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          <td class="class-mod"><strong>Module</strong></td>
          <td class="class-name-in-header">RIO::Doc::SYNOPSIS</td>
            <td rowspan="2" class="class-header-space-col"></td>
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                <a class="in-url" href="../../../files/lib/rio/doc/SYNOPSIS_rb.html">

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    <div id="description">
      <h1>Rio - Ruby I/O Facilitator</h1>
fa-cil-i-tate: To make easy or easier.
Rio is a facade for most of the standard ruby classes that deal with I/O;
providing a simple, intuitive, succinct interface to the functionality
provided by IO, File, Dir, Pathname, FileUtils, Tempfile, StringIO, OpenURI
and others. Rio also provides an application level interface which allows
many common I/O idioms to be expressed succinctly.
<h2><a href="SYNOPSIS.html">SYNOPSIS</a></h2>
For the following assume:
 astring = &quot;&quot;
 anarray = []
Iterate over the .rb files in a directory.
 rio('adir').files('*.rb') { |entrio| ... }
Return an array of the .rb files in a directory.
Copy the .rb files in a directory.to another directory.
 rio('adir').files('*.rb') &gt; rio('another_directory')
Iterate over the .rb files in a directory and its subdirectories.
 rio('adir').all.files('*.rb') { |entrio| ... }
Return an array of the .rb files in a directory and its subdirectories.
Copy or append a file to a string
 rio('afile') &gt; astring      # copy
 rio('afile') &gt;&gt; astring     # append
Copy or append a string to a file
 rio('afile') &lt; astring      # copy
 rio('afile') &lt;&lt; astring     # append
Copy or append the lines of a file to an array
 rio('afile') &gt; anarray
 rio('afile') &gt;&gt; anarray
Copy or append a file to another file
 rio('afile') &gt; rio('another_file')
 rio('afile') &gt;&gt; rio('another_file')
Copy a file to a directory
 rio('adir') &lt;&lt; rio('afile')
Copy a directory to another directory
 rio('adir') &gt;&gt; rio('another_directory')
Copy a web-page to a file
 rio('http://rubydoc.org/') &gt; rio('afile')
Read a web-page into a string
 astring = rio('http://rubydoc.org/').read
Ways to get the chomped lines of a file into an array
 anarray = rio('afile').chomp[]         # subscript operator
 rio('afile').chomp &gt; anarray           # copy-to operator
 anarray = rio('afile').chomp.to_a      # to_a
 anarray = rio('afile').chomp.readlines # IO#readlines
Iterate over selected lines of a file
 rio('adir').lines(0..3) { |aline| ... }       # a range of lines
 rio('adir').lines(/re/) { |aline| ... }       # by regular expression
 rio('adir').lines(0..3,/re/) { |aline| ... }  # or both
Return selected lines of a file as an array
 rio('adir').lines[0..3]       # a range of lines
 rio('adir').lines[/re/]       # by regular expression
 rio('adir').lines[0..3,/re/]  # or both
Iterate over selected chomped lines of a file
 rio('adir').chomp.lines(0..3) { |aline| ... }       # a range of lines
 rio('adir').chomp.lines(/re/) { |aline| ... }       # by regular expression
Return selected chomped lines of a file as an array
 rio('adir').chomp[0..3]  # a range of lines
 rio('adir').chomp[/re/]  # by regular expression
Copy a gzipped file un-gzipping it
 rio('afile.gz').gzip &gt; rio('afile')
Copy a plain file, gzipping it
 rio('afile.gz').gzip &lt; rio('afile')
Copy a file from a ftp server into a local file un-gzipping it
 rio('ftp://host/afile.gz').gzip &gt; rio('afile')
Return an array of .rb files excluding symlinks to .rb files
Put the first 10 chomped lines of a gzipped file into an array
 anarray =  rio('afile.gz').chomp.gzip[0...10]
Copy lines 0 and 3 thru 5 of a gzipped file on an ftp server to stdout
 rio('ftp://host/afile.gz').gzip.lines(0,3..5) &gt; ?-
Return an array of files in a directory and its subdirectories, without
descending into .svn directories.
Iterate over the non-empty, non-comment chomped lines of a file
 rio('afile').chomp.skip(:empty?,/^\s*#/) { |line| ... }
Copy the output of th ps command into an array, skipping the header line
and the ps command entry
 rio(?-,'ps -a').skiplines(0,/ps$/) &gt; anarray
Prompt for input and return what was typed
 ans = rio(?-).print(&quot;Type Something: &quot;).chomp.gets
Change the extension of all .htm files in a directory and its
subdirectories to .html
 rio('adir').rename.all.files('*.htm') do |htmfile|
   htmfile.extname = '.html'
<li><a href="INTRO.html">RIO::Doc::INTRO</a>

<li><a href="HOWTO.html">RIO::Doc::HOWTO</a>

<li><a href="../Rio.html">RIO::Rio</a>

<li><a href="EXAMPLES.html">RIO::Doc::EXAMPLES</a>

<li><a href="OPTIONAL.html">RIO::Doc::OPTIONAL</a>




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   <p><small>Copyright &copy; 2005,2006,2007,2008 Christopher Kleckner.  <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">All rights reserved</a>.</small></p>
