require 'calabash-cucumber/ibase' class IOSScreenBase < Calabash::IBase def self.element(element_name, &block) define_method(element_name.to_s, *block) end class << self alias_method :value, :element alias_method :action, :element alias_method :trait, :element end element(:loading_screen) { 'LOADING' } # The progress bar of the application is a custom view def wait_for_progress sleep(2) wait_for(timeout: 10) { element_does_not_exist "* marked:'#{loading_screen}'" } end def has_text?(text) !query("* {text CONTAINS[c] '#{text}'}").empty? || !query("* {accessibilityLabel CONTAINS[c] '#{text}'}").empty? end def drag_to(direction, element = nil) element = 'tableView' if element.nil? scroll(element, direction) sleep(1) end # In the iOS, an element could be found from its text or its accessibilityLabel # so this function looks for these two properties on the screen. When the query # looks for just a part of the text (CONTAINS[c]) then we need to specify if # we will look in accessibilityLabel or in any other propertie (marked) def ios_element_exists?(query) second_query = nil if query.include? 'CONTAINS[c]' if query.include? 'marked' second_query = query.gsub('marked', 'accessibilityLabel') end if query.include? 'accessibilityLabel' second_query = query.gsub('accessibilityLabel', 'marked') end end if second_query.nil? return element_exists(query) else element_exists(query) || element_exists(second_query) end end def drag_until_element_is_visible_with_special_query(direction, element) drag_until_element_is_visible direction, element, "* {accessibilityLabel CONTAINS[c] '#{element}'}" end def drag_until_element_is_visible(direction, element, query = nil, limit = 15) i = 0 query = "* marked:'#{element}'" if query.nil? sleep(1) while !ios_element_exists?(query) && i < limit drag_to direction i += 1 end fail "Executed #{limit} moviments #{direction} and the "\ "element '#{element}' was not found on this view!" unless i < limit end def drag_for_specified_number_of_times(direction, times) times.times do drag_to direction end end # Negation indicates that we want a page that doesn't has # the message passed as parameter def is_on_page?(page_text, negation = '') should_not_have_exception = false should_have_exception = false begin wait_for(timeout: 5) { has_text? page_text } # If negation is not nil, we should raise an error # if this message was found on the view should_not_have_exception = true unless negation == '' rescue # only raise exception if negation is nil, # otherwise this is the expected behaviour should_have_exception = true if negation == '' end fail "Unexpected Page. The page should not have: '#{page_text}'" if should_not_have_exception fail "Unexpected Page. Expected was: '#{page_text}'" if should_have_exception end def enter(text, element, query = nil) query = "* marked:'#{element}'" if query.nil? begin wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists query } rescue # Just a better exception message raise "Element '#{element}' not found on view!" end touch query # Waits up to 20 seconds for the keyboard to show up begin wait_for(timeout: 10) { element_exists("view:'UIKeyboardAutomatic'") } rescue # If the keyboard didn't show up, tries another time # before rainsing the error message touch query wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists("view:'UIKeyboardAutomatic'") } end keyboard_enter_text text end def touch_screen_element(element, query = nil) query = "* marked:'#{element}'" if query.nil? begin wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists(query) } touch query rescue => e raise "Problem in touch screen element: '#{element}'\nError Message: #{e.message}" end end def touch_element_by_index(id, index) query = "* marked:'#{id}' index:#{index}" wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists(query) } touch(query) end def clear_text_field(field) clear_text("textField marked:'#{field}'") end def select_date_on_date_picker(date, date_picker_field_id) # Touch the date picker element touch_screen_element date_picker_field_id # Waiting for the date picker to show up wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists("view:'UIDatePicker'") } # If date is today, then we have nothing to do if date.year != || date.month != || != # Selecting 'date' on the date picker picker_set_date_time date end # Touch the OK button touch_screen_element 'Ok' end def touch_picker_item_by_index(index) label = query('pickerView', :delegate, [{ pickerView: nil }, { titleForRow: index }, { forComponent: 0 }]) # Exception if element no found fail "Picker item index #{index} not found." if label.nil? # Label is an array of 1 element. Just picking the first. label = label.first # Touching the first item using it's text and Javascript function uia(%[uia.selectPickerValues('{0 "#{label}"}')]) # Touching the OK button to close the Picker touch "* marked:'OK'" end end