require 'csv' require 'alchemy/resource' require 'alchemy/resources_helper' require 'handles_sortable_columns' module Alchemy module Admin class ResourcesController < Alchemy::Admin::BaseController include Alchemy::ResourcesHelper helper Alchemy::ResourcesHelper helper_method :resource_handler before_filter :load_resource, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_filter do authorize!(action_name.to_sym, resource_instance_variable || resource_handler.model) end handles_sortable_columns do |c| c.default_sort_value = :name c.link_class = 'sortable' c.indicator_class = {:asc => "sorted asc", :desc => "sorted desc"} c.indicator_text = {:asc => " ↓ ", :desc => " ↑ "} end def index items = resource_handler.model if contains_relations? items = items.includes(*resource_relations_names) end if params[:query].present? items = query_items(items) end items = items.order(sort_order) respond_to do |format| format.html { items =[:page] || 1).per(per_page_value_for_screen_size) instance_variable_set("@#{resource_handler.resources_name}", items) } format.csv { instance_variable_set("@#{resource_handler.resources_name}", items) } end end def new instance_variable_set("@#{resource_handler.resource_name}", end def show render action: 'edit' end def edit; end def create instance_variable_set("@#{resource_handler.resource_name}", render_errors_or_redirect( resource_instance_variable, resources_path, flash_notice_for_resource_action ) end def update resource_instance_variable.update_attributes(resource_params) render_errors_or_redirect( resource_instance_variable, resources_path, flash_notice_for_resource_action ) end def destroy resource_instance_variable.destroy flash_notice_for_resource_action do_redirect_to resource_url_proxy.url_for(action: 'index') end def resource_handler @_resource_handler ||=, alchemy_module) end protected # Returns a translated +flash[:notice]+. # The key should look like "Modelname successfully created|updated|destroyed." def flash_notice_for_resource_action(action = params[:action]) return if resource_instance_variable.errors.any? case action.to_sym when :create verb = "created" when :update verb = "updated" when :destroy verb = "removed" end flash[:notice] = _t("#{resource_handler.resource_name.classify} successfully #{verb}", :default => _t("Succesfully #{verb}")) end def is_alchemy_module? not alchemy_module.nil? and not alchemy_module['engine_name'].nil? end def alchemy_module @alchemy_module ||= module_definition_for(:controller => params[:controller], :action => 'index') end def load_resource instance_variable_set("@#{resource_handler.resource_name}", resource_handler.model.find(params[:id])) end # Returns a sort order for AR#sort method # # Falls back to fallback_sort_order, if the requested column is not a column of model. # # If the column is a tablename and column combination that matches any resource relations, than this order will be taken. # def sort_order sortable_column_order do |column, direction| if resource_handler.model_associations.present? && column.match(/\./) table, column = column.split('.') if resource_handler.model_associations.detect { |a| a.table_name == table } "#{table}.#{column} #{direction}" else fallback_sort_order(direction) end elsif resource_handler.model.column_names.include?(column.to_s) "#{resource_handler.model.table_name}.#{column} #{direction}" else fallback_sort_order(direction) end end end # Default sort order fallback # # Overwrite this in your controller to define custom fallback # def fallback_sort_order(direction) "#{resource_handler.model.table_name}.id #{direction}" end # Returns an activerecord object that contains items matching params[:query] # def query_items(items) query = params[:query].downcase.split(' ').join('%') query = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize("%#{query}%") items.eager_load(resource_handler.model_association_names).where(search_query(query)) end # Returns a search query string # # It queries all searchable attributes from resource model via LIKE and joins them via OR. # # If the attribute is a relation it builds the query for the associated table. # def search_query(search_terms) do |attribute| if relation = attribute[:relation] "LOWER(#{relation[:model_association].klass.table_name}.#{relation[:attr_method]}) LIKE #{search_terms}" else "LOWER(#{resource_handler.model.table_name}.#{attribute[:name]}) LIKE #{search_terms}" end end.join(" OR ") end # Permits all parameters as default! # # THIS IS INSECURE! Although only signed in admin users can send requests anyway, but we should change this. # # Please define this method in your inheriting controller and set the parameters you want to permit. # # TODO: Hook this into authorization provider. # def resource_params params.require(resource_handler.namespaced_resource_name).permit! end end end end