require './auth' class ManagedSourceApi < DataSiftExample def initialize super run end def run begin puts 'Creating a managed source' parameters = { :likes => true, :comments => true } resources = [{ :parameters => { :type => 'user', :value => 25025320 } }] auth = [{ :parameters => { :value => '10942122.00a3229.fff654d524854054bdb0288a05cdbdd1' } }] source = @datasift.managed_source.create('instagram', 'Ruby test', parameters, resources, auth) puts source id = source[:data][:id] puts "\nStarting delivery for my Managed Source" puts @datasift.managed_source.start id # Define new resources to be added update_resources = [{ :parameters => { :type => 'user', :value => 8139971 } }] # Push each of the existing resources back into the new resources array source[:data][:resources].each do |resource| update_resources.push(resource) end puts "\nUpdating; adding a new resource, and changing the name" puts @datasift.managed_source.update(id, 'instagram', 'Updated Ruby test', source[:data][:parameters], update_resources, source[:data][:auth]) puts "\nGetting info from DataSift about my source" puts @datasift.managed_source.get id # Define new resources to add to Managed Source new_resources = [{ :parameters => { :type => "tag", :value => "sun" } }, { :parameters => { :type => "tag", :value => "sea" } }, { :parameters => { :type => "tag", :value => "surf" } }] new_auth = [{ :parameters => { :value => '10942111.1f2134f.8837abb205b44ece801022f6fa989cc4' } }] puts "\nAdding a new resource to my source (as an array of Ruby objects)" puts @datasift.managed_source_resource.add(id, new_resources) puts "\nAdding a new auth token to my source (as an array of Ruby objects)" puts @datasift.managed_source_auth.add(id, new_auth) puts "\nGetting info from DataSift about my source (notice the new resources and tokens have been added)" source = @datasift.managed_source.get id puts source puts "\nRemoving a resource from my source by resource_id" puts @datasift.managed_source_resource.remove(id, [source[:data][:resources][0][:resource_id]]) puts "\nRemoving an auth token from my source by identity_id" puts @datasift.managed_source_auth.remove(id, [source[:data][:auth][0][:identity_id]]) puts "\nGetting info from DataSift about my source (notice an auth token and resource have been removed)" puts @datasift.managed_source.get id puts "\nFetching logs" puts @datasift.managed_source.log id puts "\nStopping" puts @datasift.managed_source.stop id puts "\nDeleting" puts @datasift.managed_source.delete id rescue DataSiftError => dse puts dse.message end end end