# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveElement module Components # A table component for rendering a collection of data. class CollectionTable include LinkHelpers include SecretFields include Translations DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 50 attr_reader :controller, :model_name # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def initialize(controller, class_name:, collection:, fields:, params:, model_name: nil, style: nil, show: false, new: false, edit: false, destroy: false, paginate: true, group: nil, group_title: false, nested_for: nil, row_class: nil, title: nil, footer_pagination: nil, **_kwargs) @controller = controller @class_name = class_name @model_name = model_name @fields = fields @collection = with_includes(collection) || [] @style = style @params = params @show = show @new = new @edit = edit @destroy = destroy @paginate = paginate @group = group @group_title = group_title @row_class = row_class @title = title @nested_for = nested_for verify_paginate_and_group @footer_pagination = footer_pagination end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def template 'active_element/components/table/collection' end def locals # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize { component: self, class_name: class_name, title: title, collection: group ? collection : paginated_collection, fields: Util::FieldMapping.new(self, fields, class_name).mapped_fields, style: style, new: new, show: show, edit: edit, destroy: destroy, group: group, group_title: group_title, nested_for: nested_for, display_pagination: display_pagination?, page_sizes: [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200], page_size: page_size, i18n: i18n, row_class_mapper: row_class_mapper, footer_pagination: @footer_pagination && display_pagination? } end def model return collection.model if collection.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) collection&.first.class.is_a?(ActiveModel::Naming) ? collection.first.class : nil end def grouped_collection collection.group_by do |item| item.class.is_a?(ActiveModel::Naming) ? item.public_send(group) : item.fetch(group) end end private attr_reader :class_name, :collection, :fields, :style, :row_class, :new, :show, :edit, :destroy, :paginate, :params, :group, :group_title, :title, :nested_for def paginated_collection return collection unless paginate && collection.respond_to?(:page) && !limit? return collection.page(page_number).per(page_size) if supports_pagination_but_not_yet_paginated? @paginated_collection ||= collection.page(page_number).per(page_size) end def supports_pagination_but_not_yet_paginated? collection.respond_to?(:page) && !collection.respond_to?(:current_per_page) end def page_number params[:page].presence || 1 end def page_size params[:page_size].presence || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE end def display_pagination? return false if group.present? return false if limit? return false unless paginate && paginated_collection.respond_to?(:total_count) paginated_collection.total_count > (params[:page_size].presence&.to_i || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) end def verify_paginate_and_group return unless paginate == false && group.present? raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot specify both `paginate: false` and a `group` argument.' end def row_class_mapper row_class.is_a?(Proc) ? row_class : proc { row_class } end def with_includes(collection) return collection unless collection.respond_to?(:includes_values) return collection if collection.includes_values.present? || collection.select_values.present? collection.includes(fields.select { |field| collection.model.reflect_on_association(field).present? }) end def limit? !collection.try(:limit_value).nil? end end end end