en: workarea: admin: catalog_products: cards: bundled_products: button: Manage Products description: Bundled products appear on the product detail page. empty: No bundled products. empty_button: Add Products title: Bundled Products edit: show_bundle_info_title: Show Bundled Products Info show_bundle_info: Control whether or not products included in a bundle are shown on the product detail page and when added to cart. show_bundled_products_label: Show Bundled Products show_bundled_products: Show Bundled Products hide_bundled_products: Hide Bundled Products index: add_new_product_bundle: Add New Product Bundle catalog_variants: edit: components: label: Component SKUs sku: SKU quantity: Quantity remove: Remove remove_title: Remove component SKU %{sku} new_sku: SKU new_sku_placeholder: SKU new_sku_quantity: Quantity new_sku_quantity_placeholder: Quantity create_catalog_product_bundles: flash_messages: bundled_products_saved: Bundled products have been saved bundled_products: continue_to_images: Continue to Images instruction: Click on products to add them to the bundle. no_matching_products: No matching products found page_title: Bundled products for %{product_name} start_over: Start over title: "%{product_name}: Add Products to bundle" setup: save_and_add_products: Save and Add Products steps: categorization: Categorization content: Content details: Details images: Images bundled_products: Bundled Products publish: Publish setup: Setup workflow: cancel_message: Are you sure? All work on this bundle will be lost. skip_this: or skip this create_catalog_product_kits: flash_messages: bundled_products_saved: Bundled products have been saved variants_saved: Variants have been created variants_removed: Variants have been deleted bundled_products: continue_to_variants: Continue to Variants instruction: Click on products to add them to the kit. no_matching_products: No matching products found page_title: Bundled products for %{product_name} start_over: Start over title: "%{product_name}: Add Products to kit" setup: save_and_add_products: Save and Add Products steps: categorization: Categorization content: Content details: Details images: Images bundled_products: Bundled Products publish: Publish setup: Setup variants: Variants variants: create: add_more: Create more button: Create Variants copy_options: Copy Options copy_options_info_html: If set to yes, the option from this product will be copied to the new variant on the kit. You can choose to rename these options to avoid conflict with options of the same name on other products in the kit. Options of the same name from multiple products will be combined. copy_options_info_title: Copy Options Info copy_options_toggle_positive: Copy %{type} copy_options_toggle_negative: Do not copy %{type} copy_product: Copy Product copy_product_info_html: | What does this do?
When creating kit variants, only 1 SKU from each product will be used per variant. If you want variants to contain multiple SKUs from the same product, you can copy that product table and select options to be used for the second instance of that product in each kit variant.
copy_product_info_title: Copy Product Info heading: Create New Variants rename: Rename step_one_heading: First, select options from each product to use when creating new variants. step_one_details: For each product, a single SKU matching options you select will be used to generate a variant for you. step_two_heading: Then, provide any data you'd like to set on the new variants. sku_field: SKU / SKU Prefix sku_note: When generating multiple variants this will be used as a prefix for each SKU. sku_selection_heading: 'Select SKUs to use:' option_selection_heading: 'Select options to build variants from:' option_selection_prompt: Select quantity and options to include in kit variants. options_toggle: Add new options options_toggle_tooltip: If used, each kit variant will include the defined options. This will cause every variant created to have the same value for each option added and might require editing each variant after creation. options_toggle_on: define new options options_toggle_off: do not define new options pricing_toggle: Calculate pricing pricing_toggle_tooltip: If used, the total price of each SKU selected will be used to generate the price of the new variant. These prices will not continuously updated if the price of a component SKU changes at a later time. pricing_toggle_on: calculate pricing pricing_toggle_off: do not calculate pricing manage: delete_all_variants: delete all variants delete_all_variants_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete all variants in this kit? duplicate_details: There are multiple variants that have the same combination of option values. This will prevent a customer from selecting these SKUs through option selection on the detail page. Review the variants and ensure a unique combination exists for each. no_details_html: There are variants that have no options set. With no options to select on the detail page, a customer may not be able to sucessfully add this product to their cart. Update the variants to include options. Alternatively you can %{link} and create variants with options. no_variants: There are no existing variants. edit_variant_message: Select a variant to edit update: Update Variant filter_placeholder: Filter Options heading: '%{product_name}: Variants' manage_link: one: Manage existing variant other: Manage %{count} existing variants manage_prompt_html: '%{link} or,' summary: Variants within a kit represent a collection of SKUs from the products within a kit. workflow: cancel_message: Are you sure? All work on this kit will be lost. skip_this: or skip this create_catalog_products: select: button: Select and Continue family: Family family_description: A family product contains other products and displays them on a single detail page with the ability to add any or all items to cart at the same time. instruction: A product can contain either variants and/or other products. Pick the product type you wish you continue creating. kit: Kit kit_description: A kit product contains other products but is displayed to customers as a single product with its own pricing and variants. package: Package package_description: A package product contains other products and allows for each item to be added to cart individually. standard: Standard standard_description: A typical product that contains variants representing the options of a single product. title: Select a type of product to create fields: components: Components value: Value filterable: showing: one: showing %{count} result other: showing %{count} results fulfillment_skus: edit: skip_info_html:
Skip: Do not include in fulfillment. Used primarily for kit products which are not fulfilled directly.
inventory_skus: edit: defer_to_components_info_html:Defer to Components: Used for kits or any variant that contains components. This will calculate availability based on the availability of the component SKU availability.
kit_variant_options: selected: '%{count} selected,' preview: title: This will create... variants: one: variant other: new variants price: price prices: price range price_range: '%{min} to %{max}' options: with options from among the following no_options_warning: There are currently no options set for the variants that will be created. With no options to select on the detail page, a customer may not be able to sucessfully add this product to their cart. Select options from the product in the kit to copy, or add new options. duplicate_options_warning: With the options selected, there are multiple variants that will have the same combination of option values. This will prevent a customer from selecting these SKUs through option selection on the detail page. invalid_options_warning: Some of the variants being created will have multiple values for a single option type. This is likely due to copied options from multiple products with the same name. This could cause issues for a customer on the detail page that will prevent this product from being added to their cart. alerts: issues: no_bundled_products: No Bundled Products storefront: carts: bundle_contains: 'This item contains:' bundled_item_quantity_html: '%{quantity} of %{name}'