$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib')) ENV['PATH'] = "/opt/docker/:#{ENV['PATH']}" if ENV['CI'] == 'true' require 'rake' require 'docker' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'cane/rake_task' desc 'Run the full test suite from scratch' task :default => [:unpack, :rspec, :quality] RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' end Cane::RakeTask.new(:quality) do |cane| cane.canefile = '.cane' end desc 'Download the necessary base images' task :unpack do %w( swipely/base registry busybox tianon/true debian:wheezy ).each do |image| system "docker pull #{image}" end end desc 'Run spec tests with a registry' task :rspec do begin registry = Docker::Container.create( 'name' => 'registry', 'Image' => 'registry', 'Env' => ["GUNICORN_OPTS=[--preload]"], 'ExposedPorts' => { '5000/tcp' => {} }, 'HostConfig' => { 'PortBindings' => { '5000/tcp' => [{ 'HostPort' => '5000' }] } } ) registry.start Rake::Task["spec"].invoke ensure registry.kill!.remove unless registry.nil? end end desc 'Pull an Ubuntu image' image 'ubuntu:13.10' do puts "Pulling ubuntu:13.10" image = Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => 'ubuntu', 'tag' => '13.10') puts "Pulled ubuntu:13.10, image id: #{image.id}" end