# frozen_string_literal: true require 'log4r' require 'open3' require 'json' require 'vagrant-libvirt/util/byte_number' require 'vagrant-libvirt/util/storage_util' require 'vagrant-libvirt/util/ui' module VagrantPlugins module ProviderLibvirt module Action class HandleBoxImage include VagrantPlugins::ProviderLibvirt::Util::StorageUtil include VagrantPlugins::ProviderLibvirt::Util::Ui @@lock = Mutex.new def initialize(app, _env) @logger = Log4r::Logger.new('vagrant_libvirt::action::handle_box_image') @app = app end def call(env) # Handle box formats converting between v1 => v2 and ensuring # any obsolete settings are rejected. disks = env[:machine].box.metadata.fetch('disks', []) if disks.empty? # Handle box v1 format # Only qcow2 format is supported in v1, but other formats with backing # store capability should be usable. box_format = env[:machine].box.metadata['format'] HandleBoxImage.verify_box_format(box_format) image_path = HandleBoxImage.get_box_image_path(env[:machine].box, 'box.img') env[:box_volume_number] = 1 env[:box_volumes] = [{ :path => image_path, :name => HandleBoxImage.get_volume_name(env[:machine].box, 'box', image_path, env[:ui]), :virtual_size => HandleBoxImage.get_virtual_size(env), :format => box_format, :compat => "1.1", }] else # Handle box v2 format # { # 'path': '', # 'name': '' # optional, will use index # } # env[:box_volume_number] = disks.length() target_volumes = Hash[] env[:box_volumes] = Array.new(env[:box_volume_number]) { |i| raise Errors::BoxFormatMissingAttribute, attribute: "disks[#{i}]['path']" if disks[i]['path'].nil? image_path = HandleBoxImage.get_box_image_path(env[:machine].box, disks[i]['path']) format, virtual_size, compat = HandleBoxImage.get_box_disk_settings(image_path) volume_name = HandleBoxImage.get_volume_name( env[:machine].box, disks[i].fetch('name', disks[i]['path'].sub(/#{File.extname(disks[i]['path'])}$/, '')), image_path, env[:ui], ) # allowing name means needing to check that it doesn't cause a clash existing = target_volumes[volume_name] if !existing.nil? raise Errors::BoxFormatDuplicateVolume, volume: volume_name, new_disk: "disks[#{i}]", orig_disk: "disks[#{existing}]" end target_volumes[volume_name] = i { :path => image_path, :name => volume_name, :virtual_size => virtual_size, :format => HandleBoxImage.verify_box_format(format), :compat => compat, } } end # Get config options config = env[:machine].provider_config box_image_files = [] env[:box_volumes].each do |d| box_image_files.push(d[:path]) end # Override box_virtual_size box_virtual_size = env[:box_volumes][0][:virtual_size] if config.machine_virtual_size config_machine_virtual_size = ByteNumber.from_GB(config.machine_virtual_size) if config_machine_virtual_size < box_virtual_size # Warn that a virtual size less than the box metadata size # is not supported and will be ignored env[:ui].warn I18n.t( 'vagrant_libvirt.warnings.ignoring_virtual_size_too_small', requested: config_machine_virtual_size.to_GB, minimum: box_virtual_size.to_GB ) else env[:ui].info I18n.t('vagrant_libvirt.manual_resize_required') box_virtual_size = config_machine_virtual_size end end # save for use by later actions env[:box_volumes][0][:virtual_size] = box_virtual_size # special handling for domain volume env[:box_volumes][0][:device] ||= config.disk_device # while inside the synchronize block take care not to call the next # action in the chain, as must exit this block first to prevent # locking all subsequent actions as well. @@lock.synchronize do env[:box_volumes].each_index do |i| # Don't continue if image already exists in storage pool. box_volume = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.volumes.all( name: env[:box_volumes][i][:name] ).first next if box_volume && box_volume.id send_box_image(env, config, box_image_files[i], env[:box_volumes][i]) end end @app.call(env) end protected def self.get_volume_name(box, name, path, ui) version = begin