module SportDb class Server < Sinatra::Base def self.banner "sportdb-service/#{VERSION} on Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}] on Sinatra/#{Sinatra::VERSION} (#{ENV['RACK_ENV']})" end ###### # allow cross site json requests (e.g. url posting on rubyflow - avoid crash!!) # see # attack protection # todo: only switch off jsoncrfl ??? do NOT disable all disable :protection PUBLIC_FOLDER = "#{SportDb.root}/lib/sportdb/service/public" VIEWS_FOLDER = "#{SportDb.root}/lib/sportdb/service/views" puts "[boot] setting sportdb api public folder to: #{PUBLIC_FOLDER}" puts "[boot] setting sportdb api views folder to: #{VIEWS_FOLDER}" set :public_folder, PUBLIC_FOLDER # set up the static dir (with images/js/css inside) set :views, VIEWS_FOLDER # set up the views dir set :static, true # set up static file routing ##################### # Models include Models ################## # Helpers def path_prefix request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] end ############################################## # Controllers / Routing / Request Handlers get '/' do erb :index end get '/d*' do erb :debug end get '/rounds/:q' do |q| ################# # todo/check: # what to do for special case with postponed games/matches?? # if match postponed round end_at date also gets moved back! # use a different end_at date for original end_at e.g add a new field? why? why not? # -- if round out of original scope mark as postponed (e.g. spielrunde 5 - nachtrag!) rounds = [] if q =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/ t = $3.to_i, $2.to_i, $1.to_i ) elsif q =~ /(\d{4})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/ t = $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i ) else t = # no match - assume today's/current date end t_00_00 = t.beginning_of_day t_23_59 = t.end_of_day ## NB: sqlite stores time too # use 00_00 and 23_59 to make sure queries work with hours too current_rounds = Round.where( 'start_at <= ? and end_at >= ?', t_23_59, t_00_00 ) current_rounds.each do |r| rounds << { pos: r.pos, title: r.title, start_at: r.start_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), end_at: r.end_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), event: { key: r.event.key, title: r.event.full_title }} end data = { rounds: rounds } json_or_jsonp( data ) end get '/event/:key/teams' do |key| # NB: change en.2012_13 to en.2012/13 event = Event.find_by_key!('_', '/') ) teams = [] event.teams.each do |t| teams << { key: t.key, title: t.title, code: t.code } end data = { event: { key: event.key, title: event.full_title }, teams: teams } json_or_jsonp( data ) end get '/event/:key/rounds' do |key| # NB: change en.2012_13 to en.2012/13 event = Event.find_by_key!('_', '/') ) rounds = [] event.rounds.each do |r| rounds << { pos: r.pos, title: r.title, start_at: r.start_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), end_at: r.end_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') } end data = { event: { key: event.key, title: event.full_title }, rounds: rounds } json_or_jsonp( data ) end get '/event/:key/round/:pos' do |key,pos| # NB: change en.2012_13 to en.2012/13 event = Event.find_by_key!('_', '/') ) if pos =~ /\d+/ round = Round.find_by_event_id_and_pos!(, pos ) else # assume last from today's date (use last/today/etc. - must be non-numeric key) t_23_59 = round = Round.where( event_id: ).where( 'start_at <= ?', t_23_59 ).order( 'pos' ).last if round.nil? # assume all rounds in the future; display first upcoming one round = Round.where( event_id: ).order('pos').first end end games = [] do |g| games << { team1_key: g.team1.key, team1_title: g.team1.title, team1_code: g.team1.code, team2_key: g.team2.key, team2_title: g.team2.title, team2_code: g.team2.code, play_at: g.play_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), score1: g.score1, score2: g.score2, score1ot: g.score1ot, score2ot: g.score2ot, score1p: g.score1p, score2p: g.score2p } end data = { event: { key: event.key, title: event.full_title }, round: { pos: round.pos, title: round.title, start_at: round.start_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), end_at: round.end_at.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') }, games: games } json_or_jsonp( data ) end ### helper for json or jsonp response (depending on callback para) private def json_or_jsonp( data ) callback = params.delete('callback') response = '' if callback content_type :js response = "#{callback}(#{data.to_json})" else content_type :json response = data.to_json end response end end # class Server end # module SportDb