require 'spec_helper' describe Datatable::Helper do describe "with sql defined class" do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :T) rescue nil class T < Datatable::Base sql <<-SQL SELECT id FROM orders SQL columns( {"" => {:type => :integer, :link_to => link_to('{{0}}', order_path('{{0}}')) }} ) end assign(:datatable, T) end describe "link_to" do it "contains href" do helper.datatable_javascript.should contain('<a href=\"/orders/%7B%7B0%7D%7D\">{{0}}</a>') end end end describe "active record test" do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :OrderTable) rescue nil class OrderTable < Datatable::Base set_model Order column :order_number, :link_to => link_to('{{0}}', order_path('{{0}}')) column :memo end assign(:datatable, OrderTable) end describe "link_to" do it "contains href" do helper.datatable_javascript.should contain('<a href=\"/orders/%7B%7B0%7D%7D\">{{0}}</a>') end end describe "html emitter" do it "should emit table" do helper.datatable_html.should have_selector("table#datatable") end it "should emit table with 2 columns" do helper.datatable_html.should have_selector("tr th:nth-child(2)") end it "should be html safe" do helper.datatable_html.html_safe?.should be_true end it 'should include individual column search inputs if enabled' do helper.datatable_html.should_not have_selector('tfoot th input') OrderTable.option('individual_column_searching', true) helper.datatable_html.should have_selector('tfoot th input') end end describe "javascript emitter" do it "should output a javascript tag" do helper.datatable_javascript.should match(/script/) end it "should ouput the options" do helper.request.path = 'ohai' helper.datatable_javascript.should match('sAjaxSource') helper.datatable_javascript.should match('ohai') end it "should be JSON" do helper.datatable_javascript.should match(/"bProcessing":true/) end it "should be HTML safe" do helper.datatable_javascript.html_safe?.should be_true end end describe "javascript options" do it "should output default options" do expected = { 'oLanguage' => { 'sInfoFiltered' => '', 'sProcessing' => 'Loading' }, 'sAjaxSource' => '', 'sDom' => '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>', 'iDisplayLength' => 25, 'bProcessing' => true, 'bServerSide' => true, 'sPaginationType' => "full_numbers", 'aoColumns' => "aocolumns_place_holder", 'bJQueryUI' => Datatable::Base.config.jquery_ui ? true : false } if Datatable::Base.config.table_tools == true expected['oTableTools'] = { 'sSwfPath' => 'flash/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf' } end helper.send(:javascript_options).should == expected end it "should merge defaults with others" do class OrderTable < Datatable::Base option 'foo', 'bar' end helper.send(:javascript_options)['foo'].should == 'bar' end it 'should automatically set the jquery ui options based on the config' do Datatable::Base.config do |config| config.jquery_ui = nil end helper.send(:javascript_options)['bJQueryUI'].should == false Datatable::Base.config do |config| config.jquery_ui = false end helper.send(:javascript_options)['bJQueryUI'].should == false Datatable::Base.config do |config| config.jquery_ui = true end helper.send(:javascript_options)['bJQueryUI'].should == true end end end end