module RestFtpDaemon class WorkerPool < RestFtpDaemon::Common attr_reader :requested, :processed def initialize(number_threads) # Check parameters raise "A thread count of #{number_threads} is less than one" if number_threads < 1 @wid = "-" # Call super super() # Create worker threads info "WorkerPool initializing with #{number_threads} workers" number_threads.times do { run } end end def wait item = @out.pop @lock.synchronize { @processed += 1 } block_given? ? (yield item) : item end def progname "WORKER #{@wid}" end # progname = "Job [#{id}]" unless id.nil? # progname = "Worker [#{id}]" unless worker_id.nil? def run # Generate a random key @wid = SecureRandom.hex(2) begin loop do info "worker [#{@wid}] ready, waiting for a job" # Wait for a job to come into the queue job = $queue.pop prefix = "working on job [#{}]" # Do the job info "job [#{}] processing: #{job.inspect}" job.process end rescue Exception => ex info 'WORKER UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: ', ex.message , "\n", ex.backtrace.join("\n") end end def process job @lock.synchronize do job.dummy end end end end