{"hits": 13, "facet_results": {"fields": {}, "queries": {}}, "warnings": [], "request": {"facet": {"fields": {}, "queries": []}, "q": "sferik", "start": 0, "limit": 10, "sortby": "score desc", "highlight": {"include_matches": false, "fragments": {"maxchars": 100, "include": false, "markup_text": false}, "markup_items": false}, "weights": {"username": 1.0, "domain": 1.0, "title": 1.0, "url": 1.0, "text": 1.0, "type": 1.0}, "filter": {"fields": {}, "queries": []}, "boosts": {"fields": {}, "functions": {}, "filters": {}}}, "results": [{"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "Thank you for pointing this out. Before I started the project, I requested permission from Wilson Miner to use the stylesheets and javascripts from Django and added his name to the acknowledgments, but I neglected to add the BSD license.

This error has been corrected in: https://github.com/sferik/merb-admin/commit/b5462f4b73d44447...", "discussion": {"id": 2011674, "title": "RailsAdmin: Rails3 easy-to-use interface for managing your data"}, "parent_id": 2012044, "points": 1, "create_ts": "2010-12-16T22:01:11Z", "num_comments": 0, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:40:35Z", "_id": "2013945-51445", "type": "comment", "id": 2013945}, "score": 11.014941}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "I've been holding out to read Rework until I can get it on iPad. This was just the dose I needed to get me through.", "discussion": {"id": 1225483, "title": "Points I took from Rework"}, "parent_id": 1225483, "points": 1, "create_ts": "2010-03-29T00:40:50Z", "num_comments": 0, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:38:46Z", "_id": "1225523-43bca", "type": "comment", "id": 1225523}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "I've always believed the biggest single moment of destruction of future programmers is when Microsoft stopped shipping BASIC (plus the full source code of the games GORILLA.BAS and NIBBLES.BAS) with DOS/Windows.", "discussion": {"id": 1243516, "title": "Is Apple destroying a generation of tech whizzes?"}, "parent_id": 1243516, "points": 10, "create_ts": "2010-04-06T01:46:19Z", "num_comments": 6, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:38:46Z", "_id": "1243601-edfd5", "type": "comment", "id": 1243601}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "This totally solves the problem I asked about a month ago. Thanks! http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1453143", "discussion": {"id": 1528652, "title": "Twitter feed of Hacker News stories as soon as they reach 20 points"}, "parent_id": 1528652, "points": 2, "create_ts": "2010-07-19T22:43:47Z", "num_comments": 0, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:38:55Z", "_id": "1530467-af1c8", "type": "comment", "id": 1530467}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "Given your response, you might be surprised at the number of angel (or even Series A) investments made almost exclusively on the basis of the individuals involved, sans any tangible product or traction.

The thing that holds Kickstarter projects together is putting one's own credibility on the line. The people who pledge, understand that it would not be worth me publicly destroying my reputation for $2000. And since I haven't solicited pledges above $64, I would argue that I'm taking on a much greater risk than any individual contributor.

I view Kickstarter primarily as a tool for customer discovery, to gauge whether a project is worth my time. It has the added benefit of building momentum behind the project by creating a small army of people who are, quite literally, invested in it.

There are probably other names for this process, but I like to call it IDD: icon-driven development.", "discussion": {"id": 1967915, "title": "Hubcap: A GitHub client for Mac OS X"}, "parent_id": 1968141, "points": 1, "create_ts": "2010-12-04T02:41:40Z", "num_comments": 1, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:40:17Z", "_id": "1968279-147c7", "type": "comment", "id": 1968279}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": null, "url": null, "text": "LOL! Any designers out there?", "discussion": {"id": 1985853, "title": "Kickstarting Hubcap: a Socially Aware GitHub Mac App"}, "parent_id": 1985967, "points": 1, "create_ts": "2010-12-09T04:19:05Z", "num_comments": 1, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:40:22Z", "_id": "1986005-c3e7a", "type": "comment", "id": 1986005}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": "fluther.com", "title": "Why do airplanes float in water? A better answer from Fluther.", "url": "http://www.fluther.com/disc/32715/why-do-airplanes-float-in-water/", "text": null, "discussion": null, "parent_id": null, "points": 1, "create_ts": "2009-01-20T18:34:35Z", "num_comments": 1, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:42:46Z", "_id": "442031-d01bf", "type": "submission", "id": 442031}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": null, "title": "Ask HN: How do you filter Hacker News?", "url": null, "text": "I just glanced at my RSS Reader stats and was a bit horrified to see that I am sent over 100 items per day from Hacker News. Many of those items are duplicate or dead stories that still make it into the RSS feed. I would love a lightweight version of the Hacker News feed that only shows items above a certain threshold (say, 20 points).

I can't believe everyone here does this filtering manually. What do you do to separate the wheat from the chaff?", "discussion": null, "parent_id": null, "points": 8, "create_ts": "2010-06-22T20:53:06Z", "num_comments": 12, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:38:51Z", "_id": "1453143-05276", "type": "submission", "id": 1453143}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": "adweek.blogs.com", "title": "Reality: Old Spice sales are actually up 107% in the last month", "url": "http://adweek.blogs.com/adfreak/2010/07/hey-old-spice-haters-sales-are-up-107.html", "text": null, "discussion": null, "parent_id": null, "points": 159, "create_ts": "2010-07-27T17:37:19Z", "num_comments": 61, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:38:56Z", "_id": "1551990-148e8", "type": "submission", "id": 1551990}, "score": 10.990933}, {"item": {"username": "sferik", "domain": "twitter.com", "title": "Paul Graham is now tweeting", "url": "http://twitter.com/paulg", "text": null, "discussion": null, "parent_id": null, "points": 201, "create_ts": "2010-08-27T22:38:05Z", "num_comments": 130, "cache_ts": "2011-01-04T17:39:00Z", "_id": "1640530-eb3ab", "type": "submission", "id": 1640530}, "score": 10.990933}], "time": 0.020479917526245117}