= Tags extension
Created by: Keith Bingman - keithbingman.com
Revived by: Benny Degezelle - gorilla-webdesign.be
New features by: Jim Gay - saturnflyer.com
Rewrite by: Michal Cichra - blog.o2h.cz
Version: 2.0.beta
This extension enhances the page model with tagging capabilities, tagging as in "2.0" and tagclouds.
== Requirements
This extension depends on the acts-as-taggable-on plugin (included in vendor/plugins)
== Installation
1. Copy the extension to your vendor/extensions directory as you would any other extension.
2. Run 'rake radiant:extensions:tags:install'
3. Make a page to sit in '/t', and give it the "Tag Search" pagetype.
If you want to change this location, it's in Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'].
Here's a sample results page to get you started;
I couldn't find anything tagged with "".
Found the following pages that are tagged with "".