do |s| s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version= s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.rubygems_version = '1.3.5' = 'morale' s.version = '0.1.0' = '2011-09-29' s.rubyforge_project = 'morale' s.summary = "Command line interface to create & manage tickets on Morale." s.description = "Client library and command-line tool to manage tickets and control your account on Morale." s.authors = ["Brilliant Fantastic"] = '' s.homepage = '' s.require_paths = %w[lib] s.executables = ["morale"] s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"] s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[ LICENSE] s.add_dependency('hirb', "~> 0.5.0") s.add_dependency('httparty', "~> 0.7.8") s.add_dependency('json', "~> 1.4.6") s.add_dependency('thor', "~> 0.14.6") #s.add_development_dependency('DEVDEPNAME', [">= 1.1.0", "< 2.0.0"]) ## Leave this section as-is. It will be automatically generated from the ## contents of your Git repository via the gemspec task. DO NOT REMOVE ## THE MANIFEST COMMENTS, they are used as delimiters by the task. # = MANIFEST = s.files = %w[ Gemfile Gemfile.lock LICENSE Rakefile bin/morale features/accounts.feature features/login.feature features/projects.feature features/step_definitions/models.rb features/support/env.rb features/support/hooks.rb features/tickets.feature lib/morale.rb lib/morale/account.rb lib/morale/authorization.rb lib/morale/client.rb lib/morale/command.rb lib/morale/commands/account.rb lib/morale/commands/authorization.rb lib/morale/commands/project.rb lib/morale/commands/ticket.rb lib/morale/credentials_store.rb lib/morale/flow.rb lib/morale/platform.rb morale.gemspec spec/morale/account_spec.rb spec/morale/client_spec.rb spec/morale/command_spec.rb spec/morale/credentials_store_spec.rb spec/spec_helper.rb ] # = MANIFEST = end