require 'rails/generators' require_relative "config" require_relative "lib/helpers" require_relative "lib/core_extensions" class CapistranoDeployGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def runner case file_name.to_sym when :capify then capify when :modules then install_submodules when :deploy then create_deploy when :all capify install_submodules create_deploy end end private def capify template "Capfile" end ## # Installs required repositories as project's submodules. # def install_submodules if agree( (["OK to add git submodules to your application?", "If you select 'No' here some of the fuctionality can be lost", "\n" ] + SUBMODULES.values).join "\n" ) SUBMODULES.each do |path, submodule| run "git submodule add #{submodule} config/deploy/#{path}" end else say "OK. Skipping submodules" end end ## # Create deploy rb file def create_deploy @@tpl = CapistranoDeployGenerator.source_root empty_directory "config/deploy" say <<-EOF config/deploy.rb generator This menu will help you creating deployment configuration file deploy.rb for Capistrano. It is safe to acceppt defulat values for most or all questions. Just hit Enter if default is provided. All values can be changed later in the file itself or you can re-run generator again. EOF template "deploy.rb.erb", "config/deploy.rb" @stages.each do |stage| template "staging.rb.erb", "config/deploy/#{stage}.rb" end say "Please edit manually configuration of the multi-staging files:" { |x| say "./confg/deploy/#{x}.rb\n"} end private # # set :application def application ask ("Application name : ") { |x| x.default = File.basename %x{pwd}.chomp } end # For passthrough scm use also def scm @scm = menu_with_default "Which SCM to use for deployment", [:git,:passthrough ], :git case @scm when :passthrough %W{ capistrano-deploy-scm-passthrough capistrano-improved-rsync-with-remote-cache}.each do |g| append_to_file "Gemfile", "gem '#{g}', :group => :development\n" end end @scm end ## # Try find name of the GIT repo from git remote def git_remote repos = begin %x{git remote --verbose 2>/dev/null}.split("\n").map(&:split).map {|x| [x[0],x[1]] }.uniq rescue [] end default = repos.find { |x| x.first == 'origin'} items = { |x| x.last } menu_with_default "Select repository ", items.compact, default end # Select version for :rvm_ruby_string def ruby_version default = %x{ rvm current}.strip items = %x{ rvm ls strings }.split.compact ruby = menu_with_default "RVM Ruby version to use for deployment:", items,default ruby = ask "Enter alternative RVM Ruby string: " if ruby =~ /Other/ ruby end ## # List of the stages for multistage extension and default stage # def multistage @stages = %w(development production staging) catch :exit do loop do choose do |menu| menu.header = "List stages for multistage deployments" menu.prompt = "Type number to delete, 1 to add new, Enter - complete." menu.choice '*** Add ***' do @stages << ask("New stage: ") end menu.hidden("") { throw :exit } menu.choices(*@stages) { |x| @stages.delete x } end end end @stages2 = @stages.dup { stages: @stages, default: menu_with_default("Default stage:", @stages2, "production") } end ## # Try to detect DB from confing file and add necessary components. def database default = begin YAML.load_file("config/database.yml")['production']['adapter'].strip rescue nil end menu_with_default "Select a database for production:", ["postgres", "mysql", "sqlite3"], default end def comment_block text say text text end end