require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Warden::Strategies do it "should let me add a strategy via a block" do Warden::Strategies.add(:strategy1) do def authenticate! success("foo") end end Warden::Strategies[:strategy1].ancestors.should include(Warden::Strategies::Base) end it "should raise an error if I add a strategy via a block, that does not have an autheniticate! method" do lambda do Warden::Strategies.add(:strategy2) do end end.should raise_error end it "should allow me to get access to a particular middleware" do Warden::Strategies.add(:strategy3) do def authenticate!; end end strategy = Warden::Strategies[:strategy3] strategy.should_not be_nil strategy.ancestors.should include(Warden::Strategies::Base) end it "should allow me to add a strategy with the required methods" do class MyStrategy < Warden::Strategies::Base def authenticate!; end end lambda do Warden::Strategies.add(:strategy4, MyStrategy) end.should_not raise_error end it "should not allow a strategy that does not have a call(env) and initialize(app, config={}) method" do class MyOtherStrategy end lambda do Warden::Strategies.add(:strategy5, MyOtherStrategy) end.should raise_error end it "should allow me to inherit from a class when providing a block and class" do class MyStrategy < Warden::Strategies::Base def authenticate! end def call request.env['warden.spec.strategies'] ||= [] request.env['warden.spec.strategies'] << :inherited end end Warden::Strategies.add(:foo, MyStrategy) do def authenticate! end end Warden::Strategies[:foo].ancestors.should include(MyStrategy) end it "should allow me to clear the strategies" do Warden::Strategies.add(:foobar) do def authenticate! :foo end end Warden::Strategies[:foobar].should_not be_nil Warden::Strategies.clear! Warden::Strategies[:foobar].should be_nil end end