package org.sunflow.core.primitive; import org.sunflow.SunflowAPI; import org.sunflow.core.Instance; import org.sunflow.core.IntersectionState; import org.sunflow.core.LightSample; import org.sunflow.core.LightSource; import org.sunflow.core.ParameterList; import org.sunflow.core.PrimitiveList; import org.sunflow.core.Ray; import org.sunflow.core.Shader; import org.sunflow.core.ShadingState; import org.sunflow.image.Color; import org.sunflow.math.BoundingBox; import org.sunflow.math.Matrix4; import org.sunflow.math.OrthoNormalBasis; import org.sunflow.math.Point3; import org.sunflow.math.Vector3; public class CornellBox implements PrimitiveList, Shader, LightSource { private float minX, minY, minZ; private float maxX, maxY, maxZ; private Color left, right, top, bottom, back; private Color radiance; private int samples; private float lxmin, lymin, lxmax, lymax; private float area; private BoundingBox lightBounds; public CornellBox() { updateGeometry(new Point3(-1, -1, -1), new Point3(1, 1, 1)); // cube colors left = new Color(0.80f, 0.25f, 0.25f); right = new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.80f); Color gray = new Color(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f); top = bottom = back = gray; // light source radiance = Color.WHITE; samples = 16; } private void updateGeometry(Point3 c0, Point3 c1) { // figure out cube extents lightBounds = new BoundingBox(c0); lightBounds.include(c1); // cube extents minX = lightBounds.getMinimum().x; minY = lightBounds.getMinimum().y; minZ = lightBounds.getMinimum().z; maxX = lightBounds.getMaximum().x; maxY = lightBounds.getMaximum().y; maxZ = lightBounds.getMaximum().z; // work around epsilon problems for light test lightBounds.enlargeUlps(); // light source geometry lxmin = maxX / 3 + 2 * minX / 3; lxmax = minX / 3 + 2 * maxX / 3; lymin = maxY / 3 + 2 * minY / 3; lymax = minY / 3 + 2 * maxY / 3; area = (lxmax - lxmin) * (lymax - lymin); } @Override public boolean update(ParameterList pl, SunflowAPI api) { Point3 corner0 = pl.getPoint("corner0", null); Point3 corner1 = pl.getPoint("corner1", null); if (corner0 != null && corner1 != null) { updateGeometry(corner0, corner1); } // shader colors left = pl.getColor("leftColor", left); right = pl.getColor("rightColor", right); top = pl.getColor("topColor", top); bottom = pl.getColor("bottomColor", bottom); back = pl.getColor("backColor", back); // light radiance = pl.getColor("radiance", radiance); samples = pl.getInt("samples", samples); return true; } public BoundingBox getBounds() { return lightBounds; } public float getBound(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return minX; case 1: return maxX; case 2: return minY; case 3: return maxY; case 4: return minZ; case 5: return maxZ; default: return 0; } } public boolean intersects(BoundingBox box) { // this could be optimized BoundingBox b = new BoundingBox(); b.include(new Point3(minX, minY, minZ)); b.include(new Point3(maxX, maxY, maxZ)); if (b.intersects(box)) { // the box is overlapping or enclosed if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMinimum().x, box.getMinimum().y, box.getMinimum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMinimum().x, box.getMinimum().y, box.getMaximum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMinimum().x, box.getMaximum().y, box.getMinimum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMinimum().x, box.getMaximum().y, box.getMaximum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMaximum().x, box.getMinimum().y, box.getMinimum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMaximum().x, box.getMinimum().y, box.getMaximum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMaximum().x, box.getMaximum().y, box.getMinimum().z))) { return true; } if (!b.contains(new Point3(box.getMaximum().x, box.getMaximum().y, box.getMaximum().z))) { return true; } // all vertices of the box are inside - the surface of the box is // not intersected } return false; } @Override public void prepareShadingState(ShadingState state) { state.init(); state.getRay().getPoint(state.getPoint()); int n = state.getPrimitiveID(); switch (n) { case 0: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); break; case 1: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0)); break; case 2: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); break; case 3: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(0, -1, 0)); break; case 4: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); break; case 5: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)); break; default: state.getNormal().set(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); break; } state.getGeoNormal().set(state.getNormal()); state.setBasis(OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(state.getNormal())); state.setShader(this); } @Override public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state) { float intervalMin = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float intervalMax = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float orgX = r.ox; float invDirX = 1 / r.dx; float t1, t2; t1 = (minX - orgX) * invDirX; t2 = (maxX - orgX) * invDirX; int sideIn = -1, sideOut = -1; if (invDirX > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; sideIn = 0; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; sideOut = 1; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; sideIn = 1; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; sideOut = 0; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } float orgY = r.oy; float invDirY = 1 / r.dy; t1 = (minY - orgY) * invDirY; t2 = (maxY - orgY) * invDirY; if (invDirY > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; sideIn = 2; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; sideOut = 3; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; sideIn = 3; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; sideOut = 2; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } float orgZ = r.oz; float invDirZ = 1 /; t1 = (minZ - orgZ) * invDirZ; // no front wall t2 = (maxZ - orgZ) * invDirZ; if (invDirZ > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; sideIn = 4; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; sideOut = 5; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; sideIn = 5; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; sideOut = 4; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } assert sideIn != -1; assert sideOut != -1; // can't hit minY wall, there is none if (sideIn != 2 && r.isInside(intervalMin)) { r.setMax(intervalMin); state.setIntersection(sideIn); } else if (sideOut != 2 && r.isInside(intervalMax)) { r.setMax(intervalMax); state.setIntersection(sideOut); } } @Override public Color getRadiance(ShadingState state) { int side = state.getPrimitiveID(); Color kd = null; switch (side) { case 0: kd = left; break; case 1: kd = right; break; case 3: kd = back; break; case 4: kd = bottom; break; case 5: float lx = state.getPoint().x; float ly = state.getPoint().y; if (lx >= lxmin && lx < lxmax && ly >= lymin && ly < lymax && state.getRay().dz > 0) { return state.includeLights() ? radiance : Color.BLACK; } kd = top; break; default: assert false; } // make sure we are on the right side of the material state.faceforward(); // setup lighting state.initLightSamples(); state.initCausticSamples(); return state.diffuse(kd); } @Override public void scatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power) { int side = state.getPrimitiveID(); Color kd = null; switch (side) { case 0: kd = left; break; case 1: kd = right; break; case 3: kd = back; break; case 4: kd = bottom; break; case 5: float lx = state.getPoint().x; float ly = state.getPoint().y; if (lx >= lxmin && lx < lxmax && ly >= lymin && ly < lymax && state.getRay().dz > 0) { return; } kd = top; break; default: assert false; } // make sure we are on the right side of the material if (, state.getRay().getDirection()) > 0) { state.getNormal().negate(); state.getGeoNormal().negate(); } state.storePhoton(state.getRay().getDirection(), power, kd); double avg = kd.getAverage(); double rnd = state.getRandom(0, 0, 1); if (rnd < avg) { // photon is scattered power.mul(kd).mul(1 / (float) avg); OrthoNormalBasis onb = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(state.getNormal()); double u = 2 * Math.PI * rnd / avg; double v = state.getRandom(0, 1, 1); float s = (float) Math.sqrt(v); float s1 = (float) Math.sqrt(1.0 - v); Vector3 w = new Vector3((float) Math.cos(u) * s, (float) Math.sin(u) * s, s1); w = onb.transform(w, new Vector3()); state.traceDiffusePhoton(new Ray(state.getPoint(), w), power); } } @Override public int getNumSamples() { return samples; } @Override public void getSamples(ShadingState state) { if (lightBounds.contains(state.getPoint()) && state.getPoint().z < maxZ) { int n = state.getDiffuseDepth() > 0 ? 1 : samples; float a = area / n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // random offset on unit square double randX = state.getRandom(i, 0, n); double randY = state.getRandom(i, 1, n); Point3 p = new Point3(); p.x = (float) (lxmin * (1 - randX) + lxmax * randX); p.y = (float) (lymin * (1 - randY) + lymax * randY); p.z = maxZ - 0.001f; LightSample dest = new LightSample(); // prepare shadow ray to sampled point dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), p)); // check that the direction of the sample is the same as the // normal float cosNx =; if (cosNx <= 0) { return; } // light source facing point ? // (need to check with light source's normal) float cosNy = dest.getShadowRay().dz; if (cosNy > 0) { // compute geometric attenuation and probability scale // factor float r = dest.getShadowRay().getMax(); float g = cosNy / (r * r); float scale = g * a; // set final sample radiance dest.setRadiance(radiance, radiance); dest.getDiffuseRadiance().mul(scale); dest.getSpecularRadiance().mul(scale); dest.traceShadow(state); state.addSample(dest); } } } } @Override public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power) { p.x = (float) (lxmin * (1 - randX2) + lxmax * randX2); p.y = (float) (lymin * (1 - randY2) + lymax * randY2); p.z = maxZ - 0.001f; double u = 2 * Math.PI * randX1; double s = Math.sqrt(randY1); dir.set((float) (Math.cos(u) * s), (float) (Math.sin(u) * s), (float) -Math.sqrt(1.0f - randY1)); Color.mul((float) Math.PI * area, radiance, power); } @Override public float getPower() { return radiance.copy().mul((float) Math.PI * area).getLuminance(); } @Override public int getNumPrimitives() { return 1; } @Override public float getPrimitiveBound(int primID, int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return minX; case 1: return maxX; case 2: return minY; case 3: return maxY; case 4: return minZ; case 5: return maxZ; default: return 0; } } @Override public BoundingBox getWorldBounds(Matrix4 o2w) { BoundingBox bounds = new BoundingBox(minX, minY, minZ); bounds.include(maxX, maxY, maxZ); if (o2w == null) { return bounds; } return o2w.transform(bounds); } @Override public PrimitiveList getBakingPrimitives() { return null; } @Override public Instance createInstance() { return Instance.createTemporary(this, null, this); } }