AllCops: # Additional exclude patterns for files that should not be analyzed. # These extend the default RuboCop exclude patterns: # Exclude: - 'script/**/*' - 'db/schema.rb' - 'tmp/**/*' - 'storage/**/*' - 'log/**/*' DisplayStyleGuide: true Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Lint/UselessAccessModifier: Enabled: true Metrics/LineLength: Enabled: true Max: 120 Rails: Enabled: true Rails/ActionFilter: Enabled: true Rails/Date: Enabled: true Rails/Delegate: Enabled: true Rails/FindBy: Enabled: true Rails/FindEach: Enabled: true Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: Enabled: true Rails/Output: Enabled: true Rails/PluralizationGrammar: Enabled: true Rails/HttpPositionalArguments: Enabled: true Rails/ReadWriteAttribute: Enabled: true Rails/ScopeArgs: Enabled: true Rails/SkipsModelValidations: Enabled: false Rails/TimeZone: Enabled: true Rails/UnknownEnv: Environments: - development - test - staging - production Rails/Validation: Enabled: true Style/AndOr: Enabled: true Style/BlockDelimiters: EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: EnforcedStyle: nested Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true Style/MethodCalledOnDoEndBlock: Enabled: true Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: EnforcedStyle: always Style/MutableConstant: Enabled: true Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: true Metrics/BlockLength: Enabled: true ExcludedMethods: ['describe', 'context', 'define', 'factory', 'namespace'] Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: true Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets: Enabled: true AutoCorrect: true Layout/SpaceInsideReferenceBrackets: Enabled: true AutoCorrect: true