use v5.12.0; use warnings; package Sub::Exporter::Util 0.991; # ABSTRACT: utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier use Data::OptList (); use Params::Util (); #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This module provides a number of utility functions for performing common or #pod useful operations when setting up a Sub::Exporter configuration. All of the #pod utilities may be exported, but none are by default. #pod #pod =head1 THE UTILITIES #pod #pod =head2 curry_method #pod #pod exports => { #pod some_method => curry_method, #pod } #pod #pod This utility returns a generator which will produce an invocant-curried version #pod of a method. In other words, it will export a method call with the exporting #pod class built in as the invocant. #pod #pod A module importing the code some the above example might do this: #pod #pod use Some::Module qw(some_method); #pod #pod my $x = some_method; #pod #pod This would be equivalent to: #pod #pod use Some::Module; #pod #pod my $x = Some::Module->some_method; #pod #pod If Some::Module is subclassed and the subclass's import method is called to #pod import C, the subclass will be curried in as the invocant. #pod #pod If an argument is provided for C it is used as the name of the #pod curried method to export. This means you could export a Widget constructor #pod like this: #pod #pod exports => { widget => curry_method('new') } #pod #pod This utility may also be called as C, for backwards compatibility. #pod #pod =cut sub curry_method { my $override_name = shift; sub { my ($class, $name) = @_; $name = $override_name if defined $override_name; sub { $class->$name(@_); }; } } BEGIN { *curry_class = \&curry_method; } #pod =head2 curry_chain #pod #pod C behaves like C>, but is meant for generating #pod exports that will call several methods in succession. #pod #pod exports => { #pod reticulate => curry_chain( #pod new => gather_data => analyze => [ detail => 100 ] => 'results' #pod ), #pod } #pod #pod If imported from Spliner, calling the C routine will be equivalent #pod to: #pod #pod Spliner->new->gather_data->analyze(detail => 100)->results; #pod #pod If any method returns something on which methods may not be called, the routine #pod croaks. #pod #pod The arguments to C form an optlist. The names are methods to be #pod called and the arguments, if given, are arrayrefs to be dereferenced and passed #pod as arguments to those methods. C returns a generator like those #pod expected by Sub::Exporter. #pod #pod B at present, there is no way to pass arguments from the generated #pod routine to the method calls. This will probably be solved in future revisions #pod by allowing the opt list's values to be subroutines that will be called with #pod the generated routine's stack. #pod #pod =cut sub curry_chain { # In the future, we can make \%arg an optional prepend, like the "special" # args to the default Sub::Exporter-generated import routine. my (@opt_list) = @_; my $pairs = Data::OptList::mkopt(\@opt_list, 'args', 'ARRAY'); sub { my ($class) = @_; sub { my $next = $class; for my $i (0 .. $#$pairs) { my $pair = $pairs->[ $i ]; unless (Params::Util::_INVOCANT($next)) { ## no critic Private my $str = defined $next ? "'$next'" : 'undef'; Carp::croak("can't call $pair->[0] on non-invocant $str") } my ($method, $args) = @$pair; if ($i == $#$pairs) { return $next->$method($args ? @$args : ()); } else { $next = $next->$method($args ? @$args : ()); } } }; } } # =head2 name_map # # This utility returns an list to be used in specify export generators. For # example, the following: # # exports => { # name_map( # '_?_gen' => [ qw(fee fie) ], # '_make_?' => [ qw(foo bar) ], # ), # } # # is equivalent to: # # exports => { # name_map( # fee => \'_fee_gen', # fie => \'_fie_gen', # foo => \'_make_foo', # bar => \'_make_bar', # ), # } # # This can save a lot of typing, when providing many exports with similarly-named # generators. # # =cut # # sub name_map { # my (%groups) = @_; # # my %map; # # while (my ($template, $names) = each %groups) { # for my $name (@$names) { # (my $export = $template) =~ s/\?/$name/ # or Carp::croak 'no ? found in name_map template'; # # $map{ $name } = \$export; # } # } # # return %map; # } #pod =head2 merge_col #pod #pod exports => { #pod merge_col(defaults => { #pod twiddle => \'_twiddle_gen', #pod tweak => \&_tweak_gen, #pod }), #pod } #pod #pod This utility wraps the given generator in one that will merge the named #pod collection into its args before calling it. This means that you can support a #pod "default" collector in multiple exports without writing the code each time. #pod #pod You can specify as many pairs of collection names and generators as you like. #pod #pod =cut sub merge_col { my (%groups) = @_; my %merged; while (my ($default_name, $group) = each %groups) { while (my ($export_name, $gen) = each %$group) { $merged{$export_name} = sub { my ($class, $name, $arg, $col) = @_; my $merged_arg = exists $col->{$default_name} ? { %{ $col->{$default_name} }, %$arg } : $arg; if (Params::Util::_CODELIKE($gen)) { ## no critic Private $gen->($class, $name, $merged_arg, $col); } else { $class->$$gen($name, $merged_arg, $col); } } } } return %merged; } #pod =head2 mixin_installer #pod #pod use Sub::Exporter -setup => { #pod installer => Sub::Exporter::Util::mixin_installer, #pod exports => [ qw(foo bar baz) ], #pod }; #pod #pod This utility returns an installer that will install into a superclass and #pod adjust the ISA importing class to include the newly generated superclass. #pod #pod If the target of importing is an object, the hierarchy is reversed: the new #pod class will be ISA the object's class, and the object will be reblessed. #pod #pod B: This utility requires that Package::Generator be installed. #pod #pod =cut sub __mixin_class_for { my ($class, $mix_into) = @_; require Package::Generator; my $mixin_class = Package::Generator->new_package({ base => "$class\:\:__mixin__", }); ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) no strict 'refs'; if (ref $mix_into) { unshift @{"$mixin_class" . "::ISA"}, ref $mix_into; } else { unshift @{"$mix_into" . "::ISA"}, $mixin_class; } return $mixin_class; } sub mixin_installer { sub { my ($arg, $to_export) = @_; my $mixin_class = __mixin_class_for($arg->{class}, $arg->{into}); bless $arg->{into} => $mixin_class if ref $arg->{into}; Sub::Exporter::default_installer( { %$arg, into => $mixin_class }, $to_export, ); }; } sub mixin_exporter { Carp::cluck "mixin_exporter is deprecated; use mixin_installer instead; it behaves identically"; return mixin_installer; } #pod =head2 like #pod #pod It's a collector that adds imports for anything like given regex. #pod #pod If you provide this configuration: #pod #pod exports => [ qw(igrep imap islurp exhausted) ], #pod collectors => { -like => Sub::Exporter::Util::like }, #pod #pod A user may import from your module like this: #pod #pod use Your::Iterator -like => qr/^i/; # imports igre, imap, islurp #pod #pod or #pod #pod use Your::Iterator -like => [ qr/^i/ => { -prefix => 'your_' } ]; #pod #pod The group-like prefix and suffix arguments are respected; other arguments are #pod passed on to the generators for matching exports. #pod #pod =cut sub like { sub { my ($value, $arg) = @_; Carp::croak "no regex supplied to regex group generator" unless $value; # Oh, qr//, how you bother me! See the p5p thread from around now about # fixing this problem... too bad it won't help me. -- rjbs, 2006-04-25 my @values = eval { $value->isa('Regexp') } ? ($value, undef) : @$value; while (my ($re, $opt) = splice @values, 0, 2) { Carp::croak "given pattern for regex group generater is not a Regexp" unless eval { $re->isa('Regexp') }; my @exports = keys %{ $arg->{config}->{exports} }; my @matching = grep { $_ =~ $re } @exports; my %merge = $opt ? %$opt : (); my $prefix = (delete $merge{-prefix}) || ''; my $suffix = (delete $merge{-suffix}) || ''; for my $name (@matching) { my $as = $prefix . $name . $suffix; push @{ $arg->{import_args} }, [ $name => { %merge, -as => $as } ]; } } 1; } } use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ qw( like name_map merge_col curry_method curry_class curry_chain mixin_installer mixin_exporter ) ] }; 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Sub::Exporter::Util - utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier =head1 VERSION version 0.991 =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a number of utility functions for performing common or useful operations when setting up a Sub::Exporter configuration. All of the utilities may be exported, but none are by default. =head1 PERL VERSION This library should run on perls released even a long time ago. It should work on any version of perl released in the last five years. Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum required version will not be increased. The version may be increased for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl. =head1 THE UTILITIES =head2 curry_method exports => { some_method => curry_method, } This utility returns a generator which will produce an invocant-curried version of a method. In other words, it will export a method call with the exporting class built in as the invocant. A module importing the code some the above example might do this: use Some::Module qw(some_method); my $x = some_method; This would be equivalent to: use Some::Module; my $x = Some::Module->some_method; If Some::Module is subclassed and the subclass's import method is called to import C, the subclass will be curried in as the invocant. If an argument is provided for C it is used as the name of the curried method to export. This means you could export a Widget constructor like this: exports => { widget => curry_method('new') } This utility may also be called as C, for backwards compatibility. =head2 curry_chain C behaves like C>, but is meant for generating exports that will call several methods in succession. exports => { reticulate => curry_chain( new => gather_data => analyze => [ detail => 100 ] => 'results' ), } If imported from Spliner, calling the C routine will be equivalent to: Spliner->new->gather_data->analyze(detail => 100)->results; If any method returns something on which methods may not be called, the routine croaks. The arguments to C form an optlist. The names are methods to be called and the arguments, if given, are arrayrefs to be dereferenced and passed as arguments to those methods. C returns a generator like those expected by Sub::Exporter. B at present, there is no way to pass arguments from the generated routine to the method calls. This will probably be solved in future revisions by allowing the opt list's values to be subroutines that will be called with the generated routine's stack. =head2 merge_col exports => { merge_col(defaults => { twiddle => \'_twiddle_gen', tweak => \&_tweak_gen, }), } This utility wraps the given generator in one that will merge the named collection into its args before calling it. This means that you can support a "default" collector in multiple exports without writing the code each time. You can specify as many pairs of collection names and generators as you like. =head2 mixin_installer use Sub::Exporter -setup => { installer => Sub::Exporter::Util::mixin_installer, exports => [ qw(foo bar baz) ], }; This utility returns an installer that will install into a superclass and adjust the ISA importing class to include the newly generated superclass. If the target of importing is an object, the hierarchy is reversed: the new class will be ISA the object's class, and the object will be reblessed. B: This utility requires that Package::Generator be installed. =head2 like It's a collector that adds imports for anything like given regex. If you provide this configuration: exports => [ qw(igrep imap islurp exhausted) ], collectors => { -like => Sub::Exporter::Util::like }, A user may import from your module like this: use Your::Iterator -like => qr/^i/; # imports igre, imap, islurp or use Your::Iterator -like => [ qr/^i/ => { -prefix => 'your_' } ]; The group-like prefix and suffix arguments are respected; other arguments are passed on to the generators for matching exports. =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo Signes =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut