layout: default
title: "Version 1 API: Index"
subtitle: Index
subnav: api1

The index is the action that lets you view all records, with pagination and sorting. To customize it by getting the index builder inside of your admin\_assistant config:
class Admin::BlogPostsController < ApplicationController
admin_assistant_for BlogPost do |a|
a.index do |index|
index.columns :user, :title
index.sort_by 'published_at desc'
### Index config options
#### actions
index.actions['All'] = {:all => '1'}
Adds more links to the upper-right hand-corner. By default there are two links there: "Search", and "New \[model name\]". If you have any other specific links to add, you can add them with index.actions, and they will be added to the right of those default two links.
#### cache\_total\_entries
index.cache_total_entries 12.hours
This is an optimization for large tables. Some databases are slow when trying to simply get the number of records in the table; but this number is required for any paginated view. If your index views are slow because of this, you should consider setting `cache_total_entries` to some amount of time. This will cache the count SQL request, so that the count will be slightly off for some period of time, but that probably doesn't matter if you have, for example, 150,000 users.
#### conditions
Specifies additional SQL that can restrict the records shown in the index view. This can be a simple string:
index.conditions "deleted_at is null"
It can also be a block that will be passed the params hash:
index.conditions do |params|
"deleted_at is null" unless params[:all]
This can also be accomplished with a protected controller method `conditions_for_index`; see below.
#### per\_page
index.per_page 100
By default, 25 rows per page will be shown. Set per\_page to set it to another number.
#### columns
index.columns :user, :title
If called, restricts which columns are shown. By default admin\_assistant will try to show all columns on the DB table, which will probably be too much if your table has a lot of columns.
Can also be used to add model methods that aren't database fields.
#### header
index.header do |params|
if params[:all]
"Blog posts (all)"
"Blog posts (unpublished)"
For customization the text at the top of the page; takes a block with params as its argument
#### include
index.include :users
Accepts one or more association names to be eagerly loaded by ActiveRecord.
#### right\_column\_links
By default, there are two links on the right-hand side of the row for each model: "Edit" and "Show". You can add new ones by appending to `right_column_links`:
index.right_column_links << lambda { |blog_post|
"New comment for this blog post",
{:controller => '/admin/comments', :action => 'new',
:comment => {:blog_post_id => blog_post.id }}
The lambda should receive the model and return a two-element array: The first element should be the text of the link and the second should be the URL parameters for that link.
See also the helper method [extra\_right\_column\_links\_for\_index](#helper_extra_right_column_links_for_index).
#### search
index.search :id, :title
Shortcut to Search [`columns`](/admin_assistant/v1/api/search.html#builder_columns) .
#### sort\_by
Sets the default sorting of records, which will be used unless the user has specified sorting by clicking any of the sort headers. This can be a SQL string:
index.sort_by 'published_at desc, id asc'
It can also just be a belongs-to association:
index.sort_by :user
In the case of a belongs-to association, by default it will search for fields called `name`, `title`, `login`, or `username` on the associated model and use that.
#### total\_entries
index.total_entries = do
This block will be called during pagination to provide the total number of records. This can come in handy if you have a huge number of records and are finding the count(\*) SQL statement too expensive.
### Column config options
There are also configurations that can be applied to specific columns in the index view.
#### ajax\_toggle
index[:textile].ajax_toggle = false
By default, all boolean fields displayed in the index can be toggled with an Ajax link. Set `ajax_toggle` to false to disable this behavior.
#### image\_size
index[:image].image_size = '300x500'
By default, [Paperclip] and [FileColumn] image files are rendered at full-size in the index. To restrict their size, pass a size string to `image_size`.
#### link\_to\_args
class Admin::BlogPostsController < ApplicationController
layout 'admin'
admin_assistant_for BlogPost do |aa|
aa.index[:user].link_to_args do |blog_post|
{:controller => 'admin/users', :action => 'edit',
:id => blog_post.user_id }
If you'd like this column to link somewhere from the index view, set this with a block that returns a hash for `url_for` when called.
Note that this block takes the base record as its argument, not the value of the specific column or association. In the example above, the base model is BlogPost, so the block is receiving a blog post, not the associated user.
### Controller methods
#### before\_render\_for\_index
If defined on your controller, this hook is executed just before render takes place for the index action.
class Admin::BlogPostsController < ApplicationController
layout 'admin'
admin_assistant_for BlogPost
# Blog post authors should not be visible if they have requested anonymity
def before_render_for_index
@index.records.each do |record|
record.author = nil if record.author.requested_anonymity?
#### conditions\_for\_index
def conditions_for_index
"deleted_at is null" unless params[:all]
Specifies additional SQL that can restrict the records shown in the index view.
Can also be set via `index.conditions`; see `conditions` above.
### Helper methods
#### \[column\]\_html\_for\_index
def title_html_for_index(blog_post)
"TITLE #{blog_post.title.capitalize}"
If this method exists on the helper, it will be used to render the HTML shown in each row for the column in question. It takes the model as its only argument.
#### extra\_right\_column\_links\_for\_index
By default, there are two links on the right-hand side of the row for each model: "Edit" and "Show". You can add new ones by returning them from `extra_right_column_links_for_index`:
def extra_right_column_links_for_index(blog_post)
'New comment',
:controller => 'admin/comments', :action => 'new',
:comment => {:blog_post_id => blog_post.id}
Also see the builder method [right\_column\_links](#builder_right_column_links).
#### link\_to\_new\_in\_index?
The link to create a new record will be shown on the index view if there is a 'new' action for the controller (whether via admin\_assistant or otherwise). If you don't want the link generated, define a helper method like this:
def link_to_new_in_index?
#### link\_to\_search\_in\_index?
The link to the search form will be shown unless it is prevented using a define a helper method like this:
def link_to_search_in_index?
#### link\_to\_edit\_in\_index?
The edit link in the right column of each row will be shown if there is a 'edit' action for the controller (whether via admin\_assistant or otherwise). If you don't want the link generated, define a helper method like this:
def link_to_edit_in_index?(blog_post)
#### link\_to\_delete\_in\_index?
The delete link in the right column of each row will be shown if there is a 'destroy' action for the controller (whether via admin\_assistant or otherwise). If you don't want the link generated, define a helper method like this:
def link_to_delete_in_index?(blog_post)
#### link\_to\_show\_in\_index?
The show link in the right column of each row will be shown if there is a 'show' action for the controller (whether via admin\_assistant or otherwise). If you don't want the link generated, define a helper method like this:
def link_to_show_in_index?(blog_post)
#### \[column\]\_css\_class\_for\_index\_td
To add a css class to a table cell, define a helper method based on the name of the column:
def user_css_class_for_index_td(blog_post)
#### css\_class\_for\_index\_tr
To add a css class to a table row, define a helper method like so:
def css_class_for_index_tr(blog_post)
### Partials
#### \_after\_index.html.erb
If this partial is present, it will be rendered after the entire index HTML.
#### \_before\_index.html.erb
If this partial is present, it will be rendered before the entire index HTML.
[FileColumn]: http://www.kanthak.net/opensource/file_column/
[Paperclip]: http://thoughtbot.com/projects/paperclip