RSpec.describe SolrDocument, type: :model, contacts: true do describe "class methods" do describe ".find" do describe "when it exists" do before { Item.create(pid: "test:1") } subject { described_class.find("test:1") } its(:id) { eq("test:1") } end describe "when not found" do it "raises an error" do expect { described_class.find("foo") }.to raise_error(SolrDocument::NotFound) end end end describe ".find_by_permanent_id" do describe "when it exists" do before { Item.create(pid: "test:1", permanent_id: "foo") } subject { described_class.find_by_permanent_id("foo") } its(:id) { eq("test:1") } end describe "when not found" do it "raises an error" do expect { described_class.find_by_permanent_id("foo") }.to raise_error(SolrDocument::NotFound) end end end end describe "index field method access" do describe "when there is an index field" do before { Ddr::Index::Fields.const_set(:FOO_BAR, "foo_bar_ssim") } after { Ddr::Index::Fields.send(:remove_const, :FOO_BAR) } describe "and the field is not present" do its(:foo_bar) { be_nil } end describe "and the field is a single value (not an array)" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::FOO_BAR] = "foo" } its(:foo_bar) { eq("foo") } end describe "and the field value is an array" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::FOO_BAR] = ["foo", "bar"] } its(:foo_bar) { eq("foo, bar") } end end describe "when there is no index field" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { subject.foo_bar }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end describe "#admin_policy_uri" do describe "when is_governed_by is not set" do its(:admin_policy_uri) { be_nil } end describe "when is_governed_by is set" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_GOVERNED_BY] = "info:fedora/test:1" } its(:admin_policy_uri) { should eq("info:fedora/test:1") } end end describe "#admin_policy" do describe "when there is not an admin policy relationship" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:admin_policy_pid) { nil } } its(:admin_policy) { should be_nil } end describe "where there is an admin policy relationship" do let(:admin_policy) { FactoryGirl.create(:collection) } before do subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_GOVERNED_BY] = [ admin_policy.internal_uri ] end it "should get the admin policy document" do expect( eq( end end end describe "#parent_uri" do describe "when is_part_of is present" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_PART_OF] = "info:fedora/test:1" } its(:parent_uri) { eq("info:fedora/test:1") } end describe "when is_part_of is not present" do describe "when is_member_of_collection is present" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::IS_MEMBER_OF_COLLECTION] = "info:fedora/test:1" } its(:parent_uri) { eq("info:fedora/test:1") } end describe "when is_member_of_collection is not present" do its(:parent_uri) { be_nil } end end end describe "#parent" do describe "when there is a parent URI" do let(:doc) {{"id"=>"test:1"}) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:parent_uri) { "info:fedora/test:1" } allow(described_class).to receive(:find).with("info:fedora/test:1") { doc } end its(:parent) { eq(doc) } end describe "when there is no parent URI" do its(:parent) { be_nil } end end describe "#roles" do let(:json) { "[{\"role_type\":[\"Editor\"],\"agent\":[\"Editors\"],\"scope\":[\"policy\"]},{\"role_type\":[\"Contributor\"],\"agent\":[\"\"],\"scope\":[\"resource\"]}]" } before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::ACCESS_ROLE] = json } it "should deserialize the roles from JSON" do expect(subject.roles.to_a) .to eq([ "Editor", agent: "Editors", scope: "policy"), "Contributor", agent: "", scope: "resource")]) end end describe "#structure" do context "no indexed structures" do it "should return nil" do expect(subject.structure).to be_nil end end context "indexed structure" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::STRUCTURE] = simple_structure_to_json } it "should return the structures map" do expect(subject.structure).to eq(JSON.parse(simple_structure_to_json)) end end end describe "contacts" do before do allow(Ddr::Models::Contact).to receive(:get).with(:find, slug: 'xa') do {'id'=>1, 'slug'=>'xa', 'name'=>'Contact A', 'short_name'=>'A'} end allow(Ddr::Models::Contact).to receive(:get).with(:find, slug: 'yb') do {'id'=>1, 'slug'=>'yb', 'name'=>'Contact B', 'short_name'=>'B'} end end describe "#research_help" do context "object has research help contact" do before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::RESEARCH_HELP_CONTACT] = 'yb' } it "should return the object's research help contact" do expect(subject.research_help.slug).to eq('yb') end end context "object does not have research help contact" do context "collection has research help contact" do let(:admin_policy) {{Ddr::Index::Fields::RESEARCH_HELP_CONTACT=>["xa"]}) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:admin_policy) { admin_policy } end it "should return the collection's research help contact" do expect(subject.research_help.slug).to eq("xa") end end context "collection does not have research help contact" do it "should return nil" do expect(subject.research_help).to be_nil end end end end end describe "structural metadata" do describe "#multires_image_file_paths" do context "no structural metadata" do its(:multires_image_file_paths) { match([]) } end context "structural metadata" do before { allow(subject).to receive(:structure) { JSON.parse(simple_structure_to_json) } } context "no structural objects with multi-res images" do before do allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:7') { double(multires_image_file_path: nil) } allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:8') { double(multires_image_file_path: nil) } allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:9') { double(multires_image_file_path: nil) } end its(:multires_image_file_paths) { match([]) } end context "structural objects with multi-res images" do let(:expected_result) { [ "/path/file1.ptif", "/path/file2.ptif" ] } before do allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:7') { double(multires_image_file_path: "/path/file1.ptif") } allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:8') { double(multires_image_file_path: nil) } allow(SolrDocument).to receive(:find).with('test:9') { double(multires_image_file_path: "/path/file2.ptif") } end its(:multires_image_file_paths) { match(expected_result) } end end end end describe "datastreams" do let(:profile) do <<-EOS {"datastreams":{"DC":{"dsLabel":"Dublin Core Record for this object","dsVersionID":"DC1.0","dsCreateDate":"2016-02-09T12:38:56Z","dsState":"A","dsMIME":"text/xml","dsFormatURI":"","dsControlGroup":"X","dsSize":340,"dsVersionable":true,"dsInfoType":null,"dsLocation":"duke:308221+DC+DC1.0","dsLocationType":null,"dsChecksumType":"SHA-1","dsChecksum":"69880409098d8dec1a5c41240a9daac2dd6832e0"}}} EOS end before { subject[Ddr::Index::Fields::OBJECT_PROFILE] = [ profile ] } specify { expect(subject.has_datastream?("DC")).to be true expect(subject.has_datastream?("foo")).to be false } end describe "#streamable?" do specify { allow(subject).to receive(:has_datastream?).with(Ddr::Datastreams::STREAMABLE_MEDIA) { false } expect(subject).not_to be_streamable } specify { allow(subject).to receive(:has_datastream?).with(Ddr::Datastreams::STREAMABLE_MEDIA) { true } expect(subject).to be_streamable } end describe "#streamable_media_path" do specify { allow(subject).to receive(:streamable?) { false } expect(subject.streamable_media_path).to be_nil } specify { allow(subject).to receive(:datastreams) do {"streamableMedia"=>{"dsLocation"=>"file:/foo/bar/baz.txt"}} end expect(subject.streamable_media_path).to eq "/foo/bar/baz.txt" } end describe "#rights" do specify { obj = Item.create(rights: [""]) doc = described_class.find( expect(doc.rights).to eq [""] } end describe "#rights_statement" do let(:rights_statement) { "") } before do allow(Ddr::Models::RightsStatement).to receive(:get).with(:find, url: "") do { url: "" } end allow(subject).to receive(:rights) { [""] } end its(:rights_statement) { eq rights_statement } end end