# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module JustPaginate VERSION = "0.0.11" # TODO make sure negative numbers, non-integers etc are just converted to page 1. def self.page_value(page) if page.nil? 1 else page.to_i end end def self.paginate(curr_page, per_page, total_entry_count, &selection_strategy) raise "Pagination just supplies index range, expects a selection strategy" if selection_strategy.nil? entries = yield(index_range(curr_page, per_page, total_entry_count)) || [] return entries, total_page_number(total_entry_count, per_page) end def self.total_page_number(total_entry_count, per_page) (total_entry_count.to_f / per_page).ceil end def self.index_range(curr_page, per_page, total_entry_count) start_index = ((curr_page-1)*per_page) end_index = (start_index+per_page)-1 if(start_index>(total_entry_count-1)) start_index = total_entry_count-per_page end_index = total_entry_count-1 end if end_index>total_entry_count end_index = total_entry_count end Range.new(start_index, end_index) end def self.beyond_page_range?(curr_page, per_page, total_entry_count) start_index = ((curr_page-1)*per_page) end_index = (start_index+per_page)-1 start_index > total_entry_count end def self.page_navigation(curr_page, total_page_count, &page_link_constructor) links = page_links(curr_page.to_i, total_page_count, &page_link_constructor) return "" end def self.page_links(curr_page, total_page_count, &page_link_constructor) page_labels(curr_page, total_page_count).map do |label| page_element = "" if label == "..." page_element = "#{label}" elsif label == "<" page_url = yield(curr_page-1) page_element = "" elsif label == ">" page_url = yield(curr_page+1) page_element = "" else page_url = yield(label) if label.to_i == curr_page page_element = "#{label}" else page_element = "#{label}" end end end.join(" ") end def self.page_labels(current, total) max_visible = 10 labels = [] if total <= max_visible 1.upto(total).each {|n| labels.push(n.to_s)} else if current > max_visible labels = ["<", "1", "..."] else current = 1 end if (current > (total-max_visible)) current = (total-max_visible)+1 end current.upto(current+(max_visible-1)).each {|n| labels.push(n.to_s)} if (current <= (total-max_visible)) labels.concat ["...", "#{total}", ">"] end end return labels end module Rails def warn_on_oob(requested_page, per_page, total_element_count) flash[:error] = "Page #{@page} out of bounds." if JustPaginate.beyond_page_range?(requested_page, per_page, total_element_count) end end end