%table{:width => "100%"} %tr %td{:valign => "top", :width => "40%"} %table{ :border => 1, :width => "100%"} %tr %td = link_to "Follow with Google Wave", "/main/wave" - form_tag :action => :index do %p %label{ :for => "sixconfigs" } = link_to "Preset", "/sixconfigs", :title => "Click to access Presets overview"   = record_select_field 'config', @preset = submit_tag "Edit" = submit_tag "Sync", :name => "portalsync" %strong Optional Preset Overrides %p %label{ :for => "actions" } = link_to "Action", "/actions", :title => "Click to access Actions overview"   = record_select_field 'act', @action %p %label{ :for => "servers" } = link_to "Server", "/queryservers", :title => "Click to access Gamespy browser overview"   = record_select_field 'gamespy', @queryserver = submit_tag "Show" = submit_tag "Sync", :name => "serversync" %p %label{ :for => "settings" } = link_to "Setting", "/appsettings", :title => "Click to access Settings Profiles overview"   = record_select_field 'setting', @setting, :controller => "Appsettings" %p = submit_tag "Execute"   = submit_tag "Save"   = check_box :system, :autoskip, {:checked => @autoskip} %a{:title => "Only update mods whos online version doesnt match local" } Autoskip   = check_box :system, :inweb, {:checked => @inweb} %a{:title => "Display updater output into ajax-refreshed web-page (Handy for remote-management)" } Integrated %p = submit_tag "Stop Game"   = submit_tag "Reset Skip Status"   = submit_tag "Show status" %strong Logs - form_tag :action => :fetch do %p = submit_tag "Rpt"   = submit_tag "Updater"   = submit_tag "Updater-Web" %td{:valign => "top", :width => "60%"} %table{ :border => 1, :cellpadding => "5", :width => "100%"} %tr %td Edition: #{link_to @current_setting.nice_found_type, nil, :title => "Supports mods for: #{@current_setting.found_types.map{|e| e.label}.join(", ")}" } Autoskip: #{@autoskip ? @autoskip : false}. Last sync - if @system_setting.synchronized_at = time_ago_in_words(@system_setting.synchronized_at) ago, - else never, Gamespy - if @system_setting.gamespied_at = time_ago_in_words(@system_setting.gamespied_at) ago. - else never. %br %br = @msg.join("
") %br - if (@check.size + @skip.size + @install.size) > 0 - if @check.size > 0 %br To be checked: %br = render :partial => "check", :locals => {:mods => @check} - if @skip.size > 0 %br To be skipped: %br = render :partial => "check", :locals => {:mods => @skip} - if @install.size > 0 %br Not installed: %br = render :partial => "check", :locals => {:mods => @install} - if @disabled.size > 0 %br Disabled: %br = render :partial => "check", :locals => {:mods => @disabled}