box.version.to_s rescue '' end if version.empty? || version == '0' ui.warn(I18n.t('vagrant_libvirt.box_version_missing', name: box.name.to_s)) version = "0_#{File.mtime(path).to_i}" end vol_name = box.name.to_s.dup.gsub('/', '-VAGRANTSLASH-') vol_name << "_vagrant_box_image_#{version}_#{name.dup.gsub('/', '-SLASH-')}.img" end def self.get_virtual_size(env) # Virtual size has to be set for allocating space in storage pool. box_virtual_size = env[:machine].box.metadata['virtual_size'] raise Errors::NoBoxVirtualSizeSet if box_virtual_size.nil? return ByteNumber.from_GB(box_virtual_size) end def self.get_box_image_path(box, box_name) return box.directory.join(box_name).to_s end def self.verify_box_format(box_format, disk_index=nil) if box_format.nil? raise Errors::NoBoxFormatSet elsif box_format != 'qcow2' if disk_index.nil? raise Errors::WrongBoxFormatSet else raise Errors::WrongDiskFormatSet, disk_index: disk_index end end return box_format end def self.get_box_disk_settings(image_path) stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3('qemu-img', 'info', '--output=json', image_path) if !status.success? raise Errors::BadBoxImage, image: image_path, out: stdout, err: stderr end image_info = JSON.parse(stdout) format = image_info['format'] virtual_size = ByteNumber.new(image_info['virtual-size']) compat = image_info.fetch("format-specific", {}).fetch("data", {}).fetch("compat", "0.10") return format, virtual_size, compat end def send_box_image(env, config, box_image_file, box_volume) # Box is not available as a storage pool volume. Create and upload # it as a copy of local box image. env[:ui].info(I18n.t('vagrant_libvirt.uploading_volume')) # Create new volume in storage pool unless File.exist?(box_image_file) raise Vagrant::Errors::BoxNotFound, name: env[:machine].box.name end box_image_size = File.size(box_image_file) # B message = "Creating volume #{box_volume[:name]} in storage pool #{config.storage_pool_name}." @logger.info(message) begin fog_volume = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.volumes.create( name: box_volume[:name], allocation: "#{box_image_size / 1024 / 1024}M", capacity: "#{box_volume[:virtual_size].to_B}B", format_type: box_volume[:format], owner: storage_uid(env), group: storage_gid(env), pool_name: config.storage_pool_name ) rescue Fog::Errors::Error => e raise Errors::FogCreateVolumeError, error_message: e.message end # Upload box image to storage pool ret = upload_image(box_image_file, config.storage_pool_name, box_volume[:name], env) do |progress| rewriting(env[:ui]) do |ui| ui.clear_line ui.report_progress(progress, box_image_size, false) end end # Clear the line one last time since the progress meter doesn't # disappear immediately. rewriting(env[:ui]) {|ui| ui.clear_line} # If upload failed or was interrupted, remove created volume from # storage pool. if env[:interrupted] || !ret begin fog_volume.destroy rescue nil end end end # Fog Libvirt currently doesn't support uploading images to storage # pool volumes. Use ruby-libvirt client instead. def upload_image(image_file, pool_name, volume_name, env) image_size = File.size(image_file) # B begin pool = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.client.lookup_storage_pool_by_name( pool_name ) volume = pool.lookup_volume_by_name(volume_name) stream = env[:machine].provider.driver.connection.client.stream volume.upload(stream, offset = 0, length = image_size) # Exception ProviderLibvirt::RetrieveError can be raised if buffer is # longer than length accepted by API send function. # # TODO: How to find out if buffer is too large and what is the # length that send function will accept? buf_size = 1024 * 250 # 250K progress = 0 open(image_file, 'rb') do |io| while (buff = io.read(buf_size)) sent = stream.send buff progress += sent yield progress end end rescue => e raise Errors::ImageUploadError, error_message: e.message end progress == image_size end end end end end