require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' module Arql class Cli class << self def start parse_options!! end def parse_options! @options = 'mysql2', db_encoding: 'UFF-8', db_pool: 5, config_file: default_config_file, initializer: default_initializer) do |opts| opts.banner = <<~EOF Usage: arql [options] [ruby file] If neither [ruby file] nor -e option specified, a Pry REPL will be launched, otherwise the specified ruby file or -e option value will be run, and no REPL launched EOF opts.on('-cCONFIG_FILE', '--conf=CONFIG_FILE', 'Specify config file, default is $HOME/.arql.yml, or $HOME/.arql.d/init.yml.') do |config_file| @options.config_file = config_file end opts.on('-iINITIALIZER', '--initializer=INITIALIZER', 'Specify initializer ruby file, default is $HOME/.arql.rb, or $HOME/.arql.d/init.rb.') do |initializer| @options.initializer = initializer end opts.on('-EENVIRON', '--env=ENVIRON', 'Specify config environment.') do |env| @options.env = env end opts.on('-jJAVA_CONFIG', '--java-conf=JAVA_CONFIG', 'Use JDBC config in JAVA_CONFIG file, if directory sepcified, first *.properties/*.yml file found in the directory will be used') do |config_file| @options.config_file = config_file end opts.on('-ADB_ADAPTER', '--db-adapter=DB_ADAPTER', 'Specify DB Adapter, default is mysql2') do |db_adapter| @options.db_adapter = db_adapter end opts.on('-HDB_HOST', '--db-host=DB_HOST', 'Specify DB host, if specified -E option will be ignored') do |db_host| @options.db_host = db_host end opts.on('-PDB_PORT', '--db-port=DB_PORT', 'Specify DB port, if specified -E option will be ignored') do |db_port| @options.db_port = db_port.to_i end opts.on('-DDB_NAME', '--db-name=DB_NAME', 'Specify database name, if specified -E option will be ignored') do |db_name| @options.db_name = db_name end opts.on('-UDB_USER', '--db-user=DB_USER', 'Specify database user, if specified -E option will be ignored') do |db_user| @options.db_user = db_user end opts.on('-pDB_PASSWORD', '--db-password=DB_PASSWORD', 'Specify database password, if specified -E option will be ignored') do |db_password| @options.db_password = db_password end opts.on('-n', '--db-encoding=DB_ENCODING', 'Specify database encoding, default is UTF-8') do |db_encoding| @options.db_encoding = db_encoding end opts.on('-o', '--db-pool=DB_POOL', 'Specify database pool size, default is 5') do |db_pool| @options.db_pool = db_pool end opts.on('-eCODE', '--eval=CODE', 'evaluate CODE') do |code| @options.code = code end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') do puts opts exit end end.parse! @options.args = ARGV end def default_config_file conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql.yml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql.yaml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql/init.yml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql/init.yaml') return conf if File.file?(conf) end def default_initializer conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql.yml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql.yaml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql/init.yml') return conf if File.file?(conf) conf = File.expand_path('~/.arql/init.yaml') return conf if File.file?(conf) end end end end