# encoding: utf-8 # WizRft: A gem for exporting Word Documents in ruby # using the Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification # Copyright (C) 2015 by sgzhe@163.com module WizRtf # = Represents Rtf text. class Text TEXT_ALIGN_MAP = {left:'ql',center:'qc',right:'qr'} # creates a text of +str+ to the document. # == Styles: # * +text-align+ - sets the horizontal alignment of the text. optional values: +:left+, +:center+, +:right+ # * +font-family+ - set the font family of the text. optional values: 'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow','Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', # 'Bitstream Vera Sans','Bitstream Vera Serif','Book Antiqua','Bookman Old Style','Castellar','Century Gothic', # 'Comic Sans MS','Courier New','Franklin Gothic Medium','Garamond','Georgia','Haettenschweiler','Impact','Lucida Console' # 'Lucida Sans Unicode','Microsoft Sans Serif','Monotype Corsiva','Palatino Linotype','Papyrus','Sylfaen','Symbol' # 'Tahoma','Times New Roman','Trebuchet MS','Verdana'. # * +font-size+ - set font size of the text. # * +font-bold+ - setting the value true for bold of the text. # * +font-italic+ - setting the value true for italic of the text. # * +font-underline+ - setting the value true for underline of the text. # == Example: # # WizRtf::Text.new("A Example of Rtf Document", 'text-align' => :center, 'font-family' => 'Microsoft YaHei', 'font-size' => 48, 'font-bold' => true, 'font-italic' => true, 'font-underline' => true) # def initialize(str = '', styles = {}) @str = str @styles = {'text-align' => :left, 'font-family' => 0, 'font-size' => 24, 'font-bold' => false, 'font-italic' => false, 'font-underline' => false, 'foreground-color' => 0, 'background-color' => 0 }.merge(styles) end # Outputs the Partial Rtf Document to a Generic Stream as a Rich Text Format (RTF). # * +io+ - The Generic IO to Output the RTF Document. def render(io) io.group do io.cmd :pard io.cmd TEXT_ALIGN_MAP[@styles['text-align']] io.cmd :f, @styles['font-family'] io.cmd :fs, @styles['font-size'] io.cmd @styles['font-bold'] ? 'b' : 'b0' io.cmd @styles['font-italic'] ? 'i' : 'i0' io.cmd @styles['font-underline'] ? 'ul' : 'ulnone' io.cmd :cf, @styles['foreground-color'] io.cmd :cb, @styles['background-color'] io.cmd :chcfpat, @styles['foreground-color'] io.cmd :chcbpat, @styles['background-color'] io.txt @str io.cmd :par end end end end