package algo import ( "math" "sort" "strings" "testing" "" ) func assertMatch(t *testing.T, fun Algo, caseSensitive, forward bool, input, pattern string, sidx int, eidx int, score int) { assertMatch2(t, fun, caseSensitive, false, forward, input, pattern, sidx, eidx, score) } func assertMatch2(t *testing.T, fun Algo, caseSensitive, normalize, forward bool, input, pattern string, sidx int, eidx int, score int) { if !caseSensitive { pattern = strings.ToLower(pattern) } chars := util.ToChars([]byte(input)) res, pos := fun(caseSensitive, normalize, forward, &chars, []rune(pattern), true, nil) var start, end int if pos == nil || len(*pos) == 0 { start = res.Start end = res.End } else { sort.Ints(*pos) start = (*pos)[0] end = (*pos)[len(*pos)-1] + 1 } if start != sidx { t.Errorf("Invalid start index: %d (expected: %d, %s / %s)", start, sidx, input, pattern) } if end != eidx { t.Errorf("Invalid end index: %d (expected: %d, %s / %s)", end, eidx, input, pattern) } if res.Score != score { t.Errorf("Invalid score: %d (expected: %d, %s / %s)", res.Score, score, input, pattern) } } func TestFuzzyMatch(t *testing.T) { for _, fn := range []Algo{FuzzyMatchV1, FuzzyMatchV2} { for _, forward := range []bool{true, false} { assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "fooBarbaz1", "oBZ", 2, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusCamel123+scoreGapStart+scoreGapExtension*3) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "foo bar baz", "fbb", 0, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+ bonusBoundary*2+2*scoreGapStart+4*scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "/AutomatorDocument.icns", "rdoc", 9, 13, scoreMatch*4+bonusCamel123+bonusConsecutive*2) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "/man1/zshcompctl.1", "zshc", 6, 10, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary*3) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "/.oh-my-zsh/cache", "zshc", 8, 13, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary*3+scoreGapStart) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "ab0123 456", "12356", 3, 10, scoreMatch*5+bonusConsecutive*3+scoreGapStart+scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "abc123 456", "12356", 3, 10, scoreMatch*5+bonusCamel123*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusCamel123*2+bonusConsecutive+scoreGapStart+scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "foo/bar/baz", "fbb", 0, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+ bonusBoundary*2+2*scoreGapStart+4*scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "fooBarBaz", "fbb", 0, 7, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+ bonusCamel123*2+2*scoreGapStart+2*scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "foo barbaz", "fbb", 0, 8, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary+ scoreGapStart*2+scoreGapExtension*3) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "fooBar Baz", "foob", 0, 4, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary*3) assertMatch(t, fn, false, forward, "xFoo-Bar Baz", "foo-b", 1, 6, scoreMatch*5+bonusCamel123*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusCamel123*2+ bonusNonWord+bonusBoundary) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "fooBarbaz", "oBz", 2, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusCamel123+scoreGapStart+scoreGapExtension*3) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "Foo/Bar/Baz", "FBB", 0, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*(bonusFirstCharMultiplier+2)+ scoreGapStart*2+scoreGapExtension*4) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "FooBarBaz", "FBB", 0, 7, scoreMatch*3+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusCamel123*2+ scoreGapStart*2+scoreGapExtension*2) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "FooBar Baz", "FooB", 0, 4, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary*2+ util.Max(bonusCamel123, bonusBoundary)) // Consecutive bonus updated assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "foo-bar", "o-ba", 2, 6, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*3) // Non-match assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "fooBarbaz", "oBZ", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "Foo Bar Baz", "fbb", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, fn, true, forward, "fooBarbaz", "fooBarbazz", -1, -1, 0) } } } func TestFuzzyMatchBackward(t *testing.T) { assertMatch(t, FuzzyMatchV1, false, true, "foobar fb", "fb", 0, 4, scoreMatch*2+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+ scoreGapStart+scoreGapExtension) assertMatch(t, FuzzyMatchV1, false, false, "foobar fb", "fb", 7, 9, scoreMatch*2+bonusBoundary*bonusFirstCharMultiplier+bonusBoundary) } func TestExactMatchNaive(t *testing.T) { for _, dir := range []bool{true, false} { assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, true, dir, "fooBarbaz", "oBA", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, true, dir, "fooBarbaz", "fooBarbazz", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, dir, "fooBarbaz", "oBA", 2, 5, scoreMatch*3+bonusCamel123+bonusConsecutive) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, dir, "/AutomatorDocument.icns", "rdoc", 9, 13, scoreMatch*4+bonusCamel123+bonusConsecutive*2) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, dir, "/man1/zshcompctl.1", "zshc", 6, 10, scoreMatch*4+bonusBoundary*(bonusFirstCharMultiplier+3)) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, dir, "/.oh-my-zsh/cache", "zsh/c", 8, 13, scoreMatch*5+bonusBoundary*(bonusFirstCharMultiplier+4)) } } func TestExactMatchNaiveBackward(t *testing.T) { assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, true, "foobar foob", "oo", 1, 3, scoreMatch*2+bonusConsecutive) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, false, false, "foobar foob", "oo", 8, 10, scoreMatch*2+bonusConsecutive) } func TestPrefixMatch(t *testing.T) { score := (scoreMatch+bonusBoundary)*3 + bonusBoundary*(bonusFirstCharMultiplier-1) for _, dir := range []bool{true, false} { assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, true, dir, "fooBarbaz", "Foo", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarBaz", "baz", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarbaz", "Foo", 0, 3, score) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, "foOBarBaZ", "foo", 0, 3, score) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, "f-oBarbaz", "f-o", 0, 3, score) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, " fooBar", "foo", 1, 4, score) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, " fooBar", " fo", 0, 3, score) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, false, dir, " fo", "foo", -1, -1, 0) } } func TestSuffixMatch(t *testing.T) { for _, dir := range []bool{true, false} { assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, true, dir, "fooBarbaz", "Baz", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarbaz", "Foo", -1, -1, 0) assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarbaz", "baz", 6, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusConsecutive*2) assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarBaZ", "baz", 6, 9, (scoreMatch+bonusCamel123)*3+bonusCamel123*(bonusFirstCharMultiplier-1)) // Strip trailing white space from the string assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarbaz ", "baz", 6, 9, scoreMatch*3+bonusConsecutive*2) // Only when the pattern doesn't end with a space assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, false, dir, "fooBarbaz ", "baz ", 6, 10, scoreMatch*4+bonusConsecutive*2+bonusNonWord) } } func TestEmptyPattern(t *testing.T) { for _, dir := range []bool{true, false} { assertMatch(t, FuzzyMatchV1, true, dir, "foobar", "", 0, 0, 0) assertMatch(t, FuzzyMatchV2, true, dir, "foobar", "", 0, 0, 0) assertMatch(t, ExactMatchNaive, true, dir, "foobar", "", 0, 0, 0) assertMatch(t, PrefixMatch, true, dir, "foobar", "", 0, 0, 0) assertMatch(t, SuffixMatch, true, dir, "foobar", "", 6, 6, 0) } } func TestNormalize(t *testing.T) { caseSensitive := false normalize := true forward := true test := func(input, pattern string, sidx, eidx, score int, funs ...Algo) { for _, fun := range funs { assertMatch2(t, fun, caseSensitive, normalize, forward, input, pattern, sidx, eidx, score) } } test("Só Danço Samba", "So", 0, 2, 56, FuzzyMatchV1, FuzzyMatchV2, PrefixMatch, ExactMatchNaive) test("Só Danço Samba", "sodc", 0, 7, 89, FuzzyMatchV1, FuzzyMatchV2) test("Danço", "danco", 0, 5, 128, FuzzyMatchV1, FuzzyMatchV2, PrefixMatch, SuffixMatch, ExactMatchNaive, EqualMatch) } func TestLongString(t *testing.T) { bytes := make([]byte, math.MaxUint16*2) for i := range bytes { bytes[i] = 'x' } bytes[math.MaxUint16] = 'z' assertMatch(t, FuzzyMatchV2, true, true, string(bytes), "zx", math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16+2, scoreMatch*2+bonusConsecutive) }