require "active_support/concern" module Economic module SoapMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do def find(id) result = soap_method_names[:find][:method], message: {soap_method_names[:find][:handle] => {Id: id}} ) model.build_from_soap_api(result) end def all result = soap_method_names[:all][:method], ) ids = result_array(result[soap_method_names[:all][:handle]]).map { |record| record[:id].to_i } find_all_records(ids) end def send(model) # There is a current_invoice_create_from_data_array method for bulk creation of invoices as well, but bulk # creation is not supported by the e-conomic REST api or any other REST api. To avoid implementing # functionality that will be removed once e-conomic finish the REST api, we only use the standard create end # point result = soap_method_names[:send][:method], message: { soap_method_names[:send][:handle] => { Number: model.customer.customerNumber, }, } ) model.id_key = result[:id] create_lines(model) if model.lines.any? find(result[:id].to_i) end def find_lines(invoice_id) result = soap_method_names[:find_lines][:method], message: {soap_method_names[:find_lines][:handle] => {Id: invoice_id}} ) return if result.nil? line_ids = result_array(result[soap_method_names[:find_lines][:line_handle]]).map { |line| line[:number].to_i } find_all_lines(invoice_id, line_ids) end def destroy(id) # The SoapAPI raises an exception if the record you try to delete is missing result = soap_method_names[:destroy][:method], message: {soap_method_names[:destroy][:handle] => {Id: id}} ) true rescue Savon::SOAPFault false end private # Since the soap api returns hashes, if there is a single record, and arrays, if there are more, this method # wraps a response in an array, if it is not already. def result_array(result) return result if result.is_a? Array [result] end def create_lines(model) soap_method_names[:create_lines][:method], message: { dataArray: build_line_data_array(model), } ) end def find_all_lines(invoice_id, line_ids) result = soap_method_names[:find_all_lines][:method], message: {soap_method_names[:find_all_lines][:handle] => line_ids_array(invoice_id, line_ids, handle: soap_method_names[:find_all_lines][:line_handle])} ) result_array(result[soap_method_names[:find_all_lines][:data]]).map do |data| Economic::Line.build_from_soap_api(data) end end def find_all_records(invoice_ids) result = soap_method_names[:find_all_records][:method], message: { entityHandles: ids_array(invoice_ids, handle: soap_method_names[:find_all_records][:handle]), } ) result[soap_method_names[:find_all_records][:data]].map do |data| model.build_from_soap_api(data) end end def line_ids_array(order_id, line_ids, handle:) arr = [handle => []] line_ids.each do |line_id| arr.first[handle].push( { Id: order_id, Number: line_id, } ) end arr end def ids_array(invoice_ids, handle:) arr = [handle => []] invoice_ids.each do |invoice_id| arr.first[handle].push( { Id: invoice_id, } ) end arr end def build_line_data_array(order) arr = [soap_method_names[:create_lines][:line_data_handle] => []] order.lines.each do |line| arr.first[soap_method_names[:create_lines][:line_data_handle]].push( { :Handle => { Id: order.id_key, Number: line.line_number, # must be sent - does not have to fit with the next linenumber }, :Id => order.id_key, :Number => line.line_number, # must be sent - does not have to fit with the next linenumber soap_method_names[:create_lines][:model_handle] => { Id: order.id_key, }, :Description => line.description, :DeliveryDate =>, :UnitHandle => {Number: line.unit.unit_number}, :ProductHandle => {Number: line.product.product_number}, :Quantity => line.quantity, :UnitNetPrice => line.unit_net_price, :DiscountAsPercent => line.discount_percentage, :UnitCostPrice => line.unit_cost_price, :TotalNetAmount => line.total_net_amount, # TODO: Should this not be sent? :TotalMargin => line.margin_in_base_currency, :MarginAsPercent => line.margin_percentage, } ) end arr end end end end