module VagrantPlugins module Vocker class Command < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command) DOCKER_COMMANDS = %w( attach build commit diff events export history images import info insert inspect kill login logs port top ps pull push restart rm rmi run search start stop tag version wait ) def execute opts = do |o| o.banner = "Usage: vagrant docker [vm-name] COMMAND [ARGS]" o.separator "" o.separator "COMMAND can be any of #{DOCKER_COMMANDS.join(', ')}" o.separator "" end # Parse out docker commands options = {} command_index = @argv.index{|cmd| DOCKER_COMMANDS.include? cmd} if command_index options[:command] = @argv.drop(command_index) @argv = @argv.take(command_index) end # Parse the options and return if we don't have any target. argv = parse_options(opts) return if !argv # Execute the actual Docker command # TODO: Make it work with multiple VMs with_target_vms(argv, :single_target => true) do |vm| # FIXME: - Check if docker is running first # - Handle empty command @logger.debug("Executing docker command on remote machine: #{options[:command]}") env = vm.action(:ssh_run, :ssh_run_command => "sudo docker #{options[:command].join(' ')}") # Exit with the exit status of the command or a 0 if we didn't # get one. exit_status = env[:ssh_run_exit_status] || 0 return exit_status end end end end end