# Dhis2
Basic DHIS2 API client for Ruby.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'dhis2' # get it from RubyGems
gem 'dhis2', github: 'BLSQ/dhis2' # OR get the bleeding edge version from github
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install dhis2
## Usage
### Connection
The functionalities are available as a module. First thing you need to do is to connect to the instance:
* Global configuration (to call a single Dhis2 instance):
Dhis2.configure do |config|
config.url = "https://play.dhis2.org/demo"
config.user = "admin"
config.password = "district"
Dhis2.client.data_elements.list # => Array[,..]
# Or alternatively
Dhis2.configure do |config|
config.url = "https://admin:district@play.dhis2.org/demo"
Dhis2.client.data_elements.list # => Array[,..]
* Local configuration: (in case you need to access different Dhis2 instances inside a single project):
client = Dhis2::Client.new(url: "https://play.dhis2.org/demo", user: "admin", password: "district")
client.data_elements.list # => Array[,..]
# Or alternatively
client = Dhis2::Client.new("https://admin:district@play.dhis2.org/demo")
client.data_elements.list # => Array[,..]
Regarding SSL, there is an option to disregard SSL error messages (such as bad certificates). USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK - it may allow you to access a server that would return in error without it... but you cannot trust the response.
dangerous_client = Dhis2::Client.new(url: "https://play.dhis2.org/demo", user: "admin", password: "district", no_ssl_verification: true);
### Search for meta elements
All subsequent calls can be done on the objects themselves and are going to use the provided url and credentials
org_unit_levels = Dhis2.client.organisation_unit_levels.list
The various methods are taking an optional hash parameter to be used for ´filter´ and ´fields´ values:
org_units = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.list(filter: "level:eq:2", fields: %w(id level displayName parent))
If you want all fields, simply specify `:all`
org_units = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.list(filter: "level:eq:2", fields: :all)
Notes that any field found in the resulting JSON will be accessible from the object.
### Pagination
Following the DHIS2 API, all calls are paginated - you can access the page info using the `pager` property on the returned list:
org_units = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.list(filter: "level:eq:2", fields: %w(id level displayName parent))
org_units.pager.page # current page
org_units.pager.page_count # number of pages
org_units.pager.total # number of records
### Retreive a single element
You can also retreive a single element using its id with `find`(in this case, all fields are returned by default):
ou = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.find(id)
`find` also accepts multiple ids - query will not be paginated and will return all fields for the given objects:
ous = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.find([id1, id2, id3])
If you have an equality condition or set of equality conditions that should return a single element, you can use `find_by` instead of the longer list option:
# Instead of this:
data_element = Dhis2.client.data_elements.list(filter: "code:eq:C27", fields: :all).first
# Just do:
data_element = Dhis2.client.data_elements.find_by(code: "C27")
### Values
You can retreive data values this way:
ds = Dhis2.client.data_sets.find_by(name: "Child Health")
organisation_unit = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.find_by(name: "Baoma")
period = "201512"
value_sets = Dhis2.client.data_value_sets.list(
data_sets: [ds.id],
organisation_unit: organisation_unit.id, periods: [period]
## Supported features
The API is currently limited to actions on the following elements:
* `OrganisationUnit`
* `OrganisationUnitGroup`
* `OrganisationUnitLevel`
* `DataElement`
* `DataSet`
* `DataValueSet`
* `DataValue`
* `Analytic`
* `CategoryCombo`
* `CategoryOptionCombo`
* `SystemInfo`
* `Attribute`
* `Indicator`
* `DataElementGroup`
* `User`
A very basic **write** use case exists for `DataElement` and `DataSet`:
elements = [
{ name: "TesTesT1", short_name: "TTT1" },
{ name: "TesTesT2", short_name: "TTT2" }
status = Dhis2.client.data_elements.create(elements)
status.success? # => true
status.total_imported # => 2
DHIS2 API does not return the ids of the created elements, but you can retreive them with their (unique) name or code.
elements = [
{ name: "TesTesT2", short_name: "TTT2" }
status = Dhis2.client.data_elements.create(elements)
element = Dhis2.client.data_elements.find_by(name: "TesTesT2")
## Update
### Full update
You can update a given item by retreiving it using its id, making any modification on it then calling "update":
org_unit = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.find(id)
org_unit.short_name = "New Short Name"
This uses DHIS2 "full update" ('PUT') and not the "partial update" feature (see below), so it requires a fully formed object to work (get it either with `find` which takes all the fields or with the `fields: :all´ option).
### Partial update
You can update a single or more attributes via the "update_attributes" method:
org_unit = Dhis2.client.organisation_units.list(fields: :all, filter: "name:eq:#{org_unit_name}").first
new_attributes = { name: "New name" }
Note that partial updates will no work with custom attributes at this time (while the full update will)
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. Note that the tests are using the DHIS2 demo server, which is reset every day but can be updated by anyone - so if someone change the password of the default user, the tests are going to fail.
You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/BLSQ/dhis2. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).