Feature: --expand option In order to make it easier to writhe certain editor plugins and also for some people to understand scenarios, Cucumber should expand examples in outlines. Background: Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/expand_me.feature" with: """ Feature: submit guess Background: Given the players' names: | maker | breaker | | Moriarty | Holmes | Scenario Outline: submit guess Given the secret code is When I guess Then the mark should be Examples: all colors correct | code | guess | mark | | r g y c | r g y c | bbbb | | r g y c | r g c y | bbww | """ Scenario: Expand the outline When I run cucumber -i -q --expand features/expand_me.feature Then STDERR should be empty And it should pass with """ Feature: submit guess Background: Given the players' names: | maker | breaker | | Moriarty | Holmes | Scenario Outline: submit guess Given the secret code is When I guess Then the mark should be Examples: all colors correct Scenario: | r g y c | r g y c | bbbb | Given the secret code is r g y c When I guess r g y c Then the mark should be bbbb Scenario: | r g y c | r g c y | bbww | Given the secret code is r g y c When I guess r g c y Then the mark should be bbww 2 scenarios (2 undefined) 8 steps (8 undefined) """