binman - man pages for

binman produces UNIX manual pages for executable scripts using md2man. Simply document your script in Markdown as a comment at the top of your script and call binman show to display it as a UNIX manual page! Or, call binman help to display your manual only when your script receives with -h or --help command-line options. Or, call binman snip to extract the manual from your script for your own custom processing, outside of binman. And that's not all: see the manual page for more possibilities!



Obligatory screen-shot of binman(1) in action!

What can binman(1) do?

Here are some real examples of processed bin scripts to help you get started:

For examples in even more scripting languages, see the "Usage" section below!

What can binman-rake(1) do?

Here are some examples of HTML manual sets produced by binman-rake(1):


If you only want to view pre-built manual pages:

gem install binman

If you also want to build your own manual pages:

gem install md2man -v '~> 4.0'



git clone git://
cd binman
bundle install
bundle exec binman --help # run it directly
bundle exec rake --tasks  # packaging tasks


At the command line

See binman(1) manual:

binman --help

Inside a Ruby script

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# your program's manual page goes here

require 'binman'

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally

You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# your program's manual page goes here

You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
your program's manual page goes here

You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
your program's manual page goes here

See the API documentation for even more possibilities!

Inside a shell script

# your program's manual page goes here

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --
binman help "$0" "$@" && exit

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally
binman show "$0"

Inside a Perl script

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# your program's manual page goes here

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --
system('binman', 'help', __FILE__, @ARGV) == 0 and exit;

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally
system('binman', 'show', __FILE__);

You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment after __END__:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "your program's code goes here";
your program's manual page goes here

Inside a Python script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# your program's manual page goes here

import sys, subprocess

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --['binman', 'help', __file__] + sys.argv) == 0 and sys.exit()

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally['binman', 'show', __file__])

You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# your program's manual page goes here

You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment inside a docstring:

#!/usr/bin/env python
your program's manual page goes here

You can also specify your program's source file encoding above the manual:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
your program's manual page goes here

Inside an AWK script

The technique for determining current AWK script file name comes from here.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# your program's manual page goes here

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --
BEGIN {getline c <"/proc/self/cmdline"; sub(".*-f\0"," ",c); gsub("\0"," ",c);
       if(system("binman help" c) == 0){ exit }}

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally
BEGIN {getline c <"/proc/self/cmdline"; sub(".*-f\0"," ",c); sub("\0.*","",c);
       system("binman show" c)}

Inside a Tcl script

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# your program's manual page goes here

# OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --
if {![catch {exec -- >/dev/tty binman help $argv0 {*}$argv}]} {exit}

# OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally
exec >/dev/tty binman show $argv0

You can also write the manual as a multi-line Ruby comment inside an if 0:

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
if 0 {
your program's manual page goes here

Inside a Node.js script

your program's manual page goes here

var exec = require('child_process').exec;

// OPTION 1: show manual and exit if ARGV has -h or --help except after --
exec(['>/dev/tty', 'binman', 'help', __filename].concat(process.argv).
join(' '), function(error){ if (error === null){ process.exit(); } });

// OPTION 2: show manual unconditionally
exec(['>/dev/tty', 'binman', 'show', __filename].join(' '));


Building man pages

At the command line

See binman-rake(1) manual:

binman-rake --help

Inside a Ruby script

Add this snippet to your gemspec file:

s.files += Dir['man/man?/*.?']            # UNIX man pages
s.files += Dir['man/**/*.{html,css,js}']  # HTML man pages
s.add_development_dependency 'md2man', '~> 4.0'

Add the following line to your Rakefile:

require 'binman/rakefile'

You now have a rake binman task that pre-builds UNIX manual page files for your bin/ scripts into a man/ directory so that your end-users do not need md2man installed in order to view the manual pages you've embedded therein! There are also sub-tasks to build manual pages individually as roff or HTML.

If you're using Bundler, this task also hooks into its gem packaging tasks and ensures that your UNIX manual pages are pre-built and packaged into your gem:

bundle exec rake build
gem spec pkg/*.gem | fgrep man/man


Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.