module Groonga class ScanInfoData attr_accessor :start attr_accessor :end attr_accessor :op attr_accessor :logical_op attr_accessor :query attr_accessor :args attr_accessor :indexes attr_accessor :flags attr_accessor :max_interval attr_accessor :similarity_threshold def initialize(start) @start = start @end = 0 @op = 0 @logical_op = Operator::OR @query = nil @args = [] @indexes = [] @flags = ScanInfo::Flags::PUSH @max_interval = nil @similarity_threshold = nil end def match_resolve_index if near_search? match_near_resolve_index elsif similar_search? match_similar_resolve_index else match_generic_resolve_index end end def call_relational_resolve_indexes # better index resolving framework for functions should be implemented @args.each do |arg| call_relational_resolve_index(arg) end end private def near_search? (@op == Operator::NEAR or @op == Operator::NEAR2) and @args.size == 3 end def match_near_resolve_index arg = @args[0] case arg when Expression match_resolve_index_expression(arg) when Accessor match_resolve_index_accessor(arg) when Object match_resolve_index_db_obj(arg) else message = "The first argument of NEAR/NEAR2 must be Expression, Accessor or Object: #{arg.class}" raise message end self.query = @args[1] self.max_interval = @args[2].value end def similar_search? @op == Operator::SIMILAR and @args.size == 3 end def match_similar_resolve_index arg = @args[0] case arg when Expression match_resolve_index_expression(arg) when Accessor match_resolve_index_accessor(arg) when Object match_resolve_index_db_obj(arg) else message = "The first argument of SIMILAR must be Expression, Accessor or Object: #{arg.class}" raise message end self.query = @args[1] self.similarity_threshold = @args[2].value end def match_generic_resolve_index @args.each do |arg| case arg when Expression match_resolve_index_expression(arg) when Accessor match_resolve_index_accessor(arg) when Object match_resolve_index_db_obj(arg) else self.query = arg end end end def match_resolve_index_expression(expression) codes = n_codes = codes.size i = 0 while i < n_codes code = codes[i] value = code.value case value when Accessor match_resolve_index_expression_accessor(code) when FixedSizeColumn, VariableSizeColumn match_resolve_index_expression_data_column(code) when IndexColumn section_id = 0 rest_n_codes = n_codes - i if rest_n_codes >= 2 and codes[i + 1].value.is_a?(Bulk) and (codes[i + 1].value.domain == ID::UINT32 or codes[i + 1].value.domain == ID::INT32) and codes[i + 2].op == Operator::GET_MEMBER section_id = codes[i + 1].value.value + 1 code = codes[i + 2] i += 2 end put_index(value, section_id, code.weight) end i += 1 end end def match_resolve_index_expression_accessor(expr_code) accessor = expr_code.value self.flags |= ScanInfo::Flags::ACCESSOR index_info = accessor.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? if put_index(accessor, index_info.section_id, expr_code.weight) else put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, expr_code.weight) end end def match_resolve_index_expression_data_column(expr_code) column = expr_code.value index_info = column.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, expr_code.weight) end def match_resolve_index_db_obj(db_obj) index_info = db_obj.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, 1) end def match_resolve_index_accessor(accessor) self.flags |= ScanInfo::Flags::ACCESSOR index_info = accessor.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? if put_index(accessor, index_info.section_id, 1) else put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, 1) end end def call_relational_resolve_index(object) case object when Accessor call_relational_resolve_index_accessor(object) when Bulk self.query = object else call_relational_resolve_index_db_obj(object) end end def call_relational_resolve_index_db_obj(db_obj) index_info = db_obj.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, 1) end def call_relational_resolve_index_accessor(accessor) self.flags |= ScanInfo::Flags::ACCESSOR index_info = accessor.find_index(op) return if index_info.nil? put_index(index_info.index, index_info.section_id, 1) end def put_index(index, section_id, weight) @indexes << [index, section_id, weight] end end end