# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' class Sufia::Models::InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :model_name, :type => :string , :default => "user" desc """ This generator makes the following changes to your application: 1. Creates several database migrations if they do not exist in /db/migrate 2. Adds user behavior to the user model 3. Creates the sufia.rb configuration file 4. Adds Sufia::SolrDocumentBehavior to app/models/solr_document.rb 5. Generates mailboxer """ # Implement the required interface for Rails::Generators::Migration. # taken from http://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activerecord/lib/generators/active_record.rb def self.next_migration_number(path) if @prev_migration_nr @prev_migration_nr += 1 else if last_migration = Dir[File.join(path, '*.rb')].sort.last @prev_migration_nr = last_migration.sub(File.join(path, '/'), '').to_i + 1 else @prev_migration_nr = Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i end end @prev_migration_nr.to_s end # Setup the database migrations def copy_migrations # Can't get this any more DRY, because we need this order. [ "acts_as_follower_migration.rb", "add_social_to_users.rb", "create_single_use_links.rb", "add_ldap_attrs_to_user.rb", "add_avatars_to_users.rb", "create_checksum_audit_logs.rb", "create_version_committers.rb", "add_groups_to_users.rb", "create_local_authorities.rb", "create_trophies.rb", 'add_linkedin_to_users.rb' ].each do |file| better_migration_template file end end # Add behaviors to the user model def inject_sufia_user_behavior file_path = "app/models/#{model_name.underscore}.rb" if File.exists?(file_path) inject_into_file file_path, after: /include Hydra\:\:User.*$/ do "# Connects this user object to Sufia behaviors. " + "\n include Sufia::User\n" end else puts " \e[31mFailure\e[0m Sufia requires a user object. This generators assumes that the model is defined in the file #{file_path}, which does not exist. If you used a different name, please re-run the generator and provide that name as an argument. Such as \b rails -g sufia client" end end def create_configuration_files copy_file "config/sufia.rb", "config/initializers/sufia.rb" copy_file "config/redis.yml", "config/redis.yml" copy_file "config/redis_config.rb", "config/initializers/redis_config.rb" copy_file "config/resque_admin.rb", "config/initializers/resque_admin.rb" copy_file "config/resque_config.rb", "config/initializers/resque_config.rb" end # Add behaviors to the SolrDocument model def inject_sufia_solr_document_behavior file_path = "app/models/solr_document.rb" if File.exists?(file_path) inject_into_class file_path, "SolrDocument" do " # Adds Sufia behaviors to the SolrDocument.\n" + " include Sufia::SolrDocumentBehavior\n" end else puts " \e[31mFailure\e[0m Sufia requires a SolrDocument object. This generators assumes that the model is defined in the file #{file_path}, which does not exist." end end def install_mailboxer generate "mailboxer:install" end private def better_migration_template(file) begin migration_template "migrations/#{file}", "db/migrate/#{file}" rescue Rails::Generators::Error => e say_status("warning", e.message, :yellow) end end end