2009-05-31 Kouhei Sutou * src/depend: use RUBYARCHDIR. Patch by OBATA Akio. Thanks!!! 2008-11-01 Kouhei Sutou * src/: use RARRAY_PTR() and RARRAY_LEN(). 2008-06-11 Kouhei Sutou * extconf.rb: include atk/atk.h in have_func test. 2008-01-03 Kouhei Sutou * src/depend: don't use ftools. Reported by Carlo E. Prelz. Thanks!!! 2007-12-29 Kouhei Sutou * src/rbatktext.c (rbatk_text_remove_selection): used gint for "%d". 2007-08-31 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA * src/depend: re-supported build in no-source directory. 2007-07-16 Masahiro Sakai * src/rbatktextrange.c: change Atk::TextRange not to be a subclass of Atk::TextRectangle. 2007-07-14 Detlef Reichl * extconf.rb: Accept the srcdir includes spaces. 2007-07-13 Guillaume Cottenceau * src/rbatkobject.c: replace RTEST uses by RVAL2CBOOL 2007-07-08 Masahiro Sakai * src/*.c: use rb_block_proc directly instead of using G_BLOCK_PROC(). 2007-06-16 Masahiro Sakai * src/rbatkeditabletext.c: fix to compile on ruby 1.9 RSTRING(v)->len -> RSTRING_LEN(v). * src/rbatkdocument.c: Define Atk::Document#locale only when Atk is 1.12 or later. Earlier version of Atk doesn't have atk_document_get_locale(), although it's not listed at . 2006-12-26 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Work MinGW again. 2006-11-28 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkdocument.c: Added Atk::Document#get_attribute_value, #[] #set_attribute_value, #[]=, #attributes for ATK+-1.12. Added #locale. * src/rbatkcomponent.c: Added Atk::Component#alpha. for ATK+-1.12. 2006-05-26 Masahiro Sakai * src/rbatktext.c (rbatk_text_remove_selection): Fix to convert the third argument of rb_raise from VALUE to int. 2005-11-23 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Improved cygwin support. [bug #1315334] By Yaakov Selkowitz. 2005-10-08 Masao Mutoh * src/makeversion.rb: Removed. Use make_version_header() of Ruby/GLib. * extconf.rb: Follow above change. 2005-10-04 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Fix a linking error on Cygwin. 2005-09-29 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatk.c: Renamed Atk::VERSION to Atk::BUILD_VERSION. Removed Atk::(MAJOR|MINOR|MICRO)_VERSION. 2005-09-16 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatk.c: Added Atk::VERSION, Atk::(MAJOR|MINOR|MICRO)_VERSION. * src/rbatkutil.c: Added Atk::Util::KeyEventType, Atk.focus_object, .(add|remove)_key_event_listener, .focus_tracker_notify. Move all methods/constants to Atk::Util from Atk. * src/rbatktext.c: Added Atk::Text::Attribute#type_register, #for_name, #get_value. * src/rbatkstreamablecontent.c: Added Atk::StreamableContent#get_stream. 2005-09-15 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkrelationset.c: Added Atk::RelationSet#add_relation for ATK-1.9.0. * src/makeversion.rb: Added. Version information and ATK_CHECK_VERSION. * extconf.rb, src/rbatk.h: Added version information. * src/depend: Added. Install rbatk.h, rbatkversion.h. * src/rbatkrelation.c: Added Atk::Relation#add_target for ATK-1.9.0. * src/rbatkobject.c: Support ATK-1.10. 2005-02-17 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatktext.c: Fix a compiling problem on MSVC++/atk-1.9.0. 2005-01-31 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatktext.c: Fix a compiling problem on MSVC++/atk-1.8.0. 2005-01-30 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Follow mkmf-gnome2.rb changes. 2005-01-29 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Support MS VC++. 2004-12-03 Vincent Isambart * extconf.rb: Corrected a little parse error (just removed an end of line). 2004-11-17 Dafydd Harries * extconf.rb: Exit if makeinits.rb is failed. 2004-11-14 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb, src/rbatk.h, rbatkobject.c: Fix compiling warning under atk-1.0.3. 2004-10-19 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatktextrectangle.c, rbatktextrange.c: Added. 2004-10-18 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkrelation.c: Added Atk::Relation::Type.for_name. * src/rbatkstate.c: Moved Atk::StateType to Atk::State. Added Atk::State.for_name. * src/rbatkobject.c: Added Gtk::Atk::Object#localized_name, .for_name, #notify_state_change, * src/rbatkhyperlink.c: Added Atk::Hyperlink#selected_link?. Fixed to use wrong macro for Atk::Hyperlink#inline?. 2004-10-17 Vincent Isambart * extconf.rb: Changed add_uniq_to_objs to add_obj. 2004-10-17 Vincent Isambart * extconf.rb: Fixed a bug under ruby-1.9. 2004-03-29 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Fix a bug under ruby-1.6.x. 2004-03-14 Masao Mutoh * extconf.rb: Remove src/rbatkinits.c when run "make distclean". 2004-03-10 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkcomponent.c: Fix a compilation error on MinGW. 2004-03-06 Masao Mutoh * README, src/rbatktext.c rbatkstate.c rbatktable.c rbatkselection.c rbatkimage.c rbatkcomponent.c rbatkutil.c rbatkaction.c rbatkhyperlink.c rbatkobject.c: Update Copyright. 2004-03-02 Masao Mutoh * README, extconf.rb, src/rbatkaction.c, rbatkhyperlink.c, rbatkobject.c: Support ATK-1.0.x. 2004-02-20 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkutil.c: Added. * src/rbatkcomponent.c: Fix a return value of Atk::Component#set_extents, #set_position, #set_size. * src/rbatkimage.c: Fix a return value of Atk::Image#set_image_description. * src/rbatkselection.c: Fix return values of Atk::Selection#add_selection, #clear_selection, #remove_selection. * src/rbatktable.c: Fix return values of Atk::Table#add_column_selection, #add_row_selection, #remove_column_selection, #remove_row_selection * src/rbatkstate.c: Fix a bug of Atk::StateType. * src/rbatktext.c: Added. 2003-12-26 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatktable.c: Added. 2003-12-24 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkstreamablecontent.c, rbatkstateset.c: Added. * src/rbatkeditabletext.c: Fix a typo. 2003-12-09 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatkstate.c, src/rbatkselection.c, src/rbatkrelationset.c: Added. 2003-12-08 Masao Mutoh * src/rbatknoopobjectfactory.c: Fix a wrong definition. * src/rbatkimage.c, src/rbatkhypertext.c, rbatkhyperlink.c, rbatkeditabletext.c, rbatkimplementor.c, rbatkobject.c, rbatkrelation.c, rbatkregistry.c, rbatkobjectfactory.c: Added. 2003-12-06 Masao Mutoh * atk/rbatkcomponent.c: Added. 2003-12-05 Masao Mutoh * atk/*: Initial import. Added Atk::Action, Atk::Document, Atk::GObjectAccessible, Atk::NoOpObject, Atk::NoOpObjectFactory, Atk::Value.