) #/ graph 19 / GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.3,0.7,0.1,0.6]) GGraph.contour(gphys,true, 'min'=>0, 'coloring'=>true, 'transpose'=>true) GGraph.tone(gphys, false, 'levels'=>[10,20], 'patterns'=>[80999], 'transpose'=>true) #/ graph 20 / GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.25,0.75,0.15,0.6]) GGraph.vector(gphys+10,gphys+10,true, {'unit_vect'=>true, 'xintv'=>2, 'yintv'=>2}) #/ graph 21 / GGraph.next_unit_vect_options({'inplace'=>false,'vxuloc'=>0.17,'vyuloc'=>0.07}) GGraph.vector(gphys+10,gphys-10,true, {'unit_vect'=>true, 'max_unit_vect'=>true, 'xintv'=>2, 'yintv'=>2}) #/ graph 22 / GGraph.vector(gphys+10,gphys+10,true, {'unit_vect'=>true, 'flow_vect'=>false, 'xintv'=>2, 'yintv'=>2}) #GGraph.color_bar('help'=>true) #/ graph 23 / GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.2,0.8,0.15,0.55]) GGraph.tone(gphys, true, 'levels'=>[-16,-4,-1,0,1,4,16],'patterns'=>[12999,21999,30999,45999,65999,75999,85999,95999]) GGraph.color_bar('constwidth'=>true,'vlength'=>0.6,'landscape'=>true,'labelintv'=>1) GGraph.color_bar('constwidth'=>true,'vlength'=>0.35,'index'=>1) #/ graph 24 / GGraph.set_map('coast_world'=>true) # -- mercator -- GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>11) GGraph.next_map('fill'=>true) GGraph.tone(gphys, true) GGraph.color_bar #/ graph 25 / # -- orthographic -- GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.25,0.75,0.1,0.6]) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>30,'map_axis'=>[135,60,0],'map_radius'=>60) GGraph.tone(gphys, true) sv = DCLExt.ud_set_params('indxmj'=>991,'indxmn'=>991) GGraph.contour(gphys, false) DCLExt.ud_set_params(sv) GGraph.color_bar('landscape'=>true) # ,'vlength'=>0.6 #/ graph 26 / # -- polar stero -- GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>31) DCL.sgpset('lclip',true) GGraph.next_map('vpt_boundary'=>3,'dgridmj'=>20,'dgridmn'=>10) GGraph.tone(gphys, true) GGraph.color_bar #/ graph 27 / # axes for itr=10 (lon-lat projection) -- map_fit=T, map_axes=F (default) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>10) GGraph.contour(gphys,true,'title'=>'map_fit=T, map_axes=F (default)') #/ graph 28 / # axes for itr=10 (lon-lat projection) -- map_fit=T, map_axes=T GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>10) GGraph.contour(gphys, true,'map_axes'=>true,'title'=>'map_fit=T map_axes=T') DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.64,'Try GPHYSDIR/sample/ggraph_mapfit-axes_dr002687.rb',0.022,0,0.0,22) DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.6,'for more examples',0.022,0,0.0,22) #/ graph 29 / # [xy]xmaplabel options for itr=10 -- when it is off (default) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>10) GGraph.tone(gphys, true,'map_axes'=>true,'title'=>'default axes') #/ graph 30 / # [xy]xmaplabel options for itr=10 -- label as 90E, 90W, 30N, 30S etc # sample 1 GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>10) GGraph.next_axes('xmaplabel'=>'lon','ymaplabel'=>'lat') GGraph.tone(gphys, true,'map_axes'=>true,'title'=>'lon/lat axes') DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.64,'Try GPHYSDIR/sample/ggraph_latlon_labelling_dr002690.rb',0.022,0,0.0,22) DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.6,'for more options',0.022,0,0.0,22) #/ graph 31 / # log-level tone/contour (1) GGraph.set_fig('itr'=>1,'viewport'=>[0.2,0.85,0.22,0.58]) GGraph.tone(gphys,true,'log'=>true, 'nlev'=>5, 'log_cycle'=>3 ) GGraph.contour(gphys,false,'log'=>true, 'nlev'=>5, 'log_cycle'=>3) GGraph.color_bar('log'=>true, 'landscape'=>true, 'vlength'=>0.35) DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.68,"With 'log' option",0.022,0,0.0,22) #/ graph 32 / # log-level tone/contour (2) GGraph.set_fig('itr'=>1,'viewport'=>[0.2,0.85,0.22,0.58]) GGraph.tone(gphys,true,'log'=>true, 'nlev'=>5, 'min'=>0.03, 'log_cycle'=>2 ) GGraph.contour(gphys,false,'log'=>true, 'nlev'=>5, 'min'=>0.05, 'log_cycle'=>3) GGraph.color_bar('log'=>true, 'vlength'=>0.25) DCL::sgtxzr(0.5,0.68,"With 'log' option",0.022,0,0.0,22) #/ graph 33/ # vector field on the polar coordinate (1) # -- demo for flow_itr5 option of GGraph.vector #### create longitude, latitude, radial axes ##### vrad = NArray.float(11).indgen! * 0.06 + 0.4 ).rename("rad") vlat = NArray.float(21).indgen! * 9 - 90 ).rename("lat") vlon = NArray.float(41).indgen! * 9 ).rename("lon") radax = latax = lonax = grid_meridional =, latax) grid_equator =, lonax) #### create vector field in the meridional plane ##### frad = vrad - 0.7 frad = frad.reshape!(vrad.length,1) flat = (3*vlat/180*Math::PI).cos flat = flat.reshape!(1,vlat.length) vellat = frad*flat vellat.rename!('vellat') gp_vellat =, vellat) frad = (vrad-0.4)*(vrad-1) frad = frad.reshape!(vrad.length,1) flat = (3*vlat/180*Math::PI).sin flat = flat.reshape!(1,vlat.length) velrad = frad*flat velrad.rename!('velrad') gp_velrad =, velrad) #### draw vector field in the meridional plane ##### # DCL.gropn(1) # GGraph.set_fig('viewport'=>[0.25,0.75,0.12,0.62]) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>5) GGraph.vector(gp_velrad, gp_vellat, true, 'flow_itr5'=>true,'factor'=>1e-1) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>5) GGraph.tone(gp_velrad,true) GGraph.vector(gp_velrad, gp_vellat, false, 'flow_itr5'=>true,'factor'=>1e-1) #/ graph 34/ # vector field on the polar coordinate (2) # -- demo for flow_itr5 option of GGraph.vector #### create vector field in the equatorial plane ##### frad = vrad - 0.7 frad = frad.reshape!(vrad.length,1) flon = (3*vlon/180*Math::PI).cos flon = flon.reshape!(1,vlon.length) vellon = frad*flon vellon.rename!('vellon') gp_vellon =, vellon) frad = (vrad-0.4)*(vrad-1) frad = frad.reshape!(vrad.length,1) flon = (3*vlon/180*Math::PI).sin flon = flon.reshape!(1,vlon.length) velrad = frad*flon velrad.rename!('velrad') gp_velrad =, velrad) #### draw vector field in the equatorial plane ##### GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>5) GGraph.vector(gp_velrad, gp_vellon, true, 'flow_itr5'=>true,'factor'=>1e-1) GGraph.next_fig('itr'=>5) GGraph.tone(gp_velrad,true) GGraph.vector(gp_velrad, gp_vellon, false, 'flow_itr5'=>true,'factor'=>1e-1) DCL.grcls end