require 'term/ansicolor' require 'tins/xt' require 'tempfile' require 'digest/md5' require 'fileutils' require 'mize' class Utils::Finder include Tins::Find include Utils::Patterns include Term::ANSIColor def initialize(opts = {}) @args = opts[:args] || {} @roots = discover_roots(opts[:roots]) @config = opts[:config] || if @args[?l] || @args[?L] @pattern = nil else pattern_opts = opts.subhash(:pattern) | { :cset => @args[?a], :icase => @args[?i] != ?n, } @pattern = choose(@args[?p], pattern_opts) end @paths = [] reset_index end attr_reader :paths attr_reader :output def search_index paths = load_paths search_paths(paths) end alias search search_index def build_paths paths = [] visit = -> filename { s = filename.stat bn = filename.pathname.basename if !s || && || s.file? && then @args[?v] and warn "Pruning #{filename.inspect}." prune end true } find(*@roots, visit: visit) do |filename| and filename << ?/ paths << filename end paths.uniq! paths end def index_path roots = { |r| File.expand_path(r) }.uniq.sort filename = "finder-paths-" + dirname = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, File.basename($0)) FileUtils.mkdir_p dirname File.join(dirname, filename) end def create_paths paths = build_paths File.secure_write(index_path) do |output| output.puts paths end paths end memoize method: def load_paths lines = File.readlines(index_path) @args[?v] and warn "Loaded index #{index_path.inspect}." lines.empty? and raise Errno::ENOENT @args[?d] or lines = lines.grep_v(%r{/$})!) rescue Errno::ENOENT return create_paths end def reset_index path = index_path if @args[?r] || index_expired?(path) @args[?v] and warn "Resetting index #{path.inspect}." FileUtils.rm_f path mize_cache_clear end self end def search_index search_paths load_paths end def search_directly search_paths build_paths end def search_paths(paths) suffixes = Array(@args[?I]) suffixes.full? do |s|! { |path| s.include?(File.extname(path)[1..-1]) } end paths =! do |path| if @pattern.nil? [ [ path.count(?/), path ], path, path ] elsif match = @pattern.match(path) if FuzzyPattern === @pattern current = 0 marked_path = '' score, e = path.size, nil for i in 1...match.size match[i] or next b = match.begin(i) e ||= b marked_path << path[current...b] marked_path << red(path[b, 1]) score += (b - e) * (path.size - b) e = match.end(i) current = b + 1 end marked_path << match.post_match [ score, path, marked_path ] else marked_path = path[0...match.begin(0)] << red(path[match.begin(0)...match.end(0)]) << path[match.end(0)..-1] [ 0, path, marked_path ] end end end paths.compact! @paths, @output = paths.sort.transpose.values_at(-2, -1) if n = @args[?n]&.to_i @paths = @paths&.first(n) || [] @output = @output&.first(n) || [] end self end private def index_expired?(path) if duration = - duration >= File.mtime(path) else false end rescue Errno::ENOENT false end def discover_roots(roots) roots ||= [] roots.inject([]) { |rs, r| rs.concat Dir[r] } end end