require 'spec_helper' require 'facter/util/operatingsystem' describe Facter::Util::Operatingsystem do describe "reading the os-release file" do it "correctly parses the file on Cumulus Linux" do values = described_class.os_release(my_fixture('cumuluslinux.txt')) expect(values).to eq({ 'NAME' => "Cumulus Linux", 'VERSION_ID' => "1.5.2", 'VERSION' => "1.5.2-28283a7-201311181623-final", 'PRETTY_NAME' => "Cumulus Linux", 'ID' => "cumulus-linux", 'ID_LIKE' => "debian", 'CPE_NAME' => "cpe:/o:cumulusnetworks:cumulus_linux:1.5.2-28283a7-201311181623-final", 'HOME_URL' => "", }) end it "correctly parses the file on Sabayon" do values = described_class.os_release(my_fixture('sabayon.txt')) expect(values).to eq({ "NAME" => "Sabayon", "ID" => "sabayon", "PRETTY_NAME" => "Sabayon/Linux", "ANSI_COLOR" => "1;32", "HOME_URL" => "", "SUPPORT_URL" => "", "BUG_REPORT_URL" => "", }) end it "correctly parses the file on Debian Wheezy" do values = described_class.os_release(my_fixture('wheezy.txt')) expect(values).to eq({ "PRETTY_NAME" => "Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)", "NAME" => "Debian GNU/Linux", "VERSION_ID" => "7", "VERSION" => "7 (wheezy)", "ID" => "debian", "ANSI_COLOR" => "1;31", "HOME_URL" => "", "SUPPORT_URL" => "", "BUG_REPORT_URL" => "", }) end it "correctly parses the file on Debian Wheezy" do values = described_class.os_release(my_fixture('wheezy.txt')) expect(values).to eq({ "PRETTY_NAME" => "Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)", "NAME" => "Debian GNU/Linux", "VERSION_ID" => "7", "VERSION" => "7 (wheezy)", "ID" => "debian", "ANSI_COLOR" => "1;31", "HOME_URL" => "", "SUPPORT_URL" => "", "BUG_REPORT_URL" => "", }) end it "correctly parses the file on RedHat 7" do values = described_class.os_release(my_fixture('redhat-7.txt')) expect(values).to eq({ "NAME" => "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Everything", "VERSION" => "7.0 (Maipo)", "ID" => "rhel", "VERSION_ID" => "7.0", "PRETTY_NAME" => "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Everything 7.0 (Maipo)", "ANSI_COLOR" => "0;31", "CPE_NAME" => "cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.0:beta:everything", "REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT" => "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7", "REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION" => "7.0", "REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT" => "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", "REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION" => "7.0", }) end it "does not try to read an unreadable '/etc/os-release' file" do File.expects(:readable?).with('/some/nonexistent/file').returns false expect(described_class.os_release('/some/nonexistent/file')).to be_empty end end end